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Warhamsters Dirty Santa

Dirty Santa when?   

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Yea! The rules from last year:

From last year:

How it works:

1. Get a gift that a Warhamster would like to receive. If you pay money for it, it should be between $20 and $35 in value or so. You can go higher if you're flush, lower if youre not. It's OK to pick something from your stash if you have old minis, games, scotch, or the like that you think someone else might like. But it should be something cool. Or funny. Or awesome.

2. Wrap it.

3. Bring it to the Warhamster Yule bash, date and time to be determined, but probably a Tuesday night near Christmas.

4. Put them in a pile. Shake presents, inspect them, taste the wrapping paper.

5. Play a game of "dirty Santa" with your fellow Warhamsters: http://dirtysantarules.blogspot.com/ I'll come up with something extra for the giver of the first gift that is retired.

6. Profit!


Once you have a particular gift for the third time, it gets retired. Someone else want to do the bonus gift for the giver of the first gift retired this time? Brad didn't like mine last year (it was a Horus Heresy audio CD set with the last disc missing).

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