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Fluff vs WYSIWYG thread....


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Topic is general 40k fluff and What You See Is What You Get rules related things


I'll start. If I show up to an event with a SM army that lacks their iconic anti-gravity backpacks, what rules penalties would my marines face if going by fluff? Can my marines move at all?

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The backpacks don't have antigravity in them do they? I thought they were aux power packs, ammo, heat exchange, etc.

I'll have to check. At one point, I recall it being explained that the backpacks were anti-gravity which allowed the marines to move in such heavy armor.

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I always thought those backpacks carried things like food, toothbrush, sewing kits, magnifying glass, shaving gear, and of course an extra pair of space marine undies. I wouldn't doubt that SOME Space Marine mothers might slip extra goodies in there too, like an occasional 'Booty Sweat' energy drink or maybe even a few 'Busta Nut' energy bars.


If you showed up to the table with Marines NOT equipped with those backpacks, I would therefore insist on a penalty to ALL reserve rolls you make since your marines are obviously NOT prepared! :)

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Looked it up on Lexicanum. Looks like you had it right, it's a power pack for the suit. I suppose saying it makes the suit lighter isn't entirely untrue, as it wouldn't work without it's power pack, but I did certainly have it wrong.


A very much ominous start to the thread.


Anyone else have WYSIWYG rules related fluff comments or questions (or jokes)?

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Anyone else have WYSIWYG rules related fluff comments or questions?


I am curious how strict/picky people are around here in regards to things like weapons on Wraithlord. If the model has a scatter-laser glued on to it, but I'd prefer to have it be a bright-lance - do people insist that it -has- to be a scatter-laser?


I have seen people do the 'magnet' thing with swappable weapons, but my models were all glued together long before I learned how to do that.


Or what if I have the metal Wraithguard, but I'd like to use them with the two ghostblades instead? Early wraithguard came with the wraithcanons molded as part of the figure.


Just curious!

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I am curious how strict/picky people are around here in regards to things like weapons on Wraithlord. If the model has a scatter-laser glued on to it, but I'd prefer to have it be a bright-lance - do people insist that it -has- to be a scatter-laser?


I have seen people do the 'magnet' thing with swappable weapons, but my models were all glued together long before I learned how to do that.


Or what if I have the metal Wraithguard, but I'd like to use them with the two ghostblades instead? Early wraithguard came with the wraithcanons molded as part of the figure.


Just curious!

Technically, most events claim to have a WYSIWYG requirement, though I remain unclear how it is enforced. It often seems self enforced more than TO enforced.


Wraith lord should have his weapons WYSIWYG, though the work around I've seen for this is to model more weapons than the model can have onto the model, as the WYSIWYG requirement at most events seems more concerned about bits not modeled on, than extra bits. Seems somewhat sinister to me, but to each their own.


As for the metal Wraithguard, I'd look into trading those off for the version you want. I think the old metal ones are neat.


EDIT: though one thing is that if using OOP GW models that don't have current rules, you can often use them to count as a similar model with rules and not run into the same WYSIWYG issues. Squat armies, in example, are technically not WYSIWYG no matter how correct their weapon or armor options are, because they are squats, not humans. That said, squats will be very much allowed, especially if not modeled for size advantages (one local player has his on "mounds" so they are the right height).

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Guest Mr. Bigglesworth

I prefer to look and see what I'm facing. But with that said I couldn't tell you difference between scatter and bright lance so as long as it is consistent through whole game I will be non the wiswr

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I prefer to look and see what I'm facing. But with that said I couldn't tell you difference between scatter and bright lance so as long as it is consistent through whole game I will be non the wiswr

I have enough trouble remembering which profile is the scatter laser and which is the multi laser. Seems like they should be the same weapon....

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I convert, paint, and compose army lists based on the WLK (What Looks Kewl) principle. Two of my Ravenwing bikers are modeled with a Crowbar or Tire Iron, with more "Improvised" power weapons WIP. That said, I when I build army lists I try to at least take units that can take the appropriate modeled wargear (like putting the two custom TH/SS power armored marines in the command squad.) In friendly games I've found every single one of my opponents has been ok with my "couts as" playtesting of a unit.  I make a serious effort when OFCCs roll around to be excessively accurate about what's on a miniature, though. But personally, with the cost of codex books being what they are I can't afford to buy the book just to know what my opponent's weapons look like. As long as you're consistent throughout the game about what's on it, it's cool with me.

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