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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. Hey Swoop! It is nice to see you on the boards!
  2. Happy Birthday! May your tattoos never fade May your whiskers grow thick, and your stein be ever full!
  3. Grumble - grumble -Grudge! Them's be fightin' werds…..
  4. I dig the Gyro's. They are totally Buck Rogers! The bombers will make hordes weep! The Iron Dragons look cool too (They are in the background of one of the photos.) Stoked about 4 pages of runes! Really excited about stacking runes for greater power. Excited about put runes on all war machines
  5. Almost Human. 9/10. A smart, show with plenty of action. Sleepy Hollow. 8/10. Good campy, fun. Arrow. 8/10 My favorite super hero show. Elementary. 9/10. I like the wit and take on Holmes and Watson.
  6. NtK, Your house is great! I will see if Ellie wants to come and play with Ellia if that is okay with you. Pizza sounds great. I will bring drinks for us and the kiddos as well as 2400 points and the scenario. This is lining up to a weekend of great fun. RD
  7. It is simple static electricity to get the grass to stand tall and cull the excess.
  8. The next and hopefull, the final layer of flocking is on the tray. It needs to dry. Then, I can tap the excess off and use the balloon trick to finalize the project.
  9. More Rumors: Ancestral Grudge: Dwarfs always have the Hatred (Orcs and Goblins) and Hatred (Skaven) special rules- this means any unit taken from Warhammer Orcs and Goblins or Skaven. To determine the level of bitterness the Dwarves feel towards other armies, after deployment but before Vanguard moves, roll a d6 and consult the following chart: 1-2 Personal Vendetta. The dwarf general has hatred special rule against the opposing army's general 3-4 Rancorous Resolve. All friendly character models with Ancestral Grudge special rule have the hatred special rule against all character models from the opposing army. 5-6 Seething Score to Settle. All friend models with the Ancestral Grudge special rule have the hatred special rule against all models in the enemy army. Resolute: Models with this special rule have a +1 strength during a turn in which they charge into combat Relentless: Units composed entirely of models with this special rule do not need to pass a leadership test in order to march, regardless of the proximity of enemy units.
  10. The Brawl list is in. I have painted all but the eyes, claws, and beak of the eagle is done. I did the first flocking of the last skirmisher movement tray. GO. GO. RD> GO!
  11. The new paints do not dry as fast in the pot, but they tend to separate in storage. The need to be stirred as well as shaken. I add a wee bit of acrylic matte medium in my washes if I want to reduce the shine. You can pick up a bottle as most art stores.
  12. Happy Birthday Tim Post! May the noodles in your shoes be tasty. May the hairs in your ears be few. And may your nose never implode.
  13. Raindog

    The Pixies

    The Pixies have new music out and are touring. Here is their Tiny Desk Concert.
  14. I have heard another rumor that Hammerers are A2.
  15. I will be there at 4. I will play HZ or Andrew, I just want to play.
  16. Noon? One? At the club? I am looking forward to it,
  17. If you have not paid your new dues? Remember it is past the grace period for championship renewal.
  18. 2400 points, please. I want to test my brawl list.
  19. Friday is the 7th. I thought V-day was 14th……...
  20. I am good for 4 PM or later. Let me know!
  21. I am trying to get several games over the next weekend. I am looking for games on Friday, late afternoon or evening, any time on Saturday, and Sunday before or at Gmae Night. I am hoping to play several different armies, but I am not that picky. I need games topic my Wood Elves against. I would love games against Orcs and Goblins, Dwarfs, High Elves, VC, Tomb Kings, Lizards, Skaven, Empire, etc..... Any takers?
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