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Cheese or impractical

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Sooooo im making my list for OFCC already and before i buy and paint everything i want to get some opinions on my list, I'm afraid it'll either be too cheesy or just impractical and not act anything like it think it will.  I really like to wolf/wulfen vibe of the space wolves so I'm running with it, The idea is to just get the TWC and Wulfen to charge turn 1 or 2 while everything else just goes for objectives and clean up. Any and all opinions are appreciated.


going with the Wolf Claw Strike Force from curse of the wulfen for the counter-charge which in theory seems awesome and tons of fun.




(1) Wolf Guard battle leader with TW mount and Black Death axe of killy killness


(1) unit of 4 TWC 2 with storm shields and thunder hammer and 2 with pair of frost claws


(1) unit of 5-7 skyclaws with 2 plasma guns


(3) units of 5 grey hunters with 1 plasma


(1) unit of Long Fangs with 2 lascannons


Wulfen Murderpack:


(3) units of 5 wulfen, 2 with thunderhammer/storm shields, 2 with frost axes, 1 pack leader with dual frost claws.


Really want the 3 units of Wulfen to amplify the affect of the Infectious Ferocity.



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I think it leans more towards impractical than it does cheese.  I think a few small changes would make that army a lot of fun to play and against.  I would switch your long fangs for scouts, you have an aggressive - IN YOUR FACE - style army... make em fear the board edges too


That what you're looking for?

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the way the wulfen murderpack works, each turn on a 4+ for each group they get to make a free extra move, plus they can run and charge in the same turn, and they can re roll charges, so potentially up to 30" in 1 turn, plus if the TWC roll a 4-5 they get 3" added to all movement, runs, and charges so also a 30" range for them as well.  I really like the CC aspect of 40k so im kind of building my list around that, im just afraid if i get a couple first turn charges off they will just think the list is cheesy and broken.  As for the long fangs, they are a requirement for the formation.


Another thought, I could go with the blackmanes formation instead of the greatpack, which is very similar requirements to the greatpack except every unit that has the ability to take a drop pod gets one for free and all can come in on turn 1.  This would help me surround the enemy and take fire off the wulfen.



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Hello there,


Anyone that claims "cheese" is missing the point.


VI Legion are the Emperor's executioners, those that dole out punishment.  Seems to me that your army list is keeping within lore as well as the Legion's ferocity.  Oh and if folks still protest, Russ' legion was always known for their disdain towards most authority... so there's that.


Stay safe,



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This looks like a fun list to me. Like intrizic said, its a rather elite, low model count army but it packs some serious punch.


Those TWC will fight well, and are definitely worth the points investment, but I have found that they can still be very effective with just the stormshield or stock if points are needed elsewhere.


This looks like a well balanced, hard-hitting force that the Sons of Russ would be very likely to field. Would gladly play against.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Revised plan, still 3 units of wulfen with 2 of the deathpack formations, which consist of unit of grey hunters which I'll drop pod, unit of Thunderwolf Calv and 1 wolf lord which will be on a Thunderwolf with the TWC. The formation gives them the ability to run and charge if within 12" or wolf lord. That means each turn if I roll a 2-3 for curse of the wulfen the Thunderwolf Calv can 15" move, 1d6+3 fleet run and 2d6+3 fleet charge making their affective range 24"-39". If I roll a 5-6 on curse they get 24" move, 1d6 fleet run, and 2d6 fleet charge, giving them a 27"-42" range. 2/3 of the time it'll almost be a guaranteed 1st turn charge for both TWC units and still descently likely the other 1/3 of the time. What do you'll think?

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