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Planetary Empires Final Apoc Battle 4/5 @ WOW

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To all of you who participated in the Planetary Empires campaign these past few months, Thank You and your reward is upon you!


Joel with his Tau conquered the most territories. So the idea was purposed to have an all out battle of Joel vs Everyone Else!


I am starting this thread to get an idea of how many people would be able to play in this epic battle on Saturday, April 5 starting at noon? 1PM?


Depending on how many people can play will determine the point level we all bring so please reply in this thread if you would like to kick some Tau face in!

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ugh...tau are really nasty in apocalypse.


1pm is better than noon for me. Should be doable.


As for point levels, it really depends on what's ready to bring. Apocalypse is really terrible for proxies, so it will depend greatly on what is assembled and transportable. I can easily bring 3k. 6k should be doable. More than that will depend on transportation. I'm on foot/bus, so that really is my limiting factor. Still, difficult to play more than 6k very quickly.


Are we fielding apocalypse datasheets and stratagems? Or is this just a bigger version of the rules we've been using?

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  Apoc vs only Tau??


 Oh yeah I want a piece of that action!


    As for points..I took around 3500 points of Orks to my first and only Apoc last fall,had a great time with them but this time I would like to add my Forts(probably in a network formation) my flyers and even a smallish detatchment of IG vehicles..Hell I would like to throw down a Chaos unit of chosen with Abbadon!..not sure how much all this would cost but im thinking in the 5-6k range.


 Also I call dibs on Ghazkul!...very much needed for the Bullyboys,hehe.


 And if someone whats to do a green tide ive got a Mad Dok Grotsnik model for them to use:)

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  Get back up there!


 LF more to help with massive Tau invasion!


  Seriously...we are gonna need some Deep strikers at minimum and it would really be cool if that Necron boss (Imotehk I think) could make it so we can steal inituitive and kill his Aquila first lol.


 All armies big and small rally up and lets kick these do gooders off the planet!

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