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  1. I have 1k for 40k if anyone wants to play a small game on Thursday
  2. @Kevin the Wizard I won't be able to play a game this week, sorry friend.
  3. This is getting out of control very quickly, which is exactly what is supposed to happen in Warhammer.
  4. @Kevin the Wizard That sounds fun to me, I would assume we'd just play our armies together on the same turn and share CPs
  5. I'll be there with 1000 pts of Space Marines at around 5:00-5:30 if anyone wants a quick game.
  6. I am going to stop by to do a trade. But I'll bring 1000 points of semi-painted marines if anyone wants to play.
  7. Saw this on reddit today, it pulls info from wahapedia and makes very nice printable datasheets and stratagem sheets that you can customize. https://game-datacards.eu/ Someone pointed out in that thread that if you want MTG sized printouts use the settings "6 per page, 3 per row, portrait, 80 scale, show graphics". On a personal note, I am finally getting over this extended head cold I've had (passed 4 covid tests in the last 3 weeks), and am looking forward to hanging out with you fine people soon!
  8. Hey, I am sorry to do this so late in the day, but I am not going to be able to make it this evening.
  9. I'll stop by tomorrow with my 1000pts of Space marines after 5pm, if there's a game that's great. If not it will be nice to see everyone.
  10. Greetings! I had arranged to play a game with @BigMick37 for Thursday, but I am not going to be able to make it this week. I am getting over some nasty bug (not the 'Rona), and don't want to share it with everyone.
  11. Greetings! I had arranged to play a game with @BigMick37 for Thursday, but I am not going to be able to make it this week. I am getting over some nasty bug (not the 'Rona), and don't want to share it with everyone. edit: wrong thread
  12. I'll be there with 1000 pts at around 6. If there's a game that's great, if not that's cool too.
  13. We're still planning on being there! We'll bring some side dishes to share.
  14. I work until 5, so I usually don't arrive until around 6 myself. I look forward to our game!
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