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Posts posted by blackvigil

  1. I've been working on vehicles. I am not really speeding along, but that's ok. Turns out, with the point increases, I almost already have 2k painted. Well, the vehicles will need some highlights, and the Wraithseers need work. Ok, I don't have 2k, but I have a lot. 🙂 Anyway, seeing pictures of boring base coated vehicles isn't awesome, but I've done 2 Wave Serpents, a Hemlock, and I'm midway through the Falcon and Spinner. I took the advice of Ed, who enlightened me about the use of paint pens for panel lining. I ordered some that Japanese modelers use on their Gundam models. The black one works great. We'll see how the others work down the road.



    No highlights yet... Just getting them all to this spot. "Battle Ready" I guess they call it. Then I'll assembly line the highlights.

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  2. 6 minutes ago, Lyraeus said:

    The box set includes the hard cover book...so 134 for all those models.... thats pretty good.

    For sure. I wonder what the secondary market for the individual unit will be. You know there will be ebayers buying up the boxes as fast as they can.

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  3. I watched the stream this morning. It seemed like they weren't happy with the leak, but since it was out and legit, they wanted us to have the material in the manner than they wanted to present. That makes sense. I'm glad they did that. Now we can start tinkering with ideas.

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  4. I got super distracted with modelling. I put together the Hemlock, another Wave Serpent, and did some additional magnetizing for easy weapon swaps. 

    Today I jumped back in the saddle and "finished" these guys. They will 100% get a final tune up before I seal them, or finish the basing scheme. I always go through an army before a tournament, and do final highlights.


    Ranger character I'll never use. I'll field her in Kill Team, or just as a Ranger


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  5. 20 minutes ago, Mulgrok said:

    I am optimistic that they will be like suppressors and eliminators.  Good units with severely restricted unit size.

    I'd assume they are like Aggressors. They are Gravis guys with specialized guns. It seems similar. That means a group of 6. Still pretty manageable. 

  6. 15 minutes ago, Ish said:

    I think they’re a little over-the-top due to the Total Obliteration special rule. I’m usually reluctant to make cross-faction comparisons, but in this case, it’s hard to avoid comparing them to Eldar Fire Dragons.

    Well... You're not wrong. Fire Dragons are trash compared to Eradicators. I was trying to explain my outlook to my wife... Any time marines get something that is far and away better than the chaos or xenos equivalent, it won't hurt to be mad about. I accept that GW loves marines more than their other children, by a lot. It's not even close. Marines have their own tab on the GW site, separate from the Imperium section. They are the chosen ones, and will *always* have better stuff. When other things rise above them in the meta, GW "fixes" it. 

    I'm not being sarcastic. I just accept it. I bought elves because I like elves. They will never be as good as muhreenz. That's ok. I'll play them too.

  7. I think the game is more interesting and tactical with a smaller board, so my home set up will be using it. I hope OFCC uses the minimum sized board too. Larger boards will encourage a gunline or airforce style of play. None of that will bother me, since I don't care if I win. I just want a fun game.

    Also... How about those Eradicators? Damn!

    2 New 40k Indomitus Datasheet Rules: Eradicators & Cryptothralls ...

  8. Post image

    When someone gave them some painting tips, they replied with, "I’m used to not shading miniatures since I usually let the natural light take care of that."

    And here I am, like a jackass, shading and highlighting models, when the natural light will do that for me. What a fool I've been!


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  9. I base coated the wraith knight, farseer on jetbike, bone seer, and Amallyn Shadowguide. For this army, base coating includes dark purple base, mid tone purple, purple wash, then white on the weapons/head/etc for about 3 thin coats, and finally watered down white contrast for some grey shadows. So, I guess it's not "just" base coat... but it's not the interesting part where you go in and pick out the cool details. My D&D game got cancelled for tomorrow, so I'm going to make the most of it, and try to paint like a mad man. 

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  10. You're right. I was thinking of the Occulus. I was watching the Auspex Tactics youtube vid comparing all of the bolt options against different targets. Almost all of the time, the volume of fire out performs the rest. 

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