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Sunday 3/2 - X-Wing?


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I'm thinking this Sunday I might be looking to play some X-Wing if the city isn't buried under too many feet of snow. I'd theoretically be up for this anytime during the day and could play whatever point values people are in the mood for. Also if there are 3 other people looking to play, I've been thinking about a 200 point team game...

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kacy, just read this while looking for somethign else in the official FAQ


 "Q: If a ship using Cluster Missiles misses with 

the first attack and then triggers Gunner/
Luke Skywalker, can it still perform the 
remaining attack granted by Cluster Missiles?
A: No."
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I'm headed down around noonish.


I have a 40k match @ 12:30 then I'm open.


Bringing 1850pts 40k, X-Wing, 1000 pts. WFB Learning and a few board/card games. Hope to get some games in.


Smash - can't imagine it would be too much trouble to come pick you up. I need to bail by 6ish for sure though so you might be looking for a ride later if you want a late gaming night.

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