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Only War

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Hey guys!  I've been away all summer, mostly because of health issues and general low energy, but I'm feeling much better and want to get back into gaming.  I'm going to try to make it to the store this Tuesday, though lord knows what I'll bring with me (what are people playing right now?).


I've also been thinking about starting up a new RPG campaign.  I've got a couple of ideas, but the one that I'm most interest in is Only War, the Imperial Guard RPG from Fantasy Flight set in the Warhammer 40k universe.  Would anyone else be interested in a short campaign?  I'd be running the Final Testament campaign, which should last 2-3 months, assuming a weekly game.  I have all of the books, but I've never run the system before, so it'll be something of a learning adventure.


So how about it?  Who wants to die for a hopeless cause, forgotten, miserable and alone on some distant alien world?

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I had no idea such a thing existed! That sounds so much better than super-warrior space marine role playing. I love that they did an IG game, and am super sad that GW and FF are parting ways. Get what you can before February!


It sounds really cool, but I'll likely have to bow out. This quarter is brutallybusy, and with the restart of the Carrion Crown campaign I'm in, my RPG time is accounted for.


Also, glad to hear you're doing better, and I hope the casting stuff is working out!

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It's a very cool system.  It has this new rules system called "Comrades" that gives every PC an NPC "comrade" that he controls.  The Comrade can be issued orders by the player and use them to activate special abilities, like combined fire, but their most useful function is that a player can transfer any fatal wounds to their comrade, essentially giving them two lives.  The only player character type that doesn't get a comrade is the Commissar, but the Commissar can instant-kill other player's comrades to give the whole squad massive bonuses to resist fear or make special attacks.


There's also some really awesome Logistics rules that allow a squad to request all kinds of special equipment, and it does a great job of simulating the chaos of the Munitorium, as a squad my request a rocket launcher and case of missiles and instead get a case full of cigarettes.. or a case full of multimeltas.  A really bad roll can even result in a squad's heavy weapons being replaced with a consignment of dirty uniforms that were supposed to be sent to IG laundry.  Players can also play at being Sgt. Bilko and try to steal gear or trade with other squads (that's where a case of cigarettes comes in very handy), but doing so can draw the attention of the Commissars and get your whole unit executed for heresy (after all, trading with other units implies the Imperium made a mistake, and implying the Imperium makes mistakes is HERESY!).


My preference would be to run a campaign with just the Guardsmen classes -- Heavy Gunner, Medic, Operator (Pilot), Sergeant, and Weapon Specialist (basic grunts) -- but the rules allow you to make Commissars, Ministorium Priests, Ogryns, Ratlings, Sanctioned Psykers, Storm Troopers and Tech-Priest Enginseers as well.  The Sanctioned Psyker's comrade has the dubious special ability of instantly blowing out the back of the player's skull if he gets possessed, and the Enginseer gets a Servitor!

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That sounds fun (and potentially very deadly for a PC). I've been wanting to get in on the 40k rpgs (yes, including playing as or possibly DMing for a superhuman space warrior). When would you want to start running the campaign?


Also, I should be down tomorrow, so I can get the RPG gear back to you from the campaign.

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