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Battle Report from 06/19/14


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+ + + TRANSMITTED:  vessel "Errant of Alman"
+ + + RECEIVED:  vessel "Astral Star"
+ + + DESTINATION:  Classified 
+ + + DATE:  5995999.M41

+ + + TELEPATHIC DUCT:  Astropath K'Bano
+ + + REF:  CF/90840958940324323432/AA
+ + + AUTHOR:  Codicier Arkiald
+ + + SUBJECT:  Recon Force - New Callisto
+ + + THOUGHT:  The reward for treachery is retribution





As requested a reconnaissance force was dispatched to New Callisto (REF: A12343488, attached) to determine if the intelligence obtained by Operative Kilra proved accurate.  Planetfall was made via standard infiltration/exfiltration protocols and consisted of members of the 2nd and 3rd Companies:


Myself and 1 command squad, 2nd Company mounted on bikes - TWO CASUALTIES

Tactical squad Alpha, Sergeant Magge, 3rd Company.  2 combat squads in a Rhino transport - SQUAD DESTROYED

Tactical squad Bravo, Sergeant Byormi, 3rd Company.  2 combat squads in a Rhino transport - SQUAD DESTROYED

2nd Company attack squadron mounted on bikes - TWO CASUALTIES



After orbital confirmation, Recon Force Arkiald progressed to the last-known location of the Aquila lander "Victorious."  Approaching from the east the Aquila was observed and was a total loss, presumably from impact from a large, now-ruined building.  As the Recon Force progressed towards the ruined lander the confirmation of Operative Kilra's intelligence was announced by drop pods landing amongst our force.  The traitorous Iron Warriors made their presence known and warfare erupted; please reference the attached encrypted file for tactical debrief (REF: B13294083, attached).


The opposing force consisted of approximately the following (my apologies if errors exist):


4 drop pods

4 combat squads of 5 - EIGHT CASUALTIES

1 sterngaurd squad, to include the force leader - SQUAD DESTROYED

1 ironclad dreadnought - HEAVILY DAMAGED

1 scout squad

1 land speeder storm





The Iron Warriors deployed an ironclad dreadnought and a tactical squad immediately into our ranks via drop pod.  The command squad was beset upon immediately and was forced to break ranks to engage one of the enemy combat squads.  As more of the enemy descended via drop pod it was clear that they were deploying for more than the obvious, as they focused on holding six different locations on the battlefield.  Our Recon Force did not challenge these locations and instead attempted to bait the objective into engaging by splitting targets and spreading out, utilizing mobility for additional security.



Both Rhino transports suffered early damage and held as fire bases for the tactical squads while the units on bikes attempted to engage from flanking positions.  The western area of the battlefield was given to the Iron Warriors in order to keep their forces from consolidating; what gaining these objectives did for the traitors is unknown and the Recon Force was content with allowing their force their trivial victories.  Casualties were minimal to the traitors while our force had suffered acceptable losses to this point, mostly from the rampaging dreadnought.



As the battlefield continued to spread the traitors' forces, our target and his retinue landed at last.  Myself and Apothecary Zelou were mired in close combat with a combat squad but I could sense their leader's presence to the east.  The trap had been sprung.  Sergeant Droma and his attack squadron relentlessly mowed down the retinue; even intervention from the accursed ironclad dreadnought (who miraculously survived this conflict) did not thwart Sergeant Droma's squad, as their ability to hit and run proved to be more than a match for the plodding traitor.  In the end, the enemy leader fled for the apparent safety of nearby ruins but instead learned first hand of the 2nd Company's tenacity when their prey is located.



Exfiltration was as expected due to the mobility advantage possessed by our units.  The enemy force leader has been transported via stasis by 2nd Company to our vessel; identity of this force leader has been confirmed as detailed in +++ VERMILLION LEVEL ENCRYPTION REF: F123904183 +++  Interrogator-Chaplain Adeen will force repentance shortly.


Operative Kilra should receive commensurate commendations for her work in locating the enemy force leader and 3rd company's sacrifices are not to be forgotten, as their noble sacrifice allowed our true mission to be an overwhelming success, with casualty rates 18% away from unacceptable levels.  Our vessel is leaving the system and will link-up with Strike Force Archimedes, as ordered.


Respectfully submitted,


Codicier Arkiald



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After Action Report: 999.41-98746514:56


Time effeciency: 90% to goal acceptable (explain below)

Overal mission: 105% to goal (explain below)

Casualties: 102% to goal (excellent and within standards)

Equipment damage: 98% to goal (Old One Geeno note below)


Mission breif: recon element "en fuego" identified hostile recon elements closing on a downed aquilla lander ear marked for salvage. Calculations showed a minimal requirement of man power required to secure the entire landing site drive off the enemy force and prepare for quick salvage of the entire lander by warsmith forgemaster Varanese. Squads azure and Verde dispatched with standard loadouts, along with Old One Geeno. Last minute addition of Epistolary Laudare with 5 autonomous sternguard units as enemy psychic emenations were detected.


Time effeciency notes: small delay in convincing Epistolary Laudare of his need in the first wave to secure the site delayed the autonomus Sternguard arrival by 31.35 seconds.


Overall mission notes: squads azure and verde to be commended for effecient deployment and achieving mission parameters without command advisement. Old One Geeno continues to outperform his estimated offensive capabilities.


Equipment damage: Overall with in acceptable levels as casualties were light and all equipment short of Laudare recovered. Added two serviceble lascannons to armory and able to replace overloaded plasma gun with enemy salvage.


Equipment damage note appendix "Old One Geeno": Geeno continues to vex Techmarine Touslavare with excesive repairs. While Geeno continues to out perform offesive output estimates he also suffers more damage than expected. While he was able to return under his own power this time continue to enforce edict 12.3-4326.


End log

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Access granted security protocol 00100111001001:


Notes for warsmith forgemaster Varanese: Epistolary Laudare has been effeciently removed as required. Suspected alpha legion infiltrator has been removed from command structure with minimal impact to morale. That he will be tortured by the misguided and inefficient first legion is a marked increase in % to goal of this missions secondary and restricted parameters.

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