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quick gaming table project


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A little background on this project:


So I moved out of the country and now don't have as big a gaming group anymore or friends with garages to game in or a convenient game store to play in .  This means I need to make my own place to game.  


First up, do I have enough space in my 'flat' to set up a 6X4 game table...check




Second, get the stuff I need to make an Urban Themed Gaming Table


2 saw horses

2 sheets of 3/4" 2' x 6' chipboard (i found this size easy to store and does not need extra structure under the boards for support) 

Paint roller

selection of largish brushes

drop cloth

quart of flat black paint

paint samplers of 2 different flat grey colors

*spray paint was not used...initial plan included some spray painted designs which didn't work




Third, start painting black


Use rollers to paint boards black






Fourth, start making it look more awesome


Use the darker of the 2 flat grey paints and a largish brush to stipple a random pattern on to the board







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Fifth, continue the en-awesoming of the board


Use the lighter flat grey paint to stipple over the darker grey...except not as densely






Sixth, admire your handy work...doesn't seem to bad for a quick Urban Gaming table




Seventh, added some terrain




Eight, NOW PLAY A GAME...you deserve it ;-)




I hope that this was helpful or at least interesting.  If you have any specific questions about this project ask away I'll do my best to answer.


I'm thinking about doing more posts about my attempt to paint all that mdf terrain if people are interested.

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The terrain is Micro Arts Studio MDF infinity terrain and Spartan Games MDF spartan scenics, plus some CNC workshop miniature scenery.


heres some links to the terrain





Gaming in Ireland is pretty lively i guess...there is a LGS in downtown Dublin thats pretty nice and a block away from a little GW store...I somehow find this funny.


Theres two awesome anything goes tournaments in march and april.  Im thinking of taking my Reaver or Warhound with 2 knights to one of these tournies.


Making my own gaming table for home use does have the advantage of being able to drink while gaming which i think is how its supposed to be done ;)

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