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Posts posted by Blustorm

  1. I didn't see them in the store...so how are they being sold?

    Are you talking about the online store? We don't usually sell stuff like shirts thru the online store. You either have to buy them at an OF event (like OFCC) or talk to the person who has access to them (which would be me).  :cool:

    • Like 1
  2. The Wolf of Wall Street: 8 out of 10


    Great Scorsese film. It does feel similar to some of his other movies (Casino in particular), but with more focus on 80's style greed and excess. A lot of "OMG! Did that really happen?" moments in this movie; it could be shocking to some viewers. If you get a chance, couple this with American Hustle for an amazing double-feature. 

  3. Had to google Alan Smithee. Which version do you mean? I remember seeing one of the extended cuts once, and it was great - longer intro narrative, and plenty of new scenes (without the post-production spice-addiction eyes added in). It was great, but I haven't seen it since. Are the longer versions (there are several, it seems) widely available these days?


    Evidently, I can't post text from this site, so I will just link to it:




    Scroll down to near the bottom where it lists versions of the movie. I'm primarily referring to the Extended Edition (as that is what I have on DVD), though I did have a VHS copy of the original Alan Smithee version at one point. 

  4. I know I'm in a minority, but I liked what Lynch did. Sure, the sound-guns were a stupid idea, but he really captured the epic Baroque "otherness" of the books. Visually, it was a feast, and I loved what he did with the internal dialogue. 

    I watch the Alan Smithee version of his film every few years, when I get a Dune jones. 


    The Sci-Fi channel version isn't too bad, but it's very apparent the mini-series was lacking a proper effects budget. 

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