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LF Eldar Advice from the experts


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So I am taking part in the 40k escalation league to get myself reacquainted with Eldar as it has been close to a decade since I really played them.  And I'm starting to get to the point I would like to hear from other Eldar players on what units/compositions/wargear work and what does not.


I am not aiming to WAAC, but at the same time I do want to know what units/gear works and what is a waste of my time.  I do have limited time to play being a family man, so I would prefer not to spin my cycles on wasted units/gear.


I have access to almost everything except hornets, eldar flghters/bombers and a titan.  Everything else I probably have or can make, though my jetbikes need some work.


Thanks for your time and input.


Seth AKA the WarlordGhrom

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Unsurpassed: Wave Serpents


Excellent: Warp Spiders, Hornets, Wraithknights, Windrider Jetbikes, Farseers, Lynx


Good: Autarchs, Spiritseers, Wraithguard, Night Spinners, Fire Prisms, Swooping Hawks, Fire Dragons, Warlocks, Shadow Weavers, War Walkers, Warp Hunter,


Useable: Dire Avengers, Wraithblades, named characters that aren't Phoenix Lords, Wraithlords, Falcons, Vypers, both airplanes, Shining Spears, Guardian Defenders, Rangers, Harlequins, Striking Scorpions, D-Cannons


Weak: Vibrocannons, Phoenix Lords, Dark Reapers, Fire Storm


Unusable: Howling Banshees


As a general rule, you want to throw out lots of mid-to-high strength shots over all other priorities. Telepathy is your best psychic table, though others can have their uses. Jink whenever you're shot at. Your reach is only middling, but your speed is incredible. Going second is often a good thing, because you have a lot of strong Objective Secured units. Make sure you have some melee defense to ward of enemy assaults- there aren't many ways to get it without taking allies, so keep that in mind.

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last OFCC… my MVP was my FW Nightwing fighter.  After that the Wrightknight with stock set up was a real good target for my opponents… which kept other things safe for a turn or 2.  Hornets - I have a full squad with pulse - nasty fun…  3 is a bit OTT if just playing garage hammer style.  I had 3 at OFCC - they were targets - did some things but were far more valuable at keeping the heat off of other units.


If you don't have wave serpents… you must.

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While I don't think I'd ever call myself an expert, the Eldar I find are very strong for making very interesting and focused armies.  I'd agree with most of the above on how units are used, but I'd put Wraithknights into Good, and D-Cannons into weak.  Also, with the changes to sniper rifles, iirc, I'd put into weak.  Could just be my play area because flamers are abundant, and they're not entirely mobile.


What I like is that your army can be completely different, and it's easy to have a more themed army than some.  For instance, you can certainly go with Wraith army style, you can do a scout style army, you can go more a marine style with heavier armor.  You can be crazy fast, to a point it's scary.  


On Banshees, when I could just flat out buy doom, they were OK.  Sadly, Scorpions or Wraithblades are the go-to choice now for HtH, and even then, against Marines I'd do blades over scorpions.

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For me, the Eldar Warp Spiders are tremendously fun (I love mobility just because it offers options at all points in the game) and they actually hit pretty hard.  I add Autarchs to them to make them extra fun and hitty, and also so they don't get stuck in combats they cant win, because really, they need to be shooting if they are to be the most effective they can be).


So from a pure fun AND effective standpoint...  Can't recommend them enough, especially with Autarchs.


Now if you're going to tournaments I know for a fact most people will tell you to take 4 Wave Serpents and 3 WraithKnights or some such.  I personally get along really well with zero Serpents and zero WraithKnights.  But for tournaments, that is the advice you'll hear on a thousand forums across cyberspace.  As "sure bets" go, its hard to argue against it.  Just dont get it in your head that its the ONLY answer.



Get those jet bikes in order.  You'll want at least a couple of small units of them for ganking objectives.  They are cheap, tough and fast.  What more could you want?


One last note.  The game has become Flyer heavy and Psyker heavy.  So you will want to give some thought to Psychic defense as well as a moment of pause regarding anti-air.  The Crimson Hunter MURDERS things, though having JUST one might be too few.  That can be argued back and forth but beleive me.  A Crimson Hunter can be an absolute terror.  If you don't DIG them, War Walkers can be equipped for anti-air duties (and they are GREAT support for pounding the enemy anti-air before the reserves start rolling, allowing Crimson Hunters to dominate the skies).  


In all events a cohesive strategy will inform you better than "unit reviews".  All the units in the world wont help you if i slip from the shadows and quietly cut their throats before they get the chance to do their "cool thing".  All the comparing in the world won't make that gurgling matter more.  =)


One last observation:  Eldrad is strategically awesome, allowing you to redeploy.  He provides the Psyker offense and defense you MAY want and he also isn't terribad in close combat.  I don't use Eldrad.  but you could do a TON worse than him.  so if a pair of Autarchs in Warp Spider units isn't your thing, consider him and especially what he can do for you strategically.

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Thank you all for the thoughts on Eldar. 


I'll be playing and aiming for OFCC/friend friendly lists.  So all Knights and Serpents are not my thing.  With that said I will probably be taking 2-3 serpents and 1 knight.  I think I may lean towards more Aspect Warriors and Guardians than spirit warriors and flyers.  Will have to see.


Any kits on Autaurchs that people like?

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My preferred Autarch is the "Solitaire" one- Eldar Jetbike, Mantle of the Laughing God, Laser Lance, Fusion Gun, and sometimes a Banshee Mask if I have spare points. He's crazy-fast, incredibly hard to hurt with shooting, can run away from most any combat he survives, hits reasonably hard on the charge (five S6 AP3 attacks), and in a pinch he can blast a tank to smithereens with his Fusion or Haywire Grenades.

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