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Gets your FAQ`s Straight!

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Yeah,,faq`s are up:)




First one I note that they didnt finalize on the FB page was in the movement phase.Units that are "Set up" either at game start or due to some ability or action that happens during the game "Can be set up within 3" of an enemy" unless the action/ability states otherwise.


Yeah,,Realmgates will allow players to port to any board edge right into the enemies face if they are near it.


Off to work,ill check the rest out later.

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Just read through it.  Some things I liked and noted:


They clarified reforming after a unit loses coherency due to causalities, basically the next move must result in coherency being restored.


They don't consider hills to be cover.  That makes sense to me.


I really appreciated the clarification on climbing walls over multiple turns and the ability of units to "run" up walls.  Flying units don't have to worry about vertical distances ever.  Something I've seen different people take different ways.


Final word on pivoting!  No part of the model can move further than the move characteristic.  I think most people followed this, but its good to see "no free pivoting" in writing.


Glad for the clarifications on the Charge phase and piling in.  Don't have to charge even if there is a unit you end up being able to charge into and piling in cannot break coherency.  Love it.


Really glad for the clarification on the 6" pile in moves.  You still must be within 3" in order to pile in, the 6" pile in just allows for a little more flexibility in how you position them.


Kind of scary that if a unit loses coherency due to casualties and they can't restore it in the pile in move, no model can pile in.  Choose you casualties carefully! haha


Final word on Warmachines and crew: they are separate units.   


Hadn't ever thought about the short units being unable to attack the flying units if the weapon range isn't there!  Turns out they can't! haha


Mystic Shields (and all spells) stack apparently.  For whatever reason I thought they decided to say no to that.


It was also good to hear that a unit can only be a part of a single battalion war scroll at a time.  


Everyone will read it for themselves, but these were the ones that stood out to me.  Overall I think this rules FAQ is a good one and quite thorough with addressing most questions I've noticed arise.   :smile:

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The pile-in clarifications are all great to see.I especially like that they stated that a model that is already as close as possible to their closest model cant pile-in further...I know many liked to "orbit" models that were already in base to base so they could fit in back ranks.This clarification to me,really shows what GW`s intention for AoS is,they want players to plan charges with pre movement and positioning,not just try and get one guy within 1/2 inch then throw the rest into the mosh like some other games I know.


Plus this kinda hits the base to base measuring with a bit of a nerf...model to model is much more flexible in regards to pile-in and being as close as possible...example,if I have a model that is,lets say base to base contact in a game thats using model to model,I can usually justify a move to get closer to my opponent by just rotating the models weapon arm so that its right in the face of the closest model..this means since I can get closer,,I can then orbit around to let a back model into combat,all easily within the 3" alotted pile-in.And all of this kind of play can very easily be done without base stacking


Having these clarifications I think will lead to people seeing the potential for alot of tactical finesse in the movement and combat phase of AoS.

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Completely agree.  The movements of AoS have a ton of tactic and you really have to be careful (especially based on this FAQ) about being too reckless in your charges and pile-ins.  The skirmish unit style adds a lot of depth to the movement, let alone the shape of the unit itself.  

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Congo lines can still happen, just won't be as easy/effective.  You could manuever models to get closer to their closest model, but in doing change which model is closest.  So like you pile in to model A, but your pile in makes model B closer for your next pile in move.  Piling in just became tactical!

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