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Posts posted by blackvigil

  1. After seeing the contents, I am 100% getting a box. I want the rule book and the Marines. Looking for a Necron player to team up with me. Since I want the rules, I'll pay a little extra. I could probably be convinced to buy 2, and let someone else take a copy of the rules as well as the Necrons. 

    Since I'll be buying it at Dice Age in Vancouver, I'd like to partner up with someone willing to meet me there. Who wants in? 

  2. p2E4KkS9c5aOm6Xq.jpg

    I was a little surprised at having 5 characters on the marine side; captain, chaplain, lieutenant, judiciar, and ancient. I was also hoping for the guns on the bikers to be assault bolters rather than regular rapid fire guns. I like the blade guards. I am hoping the squad can get bigger. 3 is a waste in a vehicle, and being left to chase things around on foot isn't ideal for an expensive unit, imo. 
    I wonder about the value of the a chainsword and heavy bolt pistol versus a 3 shot auto bolt. 

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  3. Well, this took me longer than I thought. I spent about 30 minutes per model on highlights, and then clean up with the base coat color. I did Xerues over Naggaroth Night, then I mixed Xereus and Kakophoni 50/50 for the next layer, then all Kakophoni for the last layer. I'm going to glue the white heads/weapons/etc on and do the white. When I do the final highlights on that with titanium white from windsor & newton, I'll hit the extreme highs on the purple highlights as well. 

    It's not perfect, but I'm fairly happy with it. This is why I do units before characters and show-piece models. It only gets better from here.


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  4. 6 minutes ago, Yarbicus said:

    I have been reading that non-Primaris marines are going away. Makes me sad.

    I decided not to fight it... My old marines will be the "house army" for friends to borrow, or whatever. I'll keep them, but that force is done growing. I'm taking a power armor breather, and doing a wraith host, then I'll get back to my loyalists with a fresh new chapter. I have a ton of lessons learned from playing marines for over a decade. I'll do it better this time around. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Andrewgeddon said:

    I'll be buying local.

    Oh me too! (I was just citing the standard amazon discount) Dice Age gives a 15% off discount if you buy $200 or more. Sales tax is a thing, but it's still a deal. I'm willing to do the buying, and get money from a Necron player. I just want to pay less for my toys! I'm willing to work with people to do a big order with Roy and Lisa, so we get the discount.

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  6. 56 minutes ago, Ish said:

    The army I've had sitting in my copy of BattleScripe as a "maybe" comes to exactly 2,000 Points. It's hardly the most original Custodes list, but it seems good enough: 

    • HQ: Captain-General Valoris, Shield-Captain on Jetbike
    • Troops: Custodian Guard Squad (1x sword and shield, 4x spears); Custodian Guard Squad (1x sword and shield, 4x spears); Sagittarum Custodian Squad (x5)
    • Elite: Vexllus Praetor (axe and vexillia magnifica)
    • Fast: Vertus Praetor Squad (1x salvo launcher, 3x hurricane bolters); Vertus Praetor Squad (1x salvo launcher, 3x hurricane bolters)
    • (There's also Misercordia added to just about everyone who can use one.)

    Doing some rough math, that would cost me about $350 dollars... What I'm considering now is putting in an order for just three boxes of Custodians, a set of FW's Sagittarum arms, one box of Jetbikes, and the Captain-General Valoris blister pack. I don't know exactly what the future points adjustments will be, but I think its safe to assume that the Troops choices above are going to remain the vital core of nearly any Custodes army.


    I made a very similar list. I like Wardens for high strength attacks, so I had them instead of Sagittarum. I think getting Custodians, Jetbikes, and Valoris is a meta-proof strategy. Those are auto-includes, and should keep you busy. Also, you might be able to start a Crusade game where you build them up over time. 🙂

  7. 3 minutes ago, Ish said:

    I've been strongly considering an army of Adeptus Custodes ever since they got released at the tail end of 7th Edition. I've always had a soft-spot for ultra-low model count armies of nigh-indestructible badasses. Sadly, the mighty Deathwing Terminators don't quite seem to cut it these days. But the golden banana custards might just be the ticket.

    Before I decided on my wraith host, I was going to go with Custodes. I love low model count armies. I ultimately decided to do xenos, but I think getting a custodes army off the ground wouldn't cost much, particularly since everything is going up in points. I am guessing that 1500-1700 in the current edition will be 2k in 9th. So, it's even fewer models to buy.

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  8. I'm about halfway through the 20 wraithguard/blades, and I've been doing some blending, and trying to mute the harsh lines of light/dark. Adding in a mid tone on the glaring spots has really made them look betting. I think the pic above looks a little Tron; dark then bright, with nothing in between. Now, it looks a little more "glowing" or something like that. I'm going to try to finish the squad today, then take a pictures. Then I have to glue to heads and weapons on, and do the white parts. That shouldn't be too tough though.

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  9. I used to run a fully mechanized marine list. It was my favorite way to play, honestly. I was looking at trying to do vehicles in my Eldar, but hating taking a BS hit without the tax and targeting disadvantage of the targeting matrix. Well, this saves me some points on that upgrade. (Maybe they'll change it since it's obsolete now) Watch out for my grav tanks and fliers, coming to a table near you. 🙂

  10. I think my wife might kill me if I got into War Cry, but I might down the road. I bought and painted a whole Warriors of Chaos model, mostly cavalry, chariots, etc... just before Age of Sigmar. So, maybe there is fodder there. 😛
    Random Thought: What ever happened to that comedian, Drukhari?

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  11. NECRO-THREAD, but still pinned.

    Anyone got any cool places they're going for third party stuff? I've been checking Shapeways for bits, and it's been super useful. Eldar guns, Tau drone parts, etc. I've also been looking at Artel minis, but those aren't really bits, just full replacements. 

    Where do you go for bits? I have been looking at Hoardobits, but it seems like everything is always out of stock.

  12. I really considered one of the standard craftworlds, but ultimately decided I wanted to do a custom scheme. I landed on purple and white, because I haven't done it before I hope it turns out alright. So far, I'm liking this dark purple. (I just added the Xereus coat to a bunch.) My hope is that I can do the faceless helmets and wraiths across the army. 

    Normally I end up getting more and more stuff, and never paint anything to a high level of polish. I'm going to stop getting new models for this, until everything is fully painted and looking good. I know, that's crazy talk. Lol... We'll see if I can hold myself to it. Meanwhile, my mind plotting expansions of my other forces to keep my mind busy. 

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  13. I have been busy. I primed everything, but didn't really take pictures, because it's not overly interesting. I've modeled, converted, primed, etc... every model I own for this project. The only thing I need to finish my initial 2k list is a box of Dire Avengers and a Falcon. 

    I got the Wraithknight all modeled up, and magnetized. I need to base it, but that's about it.




    I started base coating today! Thinned Naggaroth Night is my base coat, over Chaos Black Primer. I primed the heads, weapons, and cloth bits Corax White. I'll glue those on after I get done with the base coats of purple. 1. Prime 2. Thinned Nag Night. 3. Another coat of Nag Night. 4. This is where I'm at. I plan to do Xereus purple over most of the models. The nag night will remain in the recesses, corners, etc. 



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