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Everything posted by andozane

  1. I know...Vypers will be 500 Pts 2 HP Armor 10 Open Topped :)
  2. For all those rage quitting 40K, contact me, I will take your unwanted worthless minis :)
  3. Yes true...though I did attribute the silly Batman voice that seemed to get worse with each movie as part of the "dark and gritty" aesthetic...
  4. Oh you guys are no fun...and dammit, why is my video not posting.
  5. Pretty sure the Warlord Titan shall handle it all... https://youtu.be/z_6PdkKqB2I
  6. Watch Scatter Lasers change to S3 :)
  7. The Dark and Gritty worked for the first two Nolan Batman films, the 3rd installment was a laughable mess. I think DC has done the Flash right, that show has humor in it to a nice effect.
  8. So, in theory...which I doubt this is actually true, Wraithguard are carrying D weapons? LOLOLOLOLOL
  9. Hard to tell...really just buy it nows, and who knows if those are real numbers...$139 seems to be a common number.
  10. Interesting...wonder how many people in that short amount of time spent way too much on ebay for one?
  11. OK...let us keep this thread on track with discussing Eldar and their cheeziness... Thanks...
  12. I'm only 5 episodes in...but if anything, this is far better than Arrow as it does not have near the "annoying" costars...no Thea and no Laurel's in this show, that makes it way better than Arrow :) I keep hoping for Laurel and Thea to get killed so they are no longer on the show :) Bring the mom back, she was way cooler!
  13. Yeah, extra Thumbs up for the Rifts reference within an Eldar thread :) I have high hopes this Codex will get the Necron treatment...I really feel GW knocked it out of the park with the Necron 'dex. It is just solid all the way around. If Eldar get that same treatment, I think Eldar players will have a lot to rejoice over. Looking forward to this new book.
  14. Hrm...I thought finecast was done...I'm surprised to see new models that are finecast.
  15. I'm jealous you are already watching DD...so looking forward to going home tonight and starting it up...
  16. Yeah, 3 - 4, that is fine...especially if you aren't minmaxing those internal units.
  17. Well, you are off to a good start by putting 10 guys in there, not the minimum 5 :) I do wonder tho...if an Eldar dex drops next month, will Wave Serpents be an issue still... But to echo someone else, I think it more depends on how many you are planning on bringing...
  18. Hoodie Orders andozane Chocolate - 3XL (AKA Triple Fatty) :) Thanks!!!
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