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Posts posted by Torg

  1. Well I have the resin printer...(Photon S) -  it works really well for figures / minis and greebles for adding more detail to less detailed builds.   I'm not really looking to print minis with an Ender 3 or something like that.  I am looking at larger terrain and other table top model builds.  If I needed more details in areas I would print those additions on the resin printer and add them in per part needed.  

    But mostly - just big cheap prints is what I am looking for the FDM/PLA printer to do.  I see a need for an FDM printer for larger parts of things (I am currently building a large mining rig as a set piece for terrain).  An FDM printer would allow me to cheaply make the "big boned" parts I need to replicate rather than building those elements from scratch (plastic sheets / rods and card stock).  Less labor - more detail lol.  And repeatable.

    Another example... a crashed large vehicle or ship (there is a gothic cruiser on Thingiverse in multiple parts to dominate a table) - would be something I could print on an FDM printer - then add details with my resin printer as needed.  Or a large dragon... with maybe the head printed on my resin printer... but the rest of the parts on the FDM printer.  I have to many ideas in my head lol... but you get the idea.


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  2. I seem to have gotten my Photon S dialed in pretty decently - and I am starting to look at FDM printers... Ender 3 / Ender 3 Pro mainly for a cheap start.  I had heard that there were specific builders or sellers of the Ender to look for or avoid.  I have looked at the Ender 3 Pro as well - not really sure if the difference is something to worry about.  And I have also started seeing stuff about the Ender 5 (with the larger build area (taller). 

    Advise in sussing out my target would be appreciated.  I want an FDM for bigger items - as my Photon will take care of smaller high detailed items.  I want to stay under 400$ or even 300$ if possible ( or lower looking at black friday as well).  I have already replaced my motherboard on my Photon so I'm not worried about tinkering with a machine.  I have looked at the Prursa i3 MK3 - but I just don't see the advantage of spending that kind of $$ on what fundamentally is a geek toy to my wife lol.


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  3. 10 hours ago, InfestedKerrigan said:

    I don't go so far as to refuse to play ITC format, but if I'm not playing competitively (which I no longer tend to do), there is no reason to play "40k according to California" over 40k by the book.  I'll play GWs game.  Abuse is going to come from abusers in any system.  

    This is basically how I stand on the subject of ITC format.  I don't play competitively ... I play purely to put my painted little minis on the table to justify spending so much time painting them lol.  I don't research strategies beyond building a list that isn't a complete waste.  I want the list I build to be competitive - so the games are not one sided for me or my opponent.  But thats back to the basic theme - I play for the enjoyment of the hobby.  If I see ITC listed as part of a league or a tournament I simply avoid it.  Not that I am trying to avoid WAAC or anything... I just don't care to play in that environment or "level".  Although I think OFCC style of fun environment ... Fav. Opponent type stuff is the higher "level" of the spirit of the game IMO.

    I am not being discriminatory to ITC events... it is just not my thing... and I know that.  Those whom enjoy or don't mind ITC either way ... good for them - have fun the way you want to play.


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  4. I have a set of templates ... and a copy of the blue book and this new book... I may have another copy of the blue book as well.  I think a copy came with a set for MICRO-Gaslands I picked up.  So if someone needs a copy of the original blue book - let me know.


  5. I used Ubuntu on my old mac laptop for a bit - it seemed stable and smooth enough.  I later switched it to Mint Linux - which seems to be snappy and stable on my old powerbook.  I used it as my main computer in my hobby zone.

    Really, linux is well supported - lots of tools and help and a ton of help online.  Just be sure to check the build options when downloading ... so it fits the hardware stats your installing it on.  Document all your special bits on your workstation - so you can track down drivers (or just make sure someone has made drivers for it in linux).  Just my two cents... I'm far from a power user - just want things to work lol


  6. If anyone missed it... here is a link to my last blog post with photos from this army.  I had lots of fun with the list, but I realize I need way more than 5 great games to get the hang of playing it.  I look forward to playing this list (with slight variations) over the next year and bringing a close version of it to next years OFCC (possibly) 

    My Blog Post - army in pictures


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  7. I am looking into getting these new rules - We are planning another Black Friday Apoc game (November 29th) at Fate and Fury Games in Vancouver, WA.  We are just starting to realize that maybe we should use these new rules lol.



  8. 10 hours ago, Dark Trainer said:

    Just realized this is a necro'd thread from well before this year's OFCC.


    OFCC's missions are meant to have a FUN flavor to them, without being broken. We've had some years ago that were crazy shenanigans (Vortex grenades, etc)! But those were also some of the most memorable.

    I just listened to this the other day ... and I can see the difference in the ITC and the "book play".  I'm like the podcasters in that I like my games and armies a bit more "narrative" or as i like to think of it "fluffy".  I'm not the kinda player for ITC - I am well aware of my tastes.  Hence, I have avoided ITC events since it's conception.  Although, now that I have listened to the episode, I may at some point try some LGS event just to see how things go.  But so far my favorite "way to play" in this edition is with the open war cards lol.


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  9. Really was getting things going well with my photon - but it crapped out about 2 weeks ago with a weird error.  After support emails I am waiting for a new motherboard.  The process was painless - but I have no idea when to expect the part lol.  Can't wait to get back into it.


