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Matched play

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More and more its looking like matched play will be strictly for a competative setting.Its not likely many battalions would fit into the point range or even in the core tax requirement.This is by design though,I think GW is trying to avoid what happens to so many game systems were once players start to min/max the point/core matrix then the game just becomes nothing but a selection of a few scenarios that are deemed as being the most balanced,then just 5-10% of the models in production being used as they are the most "competative" with all others sitting on the shelf until the next rendition/revision of the rules comes out.


This is why they are promoting the book as "Three ways to play".The nice thing about AoS though is that the fan made systems have shown that they can work very will with formations and fluff play using the published battleplans.So there will always be SCGT or even the Laurels system to play battleplans with.While the campaign system will be there ,,which Im hoping will bring a new take on how escalation leagues are played.

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I really like the idea of having 3 ways to play also (although I just need one way to play at this point, since I have yet to play an actual game ha-ha). I think just having some baseline point value for people to use other than people previously using the total number of wounds and/or the number of war-scrolls. Once we have points then people can bolt on other rules for limiting or opening up the system that GW makes up. Although I think it is a bit premature to just throw what GW has come up with out the window yet. We don't have the book in hand to see how all 3 of the new systems are designed. I personally can't wait to buy the book and see what they have come up with. Just give me the damn book already, honestly at this point I kinda don't want to buy any more models or play a game until I have it in hand.

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Just give me the damn book already, honestly at this point I kinda don't want to buy any more models or play a game until I have it in hand.

Yeah I'm kinda in the same place.  We also have the summer campaign coming up real fast though.  I will probably just stick with what I have, pound out a few games with my tiny Stormcast army for the campaign then make plans for expansion once the handbook is out.  

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Yer I stopped buying and just painting what i got.


Got to get ready to smash Chaos in Sigmars name.


And look good doing it.

Sorry but you ain't smashing [big bad swear word] :biggrin: !


I have my start collecting Nurgle mini army completely painted and done. I am currently working on painting all of my Silver Tower stuff. But at my pace it will take months to get it all painted. It should nicely bolster my legion of Chaos once it is done. I want to eventually get Archaon or some other nice big center piece model as well.

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From the comments I can see that summoning is pretty much just reserves now...not too bad of a route to go for competative play.But as I mentioned in one of the comment threads,I want to see what they do about banners that bring back dead models and stuff like that.

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