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Corey the Comp Guy

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Take this all with the note that I am fully prepared and support the comp system for this sat. tournament as a test run to prevent massive noob stomping and abusive lists. I think we spend 90% of our time bitching about things and 5% actually making an effort to do something about it. Where the other 5% is spent for all you math whizzes, I could only speculate. Now I would love to argue these percentages but sorry they are clinically FDA and Surgeon General approved...so that would be pointless. 


Alright Corey as you're ears have probably been filled to the max with the complaints so far, squish over some room because here come some more. As I said yesterday, much like when I see Kevin in that Seahawks hat and chin strap beard, the comp really dampens my...style. Now you understand that, but arguing to opponents for me may be a challenge. As at first glance my army appears really strong. Garruth (White Dev.) simply had the problem dealing with at least 2 FMC's because of the lack of shooting. But someone looking at 3 FMC's may get that diarrhetic feeling. Even when I explain that I only have 2 ten man units of gaunts for troops. Arguably the worst scoring unit in the game. As you know my mission is to table my opponent, if I so happen to trip and fall on an objective on turn 5 then so be it. This Comp destroys my play style. It does help deter abusive unit spam but those list are still possible. With that said there are ways around the system by using other units. I think to standardize a rule set across the board right now is unfair to many armies. Being that whoever is creating the criteria probably doesn't have equal Mother Teresa love for every single army. Just how bad is a Flying Hive Tyrant? My views will vary greatly from many others. Remember, to standardize is to bastardize. 


I recommend that those who read this and have so far played by the comp system should post here to add in some advice. Yes I know everyone already hates it, especially when you go to start making your list. However I say play a game with it before you hate. I hate it, but I am willing to try it out some more, to even out 40k. In the end I don't want to use it, but it will help nullify if not atleast slow whatever the hell GW, thinks they are doing. Also keep in mind, yes it does suck when you make your list on paper and see all the units that you can't bring. Just remember other armies have those same restrictions, so it isn't as bad as it seems once you start rolling the dice. 

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  Well I will say at 1500 points there's a good chance I cant take out 2 fmc, but that wont stop me from trying. My list is fluff fun and that's the way I like it I understand not everyone thinks that way. I also feel that no one should be made to play at my level if they don't want to. I say let the good times roll/fly if i die well then I had the chance to forfeit the field and chose to fight anyway.

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Noted mostly I tossed out a number to aim for just to see what waves would happen. There are no hard caps just a goal and you are totally right this chimp system while a good first step is only that and the second step is a trip. It is also kinda confusing as it flips the number instead of leaving the credits added up. I only ever plan to include the numbers as an annotation at the end like we had this many armies at these scores show up last month... Data data data... Thank you for your candor and willingness!

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Which therein lies the problem. With nids especially I can't make fluff lists without a high chance of getting tabled. There is no generous middle ground when it comes to this codex. And the effectiveness of a list could take a horrible list into in some cases overpowered by taking only one extra FMC. It's hard to play soft. I just want everyone to know, I take things I feel will help my list table my opponent. However that sacrifices my potential to win with objectives. That is how I play my fluff which makes perfect sense as per nids. I am NOT and will NEVER try to noob stomp or take broken lists that allow me to power game. Though that is probably how it looks from the outside. 

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Gareth (me) has no problem with your 2 Tyrants sir.


My daemons have some of the harshest penalties in this whole comp system.  If I can make a list that comes close to the desired criteria so can you.  Just view it as a challenge as I have.


So this comp system infringes upon your playstlye?  It does to mine as well.  I play competetively.  But this is not a competetive tournament.  It's an event. 


And as long as it is run as such, you may have to adapt if you want to play in it.  I would rather play in a regular tournament too, but I also plan on having fun on Saturday to the best of my ability with what this event has to offer.  I view it as no different than an escalation league, or store campaign.  "Fun", "noncompetetive" affairs.

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Like i said earlier, against me play the hard list ill do my best. I understand this game has a learning curve. And nids Demons and the like should play to table the enemy. Cant see the bugs saying ohh this shiny spot here is the reason we landed. Daemons are all bloody killers Those army's wouldn't  give any quarter. 

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I'm thinking it is more of an issue in how Shae plays. Table you or go home. This is fine as long as people realize it. This is more about figuring out where things sit, our more experienced players visit the site more regularly so will be able to play up better. I'm going to collect copies of all the lists and run them through the comp personally so that I get more than just the number. Then decide to move forward.


1500 pts is awkward I think and 10 credits might be a little shy of the mark but gotta start somewhere it is easier to ratchet up then tear it down...

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