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the REAL first gamenight of KoW league, Nov 10th

Don't Panic

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so yea i will for sure be there this week.  hope people can make it this time!!  ill be bringing the herd. 


  • We will be using 1000 points and pretty simple: beat your opponent by more than 100 points in 6 rounds each player!  To do this count up the cost of your opponents routed units!
  • Bonus point(cumulative for each game!) for killing the largest costing unit/hero of your opponent!
  • There are a few of us who are more than willing to show you the ropes so dont be shy! 
  • See my other thread for more detail! http://www.ordofanat...ue/#entry325601

Come on down for game night at WOW and bring those square bases back to life!  If you cannot make it, simply post here and try to arrange with someone for a game!



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Yes! I am currently in love with KoW. It's like breaking up with your first girlfriend and thinking you'll never meet anyone as good as her again. And then KoW comes along and makes you realize that first girl was silly and didn't have your best interests at heart and there's way better out there. Never again GW.

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Guest Mr. Bigglesworth

Would love to try one of these times just need to assemble the dwarf mega set and get some trays made. 10 guys built only about 50 more to go... Man I haven't put together a full army size in a long time

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Would love to try one of these times just need to assemble the dwarf mega set and get some trays made. 10 guys built only about 50 more to go... Man I haven't put together a full army size in a long time

im actually using the herd and i have a stupid amount of dwarfs plus movement trays.  so i could totally hook ya up until you get all of them built :)

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Great fun playing against Don Panic`s Beastmen army!


My first run with Basileans was a rather harsh learning experience as they got tabled,lol.What a change from my previous game using my Goblins that had twice as many units.I do like using flyers though so Im gonna change things up a bit and stick with the Angel army thing for now:).



I just realized a rule I wasn't using with my flyers,,,forgot that flyers have the "Nimble" special rule which gives an extra 90 deg pivot even while charging AND moving at the double...yeah,gotta use those kinda things,lol

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i thought you used the nimble rule!  yea learning this game is going to take some time.  im still not sure i was doing things correctly like im still fuzzy on multi charges a bit.  also,

your dice roll against the brutes was HORRIBLE.  think you were rolling like 13-15 dice wounding on 3s and you only had 3 wounds.  thats just crazy bad luck!  if you would have evaporated them and then charged my big avatar in the rear with those fliers... TOTALLY DIFFERENT BALLGAME lol.  those fliers are super good but will take some time to figure out.  once you get use to them that basilean army will be really hard to crack...

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