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pretre's Annihilation List Noodling for March 4th - 1500 Points


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I will point out that, according to the FAQ, a "regenerated" Drop Pod is not allowed to Deep Strike.

Draft or official faq? I couldn't find it in the official.

Q: If the Veil of Darkness is used while with a group of warriors and you go into Ongoing Reserves due to a Deep Strike Mishap, can you come in by Deep Striking?

A: Only if all of the models involved have the Deep Strike rule.

Q: If a unit has successfully manifested the Gate of Infinity psychic power but mishaps with its Deep Strike and gets the Delayed result, how does it come back into play the next round – walking on from its own table edge or by Deep Strike?

A: It arrives by Deep Strike.

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Iron Hands Gladius




Captain with Bike, Gorgon Chain and TH - 185

5 Command Squad with bikes, apothecary, company champ, 2 storm shield, 3 Grav - 230

5 Tac with Plasma and Drop Pod - 85

5 Tac with Melta and Drop Pod - 80

5 Tac with Melta and Drop Pod - 80

5 Devastator Marines with Combi-Melta and Drop Pod - 80

5 Assault with 2 Flamer in Drop Pod - 80



Chaplain with Bike - 90

5 Tac with Plasma and Drop Pod - 85

5 Tac with Melta and Drop Pod - 80

5 Tac with Melta and Drop Pod - 80

5 Devastator Marines with Combi-Melta and Drop Pod - 80

5 Assault with 2 Flamer in Drop Pod - 80



10th Company Strike Force

5 Scouts with BP/CCW - 55

5 Scouts with BP/CCW - 55

5 Scouts with Mix - 55


So this is still an option. As are the various CAD SOB ones, if I still want to use Celestine.

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Okay, now I'm in the 'lay crap out and see how it looks' stage. I think I'm going to have to go with a Castellan's Variant at this point just because of Coteaz and Co. I forgot how much I loved my guard/inquisition models. I don't think I'm crazy enough to field guard (from a timing perspective) but I definitely would like to have these dudes hit the table:




Back row is 3 acolytes (a Leonidan guardsman, the Redeemer and his sidekick Malekev, 2 Plasma Servitors, 2 Psykers (counts-as Plasma Guns). Front row is my Coteaz. I basically just dug out the models I liked the best from my inquisition (although I have another inquisitor I would love to field as well) and put them together.

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I forgot Immolators have a FP now.



Celestine - 200

5 BSS with Melta/HF in Rhino - 120

5 BSS with Melta/HF in Rhino - 120

5 BSS with Melta/HF in Immo - 140

5 BSS with Melta/HF in Immo - 140

Dominions with 4 Melta in Repressor - 180

Dominions with 4 Melta in Repressor - 180

Dominions with 4 Melta in Repressor - 180

Coteaz - 100

Inquisitorial Henchman Band with 2 Acolytes with Plasma, 3 Acolytes, 2 Servitors with Plasma in Chimera with Psybolt - 140



The 4 BSS and Rides all regen on a 5+. Everyone has Hatred (yay?) which is only really good for Celestine. Warband is there because Coteaz needs a place to hang out in for Annihilation (no BB). All infantry are ob-sec. Tempted to swap the Rhino BSS with Tacticals in Drop Pods, just to get some out there presence.


edit: Whoops, forgot to add Celestine at the top.

With drop pods not working with the regen rules, this is my current 'favorite' (seconded by the BC with Command Squad).


I'm thinking of messing with it to get more 'out there' scoring units, like AP suggested. For the cost of one Dominion squad, I could get a couple scouts and such. I'm also thinking of taking a 'Inquisitorial Representative' formation to get a cheap inquisitor with 3 servos since servos are good again.

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For example, I could do something like this:



Celestine - 200

5 BSS with Melta/HF in Rhino - 120

5 BSS with Melta/HF in Rhino - 120

5 BSS with Melta/F in Rhino - 115

Dominions with 4 Melta in Repressor - 180

Dominions with 4 Melta in Repressor - 180

Dominions with 4 Melta in Repressor - 180

Coteaz - 100

Inquisitorial Henchman Band with 2 Acolytes with Plasma, 3 Acolytes, 2 Servitors with Plasma in Chimera with Psybolt - 140


Scouts - 55

Scouts - 55

Scouts - 55



I feel like I don't have a lot of killing power. Maybe swap repressors for Exos. Hmm.

