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Brother Glacius

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Posts posted by Brother Glacius

  1. Apparently you can't get one in Portland. I bought one yesterday, but it was in French, so had to return it. That was apparently the only copy in the entire city. Its unreal. Most game stores haven't even received their shipments yet. What is GW doing?

    • Sad 1
  2. you know, maybe what I should do is start building some interesting lists with the models I have, see what appeals to me, and then anything else that doesn't make the cut, get rid of (minus a few sideboard units). That genestealer cult army is a great example. I have a lot of stuff for it, probably enough for two maybe three lists. Figure out what I would like to play, and then drop most of the rest. Gives me a specific target to work towards, lets me keep some stuff, and release others.

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  3. A big part of the motivation behind this post is because I'm currently depressed. My best friend of 35 years died unexpectedly at the end of February and I'm poorly processing it. I suppose I have been fairly lucky in my life not to have had to deal with this sort of loss until now. But its causing all sorts of introspection and re-evaluation. My toys and hobbies generally bring me happiness, but right now they aren't. But not much is. That doesn't really take away from this conversation at all. It is still a very valid question. However, after getting some clarity on my motivation behind this, I figured I should share in case that impacts the advice. I _do_ have too much stuff. The need to get rid of it is up for debate.

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  4. I have two questions. I did some 10mm warmaster guys and they came out great...that being said, they seem awfully brittle. Did I over cure them? The wash and cure I have does 2min minimum. I can stop it beforehand though. So...did I overcure...or is it the resin I used?

    Is there a resin that is naturally softer? I got some minis from Excellent Minis and they are a bit flexible which seems perfect for that scale. But I have no idea what resin will do that. Anyone know?


  5. Decided to part with this beast and get something a little smaller. Has MagFlex plate attached, comes with an extra build plate, at least 2 internal usb filters, extra films for vats, all tools and accessories that came with it (including bottle toppers for the auto-fill vat feature). I've spent about $1200 on this, looking for $700 or best offer.

    • 12.8-inch 6K Monochrome LCD, 51-micron XY resolution
    • Massive 277.848 x 156.264 x 300 mm build volume
    • All-metal Structure
    • Automatic Resin Feeding
    • 5-inch Capacitive Touchscreen

    • Thanks 1
  6. I'll start this off with the fact that I think 9th edition really bled me dry a bit. I got all the books for the armies that I have and had hoped that it was going to be my final edition. Of course 9th ended up being so convoluted for me that I have moved on to 10th. The thing is, I like my models. I like that I have options for armies. But honestly, due to gamer ADD, I rarely stick with one long enough to get more than a single game in during an edition. The solution to this seems simple....drop most of my armies. Focus on one or two and just play those from now on. Seems logical. That way in any edition, I only have one or two books to get. I can focus on that army, learn the rules, learn how to play them, and it would definitely help reduce the amount of new stuff to get each edition.

    My problem is though that I like my stuff. And every time I drop an army...I eventually end up regretting it, or worse, getting it again at a higher price as is the way of the GW hobby. I probably should get rid of probably half of my armies...but it seems like a huge disservice to all the work I did getting them in the first place.

    So basically I have a problem if I keep my armies, and I have a problem if I get rid of some of them. #1stWorldProblems

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  7. GSC collection

    2x atalan jackals
    2 IG sentinels (scout)

    on sprue
    2x abominant
    8 genestealers
    tooth and claw set

    gsc truck - with bits to make rock grinder
    gsc rock grinder
    IG leman russ converted
    IG chimera
    three Mantic molemachines
    blood coven
    extra patriarch and primus
    4 aberants
    22 metamorphs/hybrids
    15 primed hybrids
    16 genestealers
    18 primed N. hybrids
    30 N. hybrids

    some various bits

    No hurry or rush to sell or trade. Feel free to make offers.

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  8. mortek crawler - on spru
    2x gothizar harvester - built (ball fists)
    kainan's reapers - built
    Mortisan soulreaper - built
    Mortisan boneshaper - built
    3x necropolis stalkers - built
    40x mortek guard - built (swords)

    Retail is about $500, make an offer or willing to trade. Would be open to Legion Imperialis, warmaster, the new HH IG set and other stuff. Can't hurt to ask.


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  9. I should clarify, I have seen prices on etsy or ebay for 3d printed warmaster armies go for around $150 +/- $30. Scott's prices are much better, but do require you to have the STLs. I myself have joined the patreon for a few excellent artists, gotten a sweet discount code, and then bought several armies worth of STLs. 

  10. not sure about the "no rules interpretation" bit...but the rest is pretty true. 🙂 It has always been one of my favorite games and I recently did the tournament at mindtaker. Was terrific and has me buzzing about playing again. Hope to be able to make it to the game nights. Oh, and you didn't even get to the best part. A good starter army, 3d printed, will run you around $150. If you want the STLs, $60-80. Mr. Shoemaker has fantastic prices for printing as well.

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