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Brother Glacius

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Posts posted by Brother Glacius

  1. okay, so I got my copies (hush ando). and I have to say, I'm a little disappointed from the aspect of sheer amount of plastic. This is after owning leviathan and there is no comparison. I'm a bit surprised there was no terrain of any sort. I knew there wasn't going to be...but after opening the box and seeing how much space was left and such....a bit underwhelmed. GW is really raking in the cash here on this box for what they are pushing out. Also, I've got lots of bits that have broken off the sprues so far. Not cool.

  2. I started watching the battlereport they have on warhammertv, and the game seems really simple. But honestly, its been so long since I played any epic, I couldn't compare them. The models do look great. I really like the 8mm size due to how much detail they are able to bring out. Man, its amazing how strong nostalgia is. I can hold on to a bunch of old models with a slim chance to ever use them, or I could use them to pay for the new game which is, in my opinion, way over priced, but will probably have a better chance to play it. #1stworldproblems

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  3. Also, check out amazon. I found several different two player starters there that are silly good. Most are Germans vs Soviets...but damn. We are talking < $70 and decent sized forces. There are also a bunch of mid war sets too that I didn't know about. Like they have a complete German Grenadier force, no tanks, just infantry and guns. And Soviets have something similar. And then on the flip side, I saw some all tank starters too. So depending on what period and theater you want, there are plenty of good options. Kind of makes me wish I didn't own so much FoW already. 🙂

  4. Been looking through the Flames of War store recently and found that there are actually a few Starter armies for most of the big nations. I can't stress enough how great these box sets are. At only $110 (which means you can typically find a little cheaper online) you get a fantastic value. Each one will give you a 100pt starting force which is pretty decent, plus most should work with what you got already with the two player starter. I see the germans have three box sets giving various armor options, and US have two. You have to go through the store as they aren't all listed under the Starter subcategory. But if you browse through the box sets for each nation, you should come across them. These are hands down the best value I've seen from any company trying to help new players out. Plus, you get a free rulebook in each one.

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  5. Has anyone looked at GW's new webstore? I haven't done much with it, was sort of shocked to see it...but that was nothing compared to the shock of their latest pricing. I mean on the one hand, it really shouldn't shock me....GW has been a jerk with pricing for over a decade now. I suppose it would be shocking if they weren't massively overpricing their models. But yesterday I was full on flabbergasted when I saw that a new AoS model...a dude on a horse...not a special character mind you...just some new marshal general, single pose with a head swap, dude on a horse...was $60. He should maybe be like $20....tops....but no...he's $60. I don't even play AoS. And while I think their new models for their "empire" line are good, there is no way I'd pay $60 for a single pose cav model. But clearly there are, people I mean. Who are these people? Don't they know if they didn't buy the model, then GW might actually change its pricing policy? 

    I remember buying the 8th ed WFB Empire General model....I think you could make two out of it, a mounted and an on foot. And you had lots of options on how to build them, either a general, hero, or BSB. It was a fantastic kit....I didn't need it, I had plenty of empire models to fill those roles...but it was good, had options, and not priced like it had "Trump" stamped across it.

    I know, I know....old news. Same old, same old.... Its this cycle of loving the products of GW, getting swayed back to having an interest in them...and then getting smacked by their business practices to bring me back to reality. I guess I suppose I should be grateful for the smacks as it turns my attention to companies that provide good games, good minis, without trying to rip me off. I definitely see more Bolt Action and Flames of War in my future.

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  6. The 3rd edition lists had more options and flexibility. The 4th ed ones are more simplified, in my opinion. I think they were trying to make the game more accessible to people by limiting options so people didn't get lost in choice....but after giving us amazing choices in 3rd edition, it felt like a huge step backwards. When you own armies and suddenly they aren't viable anymore, or in some case, even exist....not so much fun.

    But, if you are just coming into it, then I think 4th is fine. Any models you find for 4th will work in 3rd. Many 3rd ed units didn't make it into 4th though.

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  7. If you are interested in the books that I have, then we'd probably meet at Guardian Games or WoW (ordo clubhouse). If you are looking to purchase from a store, I'd say probably mindtaker might have some copies of various 3rd ed books.

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  8. The difference is in the Motivation, Is Hit On, and Skill boxes. The models are not different, so you could buy a platoon of M5s and use them for either of those units (vet vs non-vet). I'd assume the point cost for the vet units are slightly higher.

    Also, FoW has the Forces of War links...this is their in house army builder. It is a great tool and I can't stress enough how you should use it to make lists. It will cost a little bit of money...but I mean a little bit. For instance, say you want to do a late war US list, you purchase the late war US file on the site, and then can build as many US lists as you want. Sorry, my cats are distracting me from making a good post. But look into it. Compared to like GW which makes you pay a monthly fee to use their builder and then you have to buy codexes....FoW only makes you pay a few bucks for each Company you want to run. So if you only want to run armored companies, you just buy the armored company lists. You don't have to pay for the ones you aren't going to play.

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  9. I was a big time 3rd edition player, mid war mostly, tournaments, etc. 4th edition was not a big hit with me. I do have 4th ed books and rules....but it sort of took the wind out of my sails for playing. I still love FoW and after getting into Team Yankee a bit (which is very much like 4th) I could probably hop back in it again. Just hard for me to find time. But I am local to Portland.

  10. Also, not sure if you are interested, but I have some 3rd edition books that I am looking to get rid of (extras). I think 3rd ed was the best one yet...they have made compromises for 4th edition and went more vehicle heavy. Anyways, if you are interested in those, let me know. The north afrika and eastern front books were amazing at just the sheer number of lists and options. 

  11. Well, I would look into finding some STL files for buildings.... And then contact our very own Scotty's 3D Printworks and he can make however many copies you want for a great price. Seriously. I'm sure you could find free STLs that will do what you need.

    Also, thick carpet (typically brown or green) works great as crop fields. Cut them into a square shape and blop them down.

    I've also recently seen some nice trees done with 3d printing, so again the Printworks path could do well for you.

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  12. I think the Hit the Beach is a good place to start. I'd check Mindtaker to see if they might have one. I love FoW, but I'll admit, I've been completely out of touch with the local community for a while now. I know that Geeks and Games in Oregon City has a fairly robust community (or did). There was a solid group in Portland, but there aren't any local stores now that support it. So I'm not sure where they are playing. However, keep poking and prodding and I'm sure you can find some more local players.

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