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Those new SM AA tanks?


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The Stalker is pretty decent- it gets a bunch of shots that can at least hurt most anything and it's reasonably tough. With Wave Serpents so common it actually will tend to see some other use as well. Worst case scenario you drive 12" and fire snap shots at two different targets.


The Hunter, sadly, is not as versatile and ranks a decent bit lower in my book. While it's incredibly dangerous to airplanes, that's basically all it can do, and it really only takes one good Jink save for it to be sad.

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The Stalker is pretty decent- it gets a bunch of shots that can at least hurt most anything and it's reasonably tough. With Wave Serpents so common it actually will tend to see some other use as well. Worst case scenario you drive 12" and fire snap shots at two different targets.

This actually reminds me of something that came up in a game a while ago: How does the Stalker's Searchlight work if it's targeting two different Units? We let it illuminate both, but couldn't find anything that really nailed it down.

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This actually reminds me of something that came up in a game a while ago: How does the Stalker's Searchlight work if it's targeting two different Units? We let it illuminate both, but couldn't find anything that really nailed it down.

Dunno, suppose it functions as the land raider does with PotMS.


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Lack of Interceptor, and the fact that you're chewing a whole HS slot just for a single dedicated-AA vehicle, make them kinda underwhelming. AV12 isn't terribly good, and lack of Interceptor means your opponent will have a whole shooting phase after his Flyers enter to prevent your AA tonk from shooting if he wants.


They're cheap enough they won't hamstring you (much), but I can't see any scenario where I would rather have a Hunter/Stalker over putting those points towards a Thunderfire/Stormtalon/Fortification instead.

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Well, a Thunderfire doesn't shoot down airplanes, for one. Running 1-2 Thunderfires and 1-2 Stalkers (especially if you're allying into yourself) is a fairly solid plan. Lack of Interceptor certainly hurts, but AV12 and 4+ or 5+ cover should keep them reasonably safe. Stormtalons have the disadvantage of being very fragile and reliant on reserve rolls themselves- if your 'Talons come in before the other guy's stuff does, they are pretty much guaranteed to die; ditto if they have AA defenses of their own, like many armies will. And I don't see the Stalker as competing with a fortification but rather complementing it- the enemy can be reasonably expected to kill one AA platform before the second turn, but two or three is a lot less likely. It's exactly the same reason that a single Quad Gun alone isn't enough to realistically stop someone's airplanes- you need backups for everything.

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AP, the Thunderfire doesn't need to shoot down planes, planes don't score objectives. Troops do, and guess what Thunderfires mulch? The issue is they're both in the HS slot, which is pretty busy for any Marine list that isn't Podspam or Bikes.


There is just too much going on in the HS slot to justify taking sub-par AA platforms. Flyers aren't a huge issue for good SM lists, and good SM lists don't run Hunter/Stalkers, its just as simple as that. They don't do their job efficiently enough, and they're borderline incapable of doing anything outside their singular niche.

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Vendettas, Stormravens, and Night Scythes all carry troops that score objectives. :P


How do good SM lists deal with Heldrakes, Night Scythes, and Vendettas, then? Not to mention FMCs. All of those are very real threats, and while you can ally in a little bit of stuff from Tau, you can damn well bet those are going to be #1 on the target list, and speaking from experience it's not that hard to kill a single unit of Broadsides.

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I'd argue that marines above all.armies desperately need extra AA.

The Talon is a poor AA platform due to cost/survival

The Raven is great but 1/10th of an army or more.

Marines have zero issue putting down infantry. Every single slot has that in spades. Only one slot has viable AA.

I'm running DA, so it's worse for me. No raven. Two flyers that have the armor of the talon, but the hp of the raven and cost 160-180pts. Neither are very impressive at AA.


I'd have to ally some SM to my army to take the stalker/hunter.


As is, been running DA scouts with flakk missile launchers, allied vendettas(2), and sometimes a firestorm redoubt. We do have divination, so might be able to hit the flyers with devastator squads.


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