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Posts posted by fluger

  1. Ditto. It's not there's nothing good in here, but it feels really lazy compared to the other books, all of which get neat special rules and army-wide bonuses.


    Yeah, I was really hoping for a really unique feel (my personal stab would be to have no armor saves and just higher T and FnP where applicable).

    • Like 1
  2. Seems to me this book is going to rely completely on pressure and board control. You're never going to have the damage output to fight straight up with Tau or Eldar. Fiddling with lists, I'm easily getting 5 FMCs *and* 4 oval base size normal MCs with around 80-100 gaunts. Throwing 3 crones and 2 flyrants in someone's face should, in general, give you the turn or 2 you need to get control of the table with mawlocs/exocrines/haruspex to clean up whatever they try to push out on objectives with. No, you're never going to table a competent player with a good list, but I think you can win an objective game against them with good positioning/movement.

    Considering your track record with Nids, I appreciate your input.

  3. For me the siren call are the broods of carnifex, but I think there is shenanigans with the mawlocs.  With the potential to strike twice with a large blast template at str 6 ap 2 ignores cover and then STAY IN RESERVE, because let's be honest, we don't want them on the table..anyway.  Is it a risky gimmick? absolutely, but I think I'll give it a go.


    Hmmm, that's interesting, I re-read how that works, and, you're right.  Mawlocs could easily be doing good work on lots of things like broadsides and such.  They are one of the few things that can do damage BEFORE interceptor kicks in, which gives them an edge against Tau, which, as I'm looking at this, seems to be the worst possible opponent for Nids (mostly because of the availability of ignores cover and high-strength shooting as well as loads of nasty rapid fire).  Mawloc popping up underneath two broadsides has a real shot at taking them both out in one go.  That's significant.  


    I think that, with that in mind, that the HS slot will be the new Elite slot of this dex.  Too much good stuff in the 3 slots.  

    • Like 1
  4. Yeah, it's just a template.  It has 35 pts spare already and you can squeeze more by...squeezing...  


    What do spines on fexes do?  Why can't they charge through terrain now?  


    I didn't realize flesh hooks weren't on there already.  That's 32 points right there to add them to the warriors.  Not sure what better gear I'd want on the prime, he's already ludicrously expensive for what he does...  


    As far as an answer to mech, it has pleny of answers, but they are all in melee.  Fleeting fexes and lictors with rending are a pretty good answer.  As well, mech isn't so much of a thing anymore.  The one main army that does it well is Eldar in waveserpents. 

  5. First stab based on the Spanish version:  


    Prime:  140
      Adrenal Glands
    Deathleaper:  130
    8 Tyranid Warriors:  320
      Adrenal Glands, Rending Claws
    20 Hormagaunts:  100
    20 Hormagaunts:  100
    20 Hormagaunts:  100
    20 Hormagaunts:  100
    3 Lictors:  150
    3 Lictors:  150
    3 Venomthropes:  135
    2 Carnifexes:  270
      Adrenal Glands
    2 Carnifexes:  270
      Adrenal Glands

    The hope is to create enough target saturation that something gets through.  The whole army has fleet (outside of the venomthropes) and there's lots there that is going to be drawing S8 shooting.  The carnifexes WILL be on people by turn 3 at the latest, and the horms could be there in 2 turns.  Lictors could infiltrate or deep strike depending on mission/opponent and will add to the target saturation as well as giving me the ability to show up in uncomfortable places (like the back of a Volkswagen).  
    The list has ZERO answers for flyers beyond just covering the board as much as possible, and it has REALLY limited synapse.  However, I like the feel of it.  
    Again, I'm sure Taudar would just lol this off the table more or less, but this is a list that will present quite a few challenges to quite a few armies.  
  6. A point reduction is nice, and now he can start on the board using his trail so I guess that is the trade.


    Yeah, being able to start on the board is pretty decent actually.  I hadn't considered that, but that's a big boost.  As winterman pointed out, MTC means no DT tests.  

  7. I can totally see investing points in two units of 3 and Deathleaper.  The -3 Ld would be brutal against psykers.  I'd still want the last elite slot for venomthropes I think.  


    I can see a lot of the moving pieces fitting together to form a highly competitive OFCC-style list, but I just don't think it has any real answers to Taudar.  :/

  8. I could see this working in conjunction with getting adrenal glands and the prime and having them surrounded by a sea of hormagaunts and then venomthropes.  The venomthropes would be key as they should be getting the first salvos of S8+ shooting to thin them out, which gives the warriors more time to stay alive.  

  9. Hmmm, in regards to the lictors, looks like they are functionally identical to before with the slight buff of being AP5 in general.  With a drop in points they seem to be a smidge better than before.  Not sure if they are worth it at all, but at least they aren't terrible.  

  10. He can grant Monsterhunter, Furious Charge or Prefered Enemy to his unit or a unit within 18".  I don't recall when he does it but its otherwise seems like before with the addition of monsterhunter.

    Sounds pretty good.  


    I could see running like 4 units of 20 barebones for just 400 pts and then using Swarmlord in a unit of tyrant guard to buff them as needed and provide synapse.  You could supplement with venomthropes for sexy cover saves and then round it out with tyrannofexes or something.  

  11. I will be running 9 Warriors with Boneswords and Fleshhooks as a CC scoring unit. If the opponent ignores them, they will destroy non-dedicated CC units. If the opponent dedicates heavy weaponry to them, my Tervigons and Hive Tyrants will live that much longer!


    That unit is 450 pts.  

  12. Hormagaunts gained an extra 3" run and base are more effective point for point then they were.  This is where swarmlord comes in, giving them the USR they need to get the job done.


    Are we sure that swarmy does the same thing as before?  

  13. Honestly, with the drop in points on Vanguard Vets, I would always run them if I wanted jump pack troops.  For only 3 pts more you get a bump in Attacks (crucial) and Ld (nice!).  You lose out on special weapons, but gain broader access to things like meltabombs and power weapons.  

  14. The good news is that since tervigons aren't as good as they used to be, at the present, it doesn't appear that there is any specific monobuild. 


    Time will tell.  


    I'm still pretty bummed that most of the 3 wound nids remained T4.  I REALLY wish they'd upped them to T5.  


    The real big bonus is now that both the SM dex and the Nid dex aren't super powerful we can hear less about codex creep!  HOORAY!

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