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2/24/2024 Warmaster Tournament at Mindtaker Miniatures, Vancouver


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Join the Warmaster community in Vancouver, Washington, USA, for a friendly tournament. New players are more than welcome!  Will will use the Winterroller 2023 tournament pack (attached), except as noted. Join our event Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/740335198101379?active_tab=about

--latest version of Warmaster Revolution Compendium
--We will be using all the Optional Rules

--latest version of Revolutions Armies

Army List.
--2000 point army created with Warmaster Army Selector
--make sure to select the "Revolutions" tab


--Note that High Elves, Dark Elves, Chaos Dwarves have additional army rules.

--"Best General" - The attendee that accumulates the most Tournament Points.
--"Best Table" - The attendee that brings the best looking mat & scenery.
--"Best Army Appearance" - The attendee with the most attractive army overall.
--Note: Past years' winners for Table and Army Appearance may not win against with the same table and army, respectively.

How to Register.
-- Registration will be open February 4-17. 

Venue Details.
--Mindtaker Miniatures is an independent game store and comfortable place to play. 
--Free parking is available on-site.

--The registration fee includes lunch.
--Please note any strong allergies at the time of registration and no less than 1 week before the event.

Event Schedule.
09:00 Arrival
09:15 Tournament Organizer reviews tournament rules, randomizes pairings
09:30-12:00 First game
12:00 Lunch, Hobby Competitions
12:30-03:00 Second Game
03:15-05:45 Third Game
05:45 Award ceremony

We look forward to seeing you at our tournament! 


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Dear Warmasters!

Registration opens today and will run to February 22, 2024., (i.e. the Thursday before the tourney).

The registration fee is $25 and includes a generous lunch. The fee should be paid via Venmo, Paypal or physical check. Please contact me directly for details.

We look forward to hearing from you all!

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