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Brief Tau Empire Battle Reports from the Game Matrix Tournament

Lord Hanaur

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Went to the tournament Saturday and RELUCTANTLY entered when I learned that some of the more crazy Forge World would be allowed, including the Tau Supremacy Armor. I play Tau and even I don't really wanna' see that thing fielded.


Anywho, I decided the heck with it, I was already there. I entered.


Round 1

Round one was against the (new) Evil forces of Chaos Space Marines. They were led by no less than a Daemon Prince itself, and the list was festooned with predatory things from the dark recesses of depraved thought. The...things... inhabiting bodies were no longer men.  Chosen and Posessed abounded.


Such abominations had to be dealt with and the Greater Good pressed forward, smashing them into bits and assaulting the center point to destroy the Gun emplacement which was our objective. the Gun emplacement attacks the nearest thing and is pretty mean, helping to pop a couple ofthe Chaos Rhinos which dared too close.  In the end We successfully removed the energon Core from the thing and bid the infernal planet farewell, victorious. One key moment in the game was when the opponent made the calculated decision to allow his Daemon Prince to alight to the ground, which allowed me to obliterate it (just barely), negating many of the bonus'she provided her forces. This keystones loss was big. In addition, the primacy of the Tau Empire and its technology took a heavy toll on the enemy, making every shot pin point accurate.


Round 2

I faced off against a more ephemeral foe: the White Scars. Their legion of armored bikers were replete with as many Graviton Weapons as they could carry, revvin' their engines and ready to lance my lines with those same weapons. They also had some kind of interesting Command Tank which I had only ever seen one other time, at OFCC, which I guess allowed him to drop apocalyptic blasts on my head. This seemed like a bad thing for me.  The Land Raider came witha Grav Cannon which was pretty crazy as well.


I split my forces into three cadres to disallow him from crashing into my forces and pinning me in, giving me no chance for escape. I figured I would probe his defenses and flee the strongest point while putting damage on the weaker one first and expressing our range advantage as fully as possible.. This plan worked and the Tau Empire crushed all resistance. Our Fire Warriors and Snipers Drones hovered in their Gunfort, raining death on the enemy while we attempted to break the enemy lines with as many units as possible. The mission was to have more units in the enemy deployment zone than they did,so mobility was key and he had a lot of speed. We didn't just accomplish the mission, we tabled our opponent to a man.


Round 3

The last fight was against my old nemesis Dan. Many times has he knocked me out of tournaments with ties. The mission was to actively control more sectors than the opponent. His entire Battle Company army had the Objective Secured rule which meant I had to either obliterate him to a man(unlikely, though possible) or force my way forward at considerable peril in order to form a "border" around one sector, with the endgame being to contest the others if I could not control them.


So i began the arduous task of destroying the Dreadnoughts first which were his most potent threats to me, as they could shred and rend me apart if they got their in their full glory and killing them was slow work given there were six. I obliterated Rhino after Rhino, but Battle Companies pay no points for those, and so these were hollow victories as i had to repel his counter attack after each "success" and then do it all over again. He crashed against me like the tide, but we held long enough on the left flank to create our "border" successfully and as planned, the ONE quadrant was ours. We used lesser units to contest (though not control) the others and we could have done little else frankly as he just had m outnumbered with units. I pulled out the final win.


I ended up taking first at the tournament, so that should help me in the standings a little. More importantly we brought the light of the Greater Good to many million of people by freeing their planets so that they may be free to find their place within our great and ever expanding Empire.



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Fun report, I enjoyed it.  Thanks!

Yeah i was tired when i wrote it so I realize now i could have been a bit more detailed.  =(  it was a different Tournament in that they allowed pretty much no limits on units but you could only use one Codex and things that could be taken as part of that codex such as direct supplments, and i did like that part.  So no allies, in other words.  Many Forge World things happen to qualify by that definition and that was sort of the point of the tournament, was to allow the codex's to battle it out.


I had fun.  Some of the fun came from winning (of course) but i also never really had a single rules issue come up.  Everything went really smoothly in that regard, which is nice because in a game this complex, questions just do come up normally but i can't think of a single one that took any of our time.


I will say that some guy was trying to suggest my list was wrong and he wasn't even one of my opponents, so that was annoying.  This player thought I was using one thing when it was another, which he apparently just wasn't familiar with.  That was the only bump in the road.  I think the fella just didn't want to have to face me but as it turned out, he never had to, by losing his first two games.  =)


I played with a list that had a Stormsurge, 2 Riptides (no Formation magic), a full on Sniper Drone unit, A Tidewall Gun Fort, 2 Fire Warrior units, 3 monat Crisis suits with no weapons on them, Aun'Va (because I love him so) 2 Cadre Fire Blades, a Buffmander, and a marker Drone Swarm.  Pretty atypical, but i enjoy playing it.  It's a lot of points in the HQ choices.  i think it comes out to roughly 400 points in HQ's, which is a lot.

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