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As a kid, teen, college student, and up until recently I have always been infatuated with the Warhammer Fantasy Universe (and tabletop gaming in general), but never indulged.  Maybe because of time or money, lack people to play with or all of the above at different times.  Last month though my wife and I saw a great deal on the Age of Sigmar starter set and I finally took the plunge and grabbed it.  I am absolutely in love with it, although I have yet to actually get my hands dirty in a pitched battle with a worthy opponent (my wife tries, but it just ends up being me playing myself haha).


However, I have definitely been discouraged with the lack of people that seem to be playing it around me (I'm up in Bellingham WA) and I have been unhappy with the incredibly negative view of the game I have seen online.  It seems everyone is upset about Fantasy getting put out to pasture.  


I guess my question for you veterans of tabletop is this: why has there been so much backlash to Age of Sigmar?  The game hasn't been out too long, maybe it will just take some time for people to adjust?  Also, what is everyone's opinion of AoS in terms of game quality?  How does it compare to 40k for example?


Also, if there is anyone in Bellingham reading this and wants to play please hit me up, I need someone to play with  :laugh:

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I really have not played AOS very much but have been a follower of Warhammer since I was a kid.

I agree that the toxic environment online is really discouraging. I think that a lot of people are upset that their fantasy game and their fiction kinda disappeared and was replaced by something else. That has triggering a lot of unreasoned hate and negativity to the new rules and new fiction.


I personally think that the simplified and clean rule set is a great idea even if I think the initial fiction for AOS is kinda shallow. (It's kinda hard to personally relate to the experiences of immortal god-warriors with foggy memories and blood-bathing 'roid cannibals.)


Among some players is a rather immature conflation of pages of rules and points systems with tactical depth and playability. Same goes with RPGs and splat books. More is not always better.


I listen to the Garagehammer podcast for positive discussion of AOS. It was interesting hearing their concerns over the switch to new rules and the ability to find the bright side of the new game over the last year. Ignore the haters, paint your minis and play.

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Welcome aboard!


First off there is a few club members in your area,I believe Klawknee is one of them:)..im sure he will be posting here soon.


Yes,the game didnt get recieved well at all by the long time fantasy players,and was savaged extensively on social media.This of course led to the whole "Bashwagoning" of AoS by droves of gamers who never even played fantasy,,just cuz ya know..its cool to hate on Gee dub and all that /rolleyes.

The long time WHFB players had every reason to be dissapointed as AoS is nothing like what the previous edition of the game was(8th edition).


Ive been playing games for over 40 years,board,card,miniatures and of course digital,but I have always prefered games more on the "playable" side of things instead of the deep strategy stuff...well to be honest I used to really be into the deep rule sets but that was back 30 years or so,before real life and well,,partying really set in for me,lol.Anyhow in my oppinion I find AoS to be a very casual based rule set and quite fun to play with minimal time looking up rules and maximum time engaging in a dice orgy.The more competative players,of which are probably the largest block of miniature gamers in our region,are not seeing the game that way and thats fine with me as the game itself is not really geared toward competative play,,,though with the major release of the Generals handbook this summer,that could change or at least at a solid competative format to play the game in.Basically I look at AoS as a great hobby with a fun game attatched to it.


In comparison with 40k,I much prefer the casual nature of AoS..in game quality,its a matter of wether a player enjoys the rather convoluted rules that surround 40k and its deep list building or the much more streamlined AoS with pretty much a "bring what you want" type game.There are many fine fancomps for AoS though for those looking for a more balanced game,they work very well for that too because lets be honest,"bring what you want" is fun at times but obviosly can lead to some rather imbalanced games,lol.


It looks to me like AoS will be a great fit for you and your wife as its designed to bring new players into miniature gaming along with bringing back players who have long past given up on the hobby.This new direction was nescessary for GW as the previous editions were not even keeping the existing players active.

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Definitely giving me some things to think about.  I am not sure if I will ever get into competitive gaming (but anything can happen I suppose), so AoS definitely seems like a good fit for me.  At least for know.  Who knows?  Maybe it will lead to other things as well.  The Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower also looks very interesting, might give that a go at some point.  


I feel bad for all the people that feel disappointed with what GW did  :unsure:.  Hopefully they can release that anger haha, its not like the rules and models simply vanish.  


I am interested in the Generals handbook this summer.  A points system definitely would be nice.  What is the most recommended player-made one?  I've been looking at Warscroll builder dot com, but I'm not sure which method is best.


I was exactly the same way. I've been following all of warhammer for a long time up until a couple years ago when my wife and I tried to do 40k. Well that craziness was just too much. So after AoS came back we switched to that.


All the negative stuff is strictly on those crap forum sites. What you need to do is join pretty much all the big main AoS groups on Facebook. They are great and there is a new Super website for called The Grand Alliance. Any info you would ever need could be found on that site or Facebook.

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They are great and there is a new Super website for called The Grand Alliance. Any info you would ever need could be found on that site or Facebook.


Can you post a link to that website?


Can you post a link to that website?


There is a Bellingham Club that posts on this site. Jim Graham, VonVilkee, etc. Ask if you can join their private forum to see if you can games in!


There is a Bellingham Club that posts on this site. Jim Graham, VonVilkee, etc. Ask if you can join their private forum to see if you can games in!

Thanks Rain, I am a part of the group.  Nobody here is really into AoS it seems though.  :/ At least none that I have run into


Squeak, don't have much to add other then my rats have a plot to hold a tournament and campaign for this summer in this area.


A good guess for stores would be to see who bought enough copies of warhammer quest for a pre release demo. Discordia games in Bremerton and Mugu in Everett are ones off the top of my head.


To me this move from gw is just like wizards of the coast ditching thaco for d20.. Geeks are very vocal, for better or worse.

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