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End Times Question (Rules)

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Howdy! I am just getting back into gaming (feeling like I have forgotten way more than I remember! LOL!) and I recently picked-up the Thanquol book for my rats, and had a quick question.


According to the Thanquol book, it -appears- that the End Times troops can be used in 'any' game of Warhammer.


But I've seen folks discussing End Times troops/figures as being something more of an 'optional' thing that you need your opponent's acceptance to use.


Is there any validity to that? Are they treated like other troop types, or do you need to get your opponent's ok first before using them?


Thanks! :)

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Howdy! I am just getting back into gaming (feeling like I have forgotten way more than I remember! LOL!) and I recently picked-up the Thanquol book for my rats, and had a quick question.


According to the Thanquol book, it -appears- that the End Times troops can be used in 'any' game of Warhammer.


But I've seen folks discussing End Times troops/figures as being something more of an 'optional' thing that you need your opponent's acceptance to use.


Is there any validity to that? Are they treated like other troop types, or do you need to get your opponent's ok first before using them?


Thanks! :)


No more validity in that than the people still in 6th ed land saying special characters require opponent's permission.  End Times is not generally well received among the fussier crowd though so realize that some may refuse to play against it.

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No more validity in that than the people still in 6th ed land saying special characters require opponent's permission.  End Times is not generally well received among the fussier crowd though so realize that some may refuse to play against it.


Ahhh, so there -are- some ET troops/characters that cause issues? Or is it the entire setting/all troops/characters from ET that bother some folks?


I suppose when playing someone for the first time I should ask if they're ok with certain things?


I mainly ask because I have not purchased any ET figs at all... but seeing some, there are definitely some that I would like because they look freakin' cool and would be fun as heck to build and paint. But I also play the game, and if certain troops cause heartache to the point someone would refuse to play... I'd probably avoid spending large $ on those types of troops/characters altogether.


Thank you Kremmet. :)



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as stated, you can play ANY version of warhammer.  but only games people play really are 8th and 8th with end times at the moment(until 9th drops).  as much as i dislike some of the end times characters(mostly KFA, eternity malekith and alarielle life on crack), id never refuse a game against them(but some will).  i think of it as more of a challenge! i dont think ill ever play khaine magic again.   or at least not with dwarfs lol.  that format just kind of isnt fun at all to me... "im going to cast comet, and again, and again, and again...." unbound i think is a little crazy, but havent played it yet!  id definitely ask beforehand if someone wants to do that style with you as its not a norm.  if you're playing with end times toys, just say that so your opponent knows to bring his toys ;) in casual games, just communicate is all.  tournaments are straightforward. i have yet to see big rats with guns yet.  really want to see those in action sometime!

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This is really a question for your local play groups. There are groups that have no interest in end times at all and others that are fine with everything except Khaine magic. Most events don't use end times, though some do.


I would say, since it seems like you're planning on playing some casual games with your new army, as long as you are not trying to power game your list, you'll be OK.


Remember technically there's no restriction against triple cannon double steam tank, or a 24 man warlock bus with 6 characters, but some opponents may not be interested in a game against it.


Also to consider is that until 9th comes out it's hard to tell the longevity of the models.

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The greater issue is that ALL games require opponent's consent. Your opponent can refuse to play you if you're fielding double nurgle prince or triple frost phoenix, for instance. If they don't want to play against Morghasts or Stormfiends then that's their prerogative.


In terms of tournaments, they generally restrict lists by content source. So if they don't allow ET units then you're SoL. Other times they'll restrict you to only current armybooks, in which case Morghasts / Stormfiends are fine (but you should probably make sure with the TO first).

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