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Everything posted by smashthedean

  1. Meeting report: Ambassador: Loren Hamsterizer: Corey Treasurer: Kacy President: Kevin And most importantly the offical newly created position... Janitor: Jim
  2. Alternately we could postpone until next week. The upside of that is we wouldn't have part of our game time taken up by the meeting this week and we'd have Hieronymous back. The downside is we'd have to wait until next week. Thoughts?
  3. I'd agree that PTL on TIE Fighters might be a waste of points. The biggest boon it gives the TIE Interceptors is the whole boost+barrel roll thing and while having an extra focus of evade token surely can't hurt a TIE Fighter, I'd rather just spend 12 points and get a PS 1 Academy Pilot for maximum getting in peoples' way capability coupled with being super disposable.
  4. We have Pathfinder this week so I'll be down there with that stuff.
  5. With that in mind looking at the poll, it looks like we're going to go for the 22nd. I'll make the official announcement tomorrow at the Warhams meeting.
  6. How is Eclipse? I've been thinking about picking it up as I love Twilight Imperium, but never seem to have the time to play. My understanding is that eclipse is similar, but in a smaller package. Is it good?
  7. I'm generally always up for some Zombicide.
  8. It looks like I likely will be making it down after all, but not until probably around 6:20 or so. I'm not sure exactly what I'm bringing yet, but my collection is: Super Dungeon Explore Cards Against Humanity + Expansions 1-3 Arkham Horror + Dunwich Expansion Thunderstone Advance + Caverns of Bane Expansion (half owned by Andy) Battlestar Galactica Chaos in the Old World Dixit Sentinels of the Multiverse + All Expansions The Resistance: Avalon Galaxy Trucker: Anniversary Edition Flashpoint Pandemic 7 Wonders Race for the Galaxy Mage Knight Board Game Space Alert Twilight Imperium + Shattered Empires Expansion Memoir '44 If anyone sees anything there that they'd like to try, I'll bring it. I'll also have X-Wing stuff, which isn't really much of a board game, but it has an entry on Board Game Geek so I'm counting it :P
  9. And it looks like the Pickford updated their showtimes and it's now playing all week so I may make Friday after all and go to the movie on Saturday or something. We shall see. Also, are we planning to have Board Game Night threads every week or are we planning to have a megathread? I'm kind of using this thread as a megathread at this point, but I'd suggest we either do weekly threads that get opened on Saturday or Sunday or a single thread to post stuff in. Also, http://www.pickfordfilmcenter.org/programs/limelight/knights-of-badassdom/ If you want to check it out. EDIT:
  10. Well balls, looks like this Friday is out for me. I forgot that this is the week that this movie is playing at the Pickford:
  11. Tell you waht John, just come down to my work and pretend you're opening an account and really we'll be playing a secret game of X-Wing. I'm sure no one will notice...
  12. Removing that date from the poll. I had forgotten what date that was exactly, but I wasn't intending to let an overlap happen.
  13. Good times. Well here's a cross-post of my collection from the board game library thread if anyone has any requests for this week: Super Dungeon Explore Cards Against Humanity + Expansions 1-3 Arkham Horror + Dunwich Expansion Thunderstone Advance + Caverns of Bane Expansion (half owned by Andy) Battlestar Galactica Chaos in the Old World Dixit Sentinels of the Multiverse + All Expansions The Resistance: Avalon Galaxy Trucker: Anniversary Edition Flashpoint Pandemic 7 Wonders Race for the Galaxy Mage Knight Board Game Space Alert Twilight Imperium + Shattered Empires Expansion Memoir '44
  14. Sounds good. Given the nature of my 40k list I'm thinking that game will be fairly fast with me either getting shot to pieces or eating lots of orks early on so I might have quite a bit of X-Wing time depending on how things go. A demo shouldn't take very long at all though so I'm sure we can fit something in and maybe even have time for a full game?
  15. I went ahead and added a poll for what day would work best for a games day. Please vote it up so I can gauge interest and commit a date to Nathaniel. Also, I mentioned in the Tuesday thread, but I'm going to bring my X-Wing stuff down tonight for demos or a game after my 40k game finishes if anyone is interested. I'd also probably be fine with any of you fine upstanding gents using my models or cards and messing around without me while my game is going on.
  16. I'll probably try to make it down to this on this Friday. What sort of games got played this last week?
  17. Welp, looks like a thing happened: So who is going to takeover GW?
  18. I have a 40k game with Matthew at 6, but am going to bring X-Wing stuff too in case I have time for anything after and anyone wants to play or just learn the game.
  19. I'm slightly confused too since the meeting is next week, but I'll be down around 6 with 2000 super proxied points!
  20. Nathaniel approached me about running an X-Wing game day/tournament sometime soon and I was thinking some weekend in February might be good. I'll probably bring it up at tomorrow's meeting too, but what dates would people here like?
  21. Heh yeah. We're not playing this week due to the meeting and Jim's date with Evan. If you are playing with a second group and aren't just confused though, I work until 6ish so can't really do anything before that.
  22. Looks like Monday might be out for me, but would you want to just do a game on Tuesday? I'd be looking to do 2000 points.
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