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Contemptor question / substitute model


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 My question is can I include a Contemptor Mortis in a Chaos Marine Force, or do I have to do counts as? I'm looking to build an army with lots of Interceptor.


I just got I just got three toy robots as a gift. They are the right size and shape for FW Contemptor Dreads.

According to the package their names are Tanker, Martian, and... Coma? Wait, what?


Brand: M.A.R.S. Heroes, should be pretty affordable.

Here's a page with pictures: http://kylesastrolounge.blogspot.com/2012/11/mars-heroes.html

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Correct, Chaos does not get access to the Mortis or Contemptor Mortis because... er... because shut up, loyalists rule chaos drools lolololololol!

To be fair, isn't the CSM mortis called a Forgefiend....?


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Sure, you just lose out on a point each of AV, BS, WS, and I.


And the Mortis gets Skyfire and Interceptor when stationary, right? The ForgeFiend doesn't get those.

All true points. It also has lower range autocannons.


The forgefiend does get "it will not die" and the "daemonforge" rule. Not to mention the "Daemonic Possession" and higher strength autocannons/plasma cannons. And, although the invulnerable save is the same with the daemon rule at range, the Forgefiend is 5++ in melee too. I will also note that as the Forgefiend has the Daemon rule and is a battle brother to Chaos Daemons, it can potentially benefit from a Grimore or the Warp Storm table for an increased invulnerable save. Forgefiend also has fleet, should it ever matter.


Although the stock contemptor is cheaper (155pts), it's weapons at that cost are far inferior (HBs). This one is very often more expensive than the Forgefiend, once weapons are added (who can resist the carapace cyclone?).


On a related point, I've done two games now with a pair DA Mortis Dreadnoughts with Dual TL Lascannons. On paper they look great, but when I try working out point costs to fit them in the army I find them lacking. At 155pts for each one, I'm paying 310pts for the pair. An FSR is 200pts and features the same number of AA shots. I can certainly justify the Mortis Dreads in apocalypse, but for normal play or escalation, I have trouble. The dreads are very nice in their mobility, but I question their value especially when my opponents' typically only bring a single flyer.


I will note that in durability, the dreadnought isn't so bad provided that you have other, more enticing targets. In escalation, this is often your super-heavy, as those tend to draw an impressive amount of fire even if they aren't dealing much damage. Plus cover or invulnerable saves are easy enough to acquire should you really need one (DA find 4++ pretty easy to come by).


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