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Frowbakk last won the day on June 3 2018

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  1. Let me see which restaurants are easily walk-able or on the free (Free! FREE!!!) tram that connects all of downtown Tacoma to the Tacoma Dome. Unfortunately, the Steak & Seafood I took a group of Japanese Engineers I was translating for about... two decades ago is closed. Pretty sure the next door gun store with attached shooting range that the DC sniper stole the tricked-out M-16 they used is still there though....
  2. I just had refunds ($50 for Saturday Airbrushing class, $40 for Weekend Hobby Pass) come through EventBrite email and PayPal (though it'll actually be another 5 days until it hits my credit card) EDIT: The Speed Painting class is down to $100, according to the website. Apparently they're lowering the price. I know the Airbrushing and Thursday night Hobby Masterclass do come with a brushes and a Monster-sized miniature to work on for each class. I am taking the Battle Sanctum to get airbrushed and the statue to the masterclass so at least I'll get a finished centerpiece of terrain out of the weekend. It's also why I'm not staying the whole day Sunday, but I live just north of Seattle so I can get home in time for Mothers Day festivities no problem.
  3. T-minus one month Just re-upping my offer for a roomshare. I got space if you want to save $$ to buy event exclusive models. PM if interested.
  4. T-minus one month Just re-upping my offer for a roomshare. I got space if you want to save $$ to buy event exclusive models. PM if interested.
  5. No,, sadly... The Hobby pass lets you use GW's paints and bitz boxes for the weekend. The focused classes, like Basing or Blending are extra. That's why I sprung for the Hobby masterclass, since it covers a range of specialist topics all at the same time. Oh, and I was only able to get a King Sized room with a roll-away, so Hotel sign-ups must be popular.
  6. I got my tickets for the Thursday night Hobby Masterclass from 6-10 PM, the Airbrushing class on Saturday at 1 PM, and the Hobby Event Pass for the rest of the weekend. I'm going to get a room with two Queen beds for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night. Who wants to split the costs of a room? (said the guy who has an inflatable bed (not just mattress) he could reasonably sneak along and fit another person comfortably)
  7. Got my Thursday Night Hobby Masterclass, Saturday Airbrushing, and Friday to Sunday Hobby Event Pass (So I can paint with GW's paint on GW's dime all weekend)
  8. Sand? You were lucky. All of my family, trying to get by on what we could find at the bottom of the pothole in the middle of the road where all 287 of us lived. We all dreamed of one day having even one GRAIN of sand to share between us, let alone the rampant excess of having more than that? Unthinkable. We had our pothole, and we were thankful.
  9. I turned a bunch of plague monks into conscripts with head swaps and arm swaps, scraped down their feet and removed tails. It'll work.
  10. Turns out none of the hobby stores have Magic Sculpt. But Tap Plastic does! So I can get my hands on some when they open on Monday and not have to wait for shipping.
  11. Yes, I've got the molding material like Blue Stuff, but I'm interested in the putty/plaster/2-part epoxy alternative to Green Stuff. In the video you linked to, he talked about EpoPutty from Alteco which is originally for aquariums! Time to check out PetSmart instead of Hobby Lobby... Although I'm wanting a material which cures in minutes rather than hours so I can build what I want over a weekend rather than taking an entire week. Plaster warms up when it cures, so wouldn't be good for the Blue Stuff (or equivalent) molds.
  12. I've got a terrain project which involves a lot of replication of details using Instant Mold molds. (like 50 per terrain piece... yes, I'm insane.) However, the time waiting for green stuff to cure as well as cost has just hit me. Any advice on what to use instead that would be cheaper/cure faster/etc?
  13. PM sent! Hmm, downside to not getting the Battle Sisters Squad, I guess.
  14. Anyone know which kit this (the head with the helmet on and the visor raised) is in? I've got a conversion idea I want to use it for. Or, anyone got a spare one laying about?
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