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Ridiculous list:


Celestine - 200

Coteaz - 100

Inquisitorial Henchman Band with 2 Acolytes with Plasma, 3 Acolytes, 2 Servitors with Plasma in Chimera with Psybolt - 140

PCS with 3 Flamers and Chim - 100

Infantry Squad with AC - 60

Infantry Squad with AC - 60

Infantry Squad with AC - 60

Scouts - 55

Scouts - 55

Scouts - 55

LS Storm - 40

Exorcist - 125

Exorcist - 125

Exorcist - 125

Thunderfire - 100

Thunderfire - 100



Fortify whatever is on my board edge with my Techmarines. Plop the TFC and Exorcists down with Coteaz's squad to protect from deep strike. Bubble wrap with blob squad. Send out the scouts to take far objectives. Hope for the best.

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For example, I could do something like this:



Celestine - 200

5 BSS with Melta/HF in Rhino - 120

5 BSS with Melta/HF in Rhino - 120

5 BSS with Melta/F in Rhino - 115

Dominions with 4 Melta in Repressor - 180

Dominions with 4 Melta in Repressor - 180

Dominions with 4 Melta in Repressor - 180

Coteaz - 100

Inquisitorial Henchman Band with 2 Acolytes with Plasma, 3 Acolytes, 2 Servitors with Plasma in Chimera with Psybolt - 140


Scouts - 55

Scouts - 55

Scouts - 55



I feel like I don't have a lot of killing power. Maybe swap repressors for Exos. Hmm.


Celestine - 200

5 BSS with Melta/HF in Immolator - 140

5 BSS with Melta/HF in Immolator - 140

Dominions with 4 Melta in Repressor - 180

Dominions with 4 Melta in Repressor - 180

Dominions with 4 Melta in Repressor - 180

Coteaz - 100

Inquisitorial Henchman Band with 2 Acolytes with Plasma, 3 Acolytes, 2 Servitors with Plasma in Chimera with Psybolt - 140


Scouts - 55

Scouts - 55

Exorcist - 125


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Okay, so still playing around with stuff. I laid this out and wanted to see if I had all the models. Made a few minor changes. Largely, I have just the Dev loadouts that I'm not super happy with. I also added the free razor from the Command Squad, which I had forgotten. I have sufficient models to do the bikes. I was going to do the special weapon on the handlebars thing that I have seen some other folks do, if I do it.


Iron Hands Gladius


Captain with Bike, Gorgon Chain and Thunder Axe - 185 (this is the only power axe model in my army and they are both unwieldy, so I figured this would be okay)
5 Command Squad with bikes, apothecary, company champ, 2 storm shield, 3 Grav with Razorback (HB) - 220

5 Tac with Plasma and Drop Pod - 85
5 Tac with Melta and Drop Pod - 80
5 Tac with Melta and Drop Pod - 80
5 Devastator Marines with 2 Heavy Bolters and Drop Pod - 80 (Put these in just to give them something.)
5 Assault with 2 Flamer in Drop Pod - 80
Chaplain with Bike - 90
5 Tac with Plasma and Drop Pod - 85
5 Tac with Melta and Drop Pod - 80
5 Tac with Melta and Drop Pod - 80
5 Devastator Marines with Combi-Melta and Drop Pod - 80
5 Assault with 2 Flamer in Drop Pod - 80
10th Company Strike Force
5 Scouts with BP/CCW - 55
5 Scouts with 1 BP/CCW, 4 BP/Bolter - 55
5 Scouts with 2 Bolter/BP, 1 BP/CCW, 2 Shotgun/BP - 55

(Trying to get some ranged in here. I have the models to swap out the BP/CCW with Snipers, but am saving points right now.)

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And a fun CAD:


Celestine - 200

Ministorum Priest with Font of Fury - 35 (with Rets)

5 BSS with Melta/Flamer in Immo - 135

5 BSS with Melta/Flamer in Rhino - 115

5 BSS with Melta/Flamer in Rhino - 115

5 BSS with Melta/Flamer in Rhino - 115

5 Doms with 4 Melta in Repressor - 180

5 Doms with 4 Melta in Repressor - 180

Exorcist - 125

Exorcist - 125

5 Rets with 4 Heavy Flamers in Repressor - 175



The return of the Easy Bake Oven!


