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Everything posted by Nellie

  1. I'll aim to be there at 5:30 tomorrow bringinging 1000 or 1500 points of minis for Oathmark
  2. I'm really thrilled at the prospect of getting a game in. Here I was thinking I'd have to build two armies and just post on the various game stores discords offering to run demos for people! I've a bit of orcs and lotr wood elves painted up too. Enough to contribute to a kitchen sink sort of list, but I've really got my heart set on playing a cohesive human kingdom. I've messed around with a list builder, and I can fill out a 2500 point game. However I think that'd involve fielding an inadvisable preponderance of cavalry.
  3. Woah, I'm really happy to hear that there's some local interest in oathmark. I'm slowly chugging away at getting a human kingdom built. Here's what I've got so far. I really need to get my linebreakers done before I'll be happy with where I'm at, but I'm waiting on a couple of additional minis from footsore.
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