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2/11 game

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Regrettably I won’t be able to make it down tomorrow. I’m still recovering from food poisoning and not entirely up to the task, I’m afraid. Please have Dragos crawl into the wagon and almost die for the evening (lots of moaning and complaining) or roll for him as we did for Bloody Tom in Jim’s absence. I’m truly sorry for any inconvenience but these last few days have been full of disappointments. Disappointments and vomit.…Well then, that about covers it,  I guess.

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Regrettably I won’t be able to make it down tomorrow. I’m still recovering from food poisoning and not entirely up to the task, I’m afraid. Please have Dragos crawl into the wagon and almost die for the evening (lots of moaning and complaining) or roll for him as we did for Bloody Tom in Jim’s absence. I’m truly sorry for any inconvenience but these last few days have been full of disappointments. Disappointments and vomit.…Well then, that about covers it,  I guess.


Hope you feel better. What happened at LVO? I didn't see your name listed in the results.

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