  10. That works - I spent 2 CP to get the extra stuff.  Now I am wondering if I need to roll at the start of each game to get those 2 CP back???  

    I went over my list line by line last night - to see what I need to finish building as well as just get a feel for the build.  I am really happy with how things came out on this list.  I feel like I have lots of options as well as a really clear set of play / general workflows.  The army wants to move - constantly harassing... as well as get up close to deal out assaults.  I feel like I have just enough targets to make my opponent have to make some hard choices early on about what to "kill" - allowing my other stuff to live long enough to get involved in things.

    I'm hoping to get the parts all together so I can start playing with this list soon.




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  11. hmmm I tried retooling this list in Battlescribe (to make the changes for the warlord power) ... but the app said that after I changed the Harlequins to Dreaming Shadow - and gave the death jester Curtainwall relic.  Battle scribe stated that the harlequins were allowed 0 relics.  So I switched the harlequins back to soaring spite. 

    After reviewing the ynnari stratagems I should be able to hand out another warlord power and/or a ynnari relic.  I'm thinking about the shroud for the warlord wraithseer just to make it extra hard to kill.

    meanwhile - I have begun conversions and building this army - so the army is kinda set now 🙂


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  12. Thats my thinking as well on the 5+ CP regen... I just want to be sure I wasn't missing something.  Soaring Spite is more of a place holder as anything at this point.  It will not effect the list to change it.  I figured I would fine tune particulars after some play testing.  I will take a closer look at the relics and stratagems... I am sure I can come op with more options lol.  thanks again!





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  13. Ok - here is the list I am looking at - final to my team captain.  I have started looking at my meager CP's to spend and wondering if it would be best to give my warlord (Wraithseer) the power to get the CP's back on a 5+.  I have played few games - over the past year.  And I typically forget to spend these lol.  But looking through the list of stratagems for the Ynnari I am thinking of many uses for spending.  Currently my warlord has the power that regains one wound per round... as well as a 5+ feel no pain sorta power. 


    I can see spending one CP to give another warlord power to my Autarch -making him extra killy.  I worry about spending the CP and running out.  So I try not to lean on them to help me much.  But this list could really benefit from more CP shenanigans I think.

    Here is the list...  >>> UPDATED <<<


    >>><<<< MURDER HAPPY DEATH CLOWNS >>><<< (v2)


    ++ Supreme Command Detachment +1CP (Aeldari - Craftworlds) ++

    + No Force Org Slot +     Craftworld Attribute: Ynnari  ((- 2 CP on overall list))

    + HQ +

    Autarch Skyrunner : Banshee Mask, Shuriken Pistol, Twin Shrunken Catapult. Hungering Blade

    The Visarch

    Wraithseer: Walker of Many Paths, The Lost Shroud, Wraithcannon, Ynnari Warlord

    + Lord of War +

    Wraithknight : Suncannon and Scattershield


    ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Aeldari - Drukhari) ++

    + No Force Org Slot +     Detachment Attribute: Ynnari

    + HQ +

    Succubus : Archite Glaive, Splinter pistol

    Yvraine : 3. Word of the Phoenix, 4. Unbind Souls

    + Troops +


    . Hekatrix: Agoniser, Splinter pistol

    . 3x Wych

    . Wych with Wych Weapon: Hydra gauntlets



    . Hekatrix: Agoniser, Splinter pistol

    . 3x Wych

    . Wych with Wych Weapon: Hydra gauntlets



    . Hekatrix: Hekatarii blade, Phantasm Grenade Launcher, Splinter pistol

    . 5x Wych

    . Wych with Wych Weapon: Shardnet and impaler


    + Dedicated Transport +

    Raider : Dark Lance

    Venom : Chain Snares, Splinter Cannon, Twin splinter rifle

    Venom : Chain Snares, Splinter Cannon, Twin splinter rifle


    ++ Outrider Detachment +1CP (Aeldari - Harlequins) ++

    + No Force Org Slot +     Masque Form: The Soaring Spite: Serpent's Blood

    + HQ +

    Shadowseer: Neuro Disruptor, Shards of Light, Twilight Pathways

    + Troops +


    . Player: Harlequin's Caress, Shuriken Pistol

    . Player: Fusion Pistol, Harlequin's Caress

    . Player: Fusion Pistol, Harlequin's Caress

    . Player: Fusion Pistol, Harlequin's Caress

    . Player: Fusion Pistol, Harlequin's Caress

    + Elites +

    Death Jester 

    + Fast Attack +


    . Skyweaver: Shuriken Cannon, Star Bolas

    . Skyweaver: Haywire Cannon, Zephyrglaive


    . Skyweaver: Haywire Cannon, Zephyrglaive

    . Skyweaver: Haywire Cannon, Zephyrglaive


    . Skyweaver: Haywire Cannon, Zephyrglaive

    . Skyweaver: Haywire Cannon, Zephyrglaive

    + Dedicated Transport +

    Star weaver : 2x Shuriken Cannon


    ++ Total: [113 PL, 2,000pts] ++  ++ 7 CP++

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