(Reminder: The Font of Fury (10pts) – Once per game, the bearer can use this instead of another ranged weapon.  Range: 8″, S3, AP-, Assault 1, Large Blast, Poison 4+, One Use Only, Bane of Evil: becomes Poison 2+ against enemy units with Chaos Space Marine, Chaos Demon or Khorne Demonkin faction)

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I'm kinda leaning towards this one right now.


Castellan's with Easy Bake:


Celestine - 200

Ministorum Priest with Font of Fury - 35 (with Rets)

5 BSS with Melta/Flamer in Immo - 135

5 BSS with Melta/Flamer in Rhino - 115

5 Doms with 4 Melta in Repressor - 180

5 Doms with 4 Melta in Repressor - 180

5 Rets with 4 Heavy Flamers in Repressor - 175

Coteaz - 100

Inquisitorial Henchman Band with 2 Acolytes with Plasma, 3 Acolytes, 2 Servitors with Plasma in Chimera with Psybolt - 140

Exorcist - 125

5 Scouts with BP/Bolter - 55

5 Scouts with 3 Bolter/BP, 1 BP/CCW, 2 Shotgun/BP - 55


5 Points to play with.


I was going to take sniper rifles, but it looks like that squad finally sold, so I don't have them anymore. Everything except the vehicles is ob sec, so that's nice.4 Troops and 2 Transports to regen. Hatred for everything. Probably Celestine warlord for the bubble of faith.

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So someone was trying to sell me on the benefits of Master of Ambush with Dominions/Rets, and I kind of like the idea. Towards that end, I got another Warlord Trait to try to fish for MoA and grabbed some servos while I'm at it since GSC. I also dropped the Chimera and took a larger retinue for bodies. Lastly, a LSS that could possibly regen gets me a lot of reach.


Celestine - 200
Coteaz - 100
Inq Henchman (C:I) - 9 Acolytes, 2 Servitors, Psyker - 86
5 Dominions with 4 Melta in Repressor - 180
5 Dominions with 4 Melta in Repressor - 180
5 Rets with 4 Heavy Flamers in Repressor - 175
Exorcist - 125

Troops (these regen)
5 BSS with Melta/Flamer in Immo - 135
5 BSS with Melta/Flamer in Immo - 135
5 Scouts with BP/Bolter (Raptor CT) - 55
5 Scouts with BP/Bolter (Raptor CT) and Land Speeder Storm - 95

Inquisitorial Representative Detachment with Ordo Hereticus and 3 Servos - 34


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I feel like I'm starting to agree to a core and it's just a matter of finding the stuff around it.





Celestine - 200
Coteaz - 100
Some sort of Henchman Squad for Coteaz - ??
5 Dominions with 4 Melta in Repressor - 180
5 Dominions with 4 Melta in Repressor - 180
5 Rets with 4 Heavy Flamers in Repressor - 175
Exorcist - 125

Troops (these regen)
5 BSS with Melta/Flamer in Immo - 135
5 BSS with Melta/Flamer in Immo - 135
5 Scouts with BP/Bolter (Raptor CT) - 55
5 Scouts with BP/Bolter (Raptor CT) - 55




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Master of Ambush is a fantastic trait in the general sense; I don;t think your list is optimized for it, but it certainly can make decent use of it with the Doms.


I think keeping Coteaz's unit relatively cheap is a good plan. Servitors don't get Multimeltas for free in IA, do they? A trio of them was always my go-to, since they smash Drop Pods and Dreadnoughts and whatnot while still being a reasonable threat to other units as well.


I hadn't noticed the Jokaero change; it's interesting, but I think ultimately not worth the investment with how awkward it is to build the "full" warband in IA. Might be useful for more casual lists, though.


Do you find the Rets to be particularly helpful? Heavy Flamers are nice guns and all, but I'm not sure how much utility they'll give you when they can't have a Drop Pod.


Do you have any Dev Centurions? They're a really good "solution" sort of unit, and right now I see your list struggling a lot with a GC of just about any kind- a Wraithknight or Stormsurge could give you serious problems.

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Rets are pretty okay, although they are not clutch. I could certainly swap them.


I don't have any MM servitors made, but I'm pretty sure I could convert my existing Servitors to use them. That's not a bad idea. Also, I'm not taking IA servitors since you can't get a warband from IA into a Castellans (for some weird reason).


Yeah, the jokaero change doesn't help me because it is only IA Jokers and the IA warband isn't available to Castellans.


I have Dev Cents (with Grav) but don't have a delivery platform in Castellans to use them. Are they worth it if I'm walking around?

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