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Bits swap day


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Howdy. It's coming on spring cleaning time, though ironic with snow on the ground, and I am looking to clear some space out. The best way I have found to do this is to have a bits swap and barter day. Is anyone else interested in this? 


I can take the head and organize it with the store. I am want to get the store buy in as I don't want it to be seen as taking business away. Might run a cost per table to lay out wares or something. Or even have a store 'currency' used to purchase items that can be switched out as store credit. All ideas I am open to and discuss. 


Might be good to run a gaming event along side it, such as running it on either the tourny day or some other type of gaming along with it. Multiple reasons to get people into the store.


So thoughts? Timing wise I would like to try and aim for something towards the end of March or early April. 

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