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Posts posted by blackvigil

  1. Seems like an "all of the above" situation. Easier logistics for a new product that they can sell us, which happens to match up with previous products. It also lets FLG and other third party companies sell us new mats, or whatever. If I owned a 4x6 mat, I'd just leave it alone, but at this point I'm certainly not buying an over sized play mat.

    • Like 1
  2. I will use 4 Kill Team mats to run the 44x60 size for most of the games at my house. It's easy to use the old normal 4x6 tables, by measuring it off. It would be easy to use 2 inch Painters Tape on either edge to narrow it to 44, and then adjust the width based on the size of the game. Done deal.

    Personally, I like smaller armies on a smaller play area. This edition was made for me.

    • Like 1
  3. Awesome. paying for shipping is probably the best way to go unless you live in Vancouver or East Portland. I am close to 205, north of the river.

    For some reason, the forums won't let me send you a pm. I can give you my info, and sort out paypaling you the shipping via email. (blackvigil at gmail)

  4. Crusade should be really cool. I can't wait to read those rules. I'm not sure if you'll need someone to "run" the crusade like a narrative game, or if you just play games and slowly expand things independently. Clearly, I'd be playing it with buddies, or even an ordo crew, but I'm curious. 

  5. Funny you mention that... I am building my eldar army, and looking at 2 min squads of DA in falcons or serpents, along with a unit of snipers. I think that will be normal in lots of armies that have decent transports. Honestly though, I like driving cars around the board. lol. I love mechanized forces.

  6. I got a ton of stuff modeled today. I'll post pics soonish. 5 more wraithguard (from the 40% off table at Portland Game Store), Wave serpent, dire avengers including head swaps, and a couple finishing touches on the seers.

    I find myself needing 2 D Cannons for magnetizing to the Wraithseers, but I can't find any online. I don't want metal, and the bits market seems dry, so I am once again turning to Shapeways. 3d printing is a great thing. It'll just be delayed a bit. 

    I picked up the wraithknight from Dice Age on Friday so I'll be building him soon, with full magnetization. That ought to be fun. My battlefoam order came in, so I have places for these things. I just need to get them built.

    • Like 2
  7. I have always liked smaller games, with fewer models. To that end, I normally play vehicle heavy, or highly elite lists. I can't stand fielding a horde. At one OFCC, years ago, I had 40 grey hunters, 15 blood claws, and 4 misc characters. To me, that was ridiculous. I never like to have that many dudes on the table... Anyway, I'm agreeing with you. I don't like dealing with giant tables of toys that just get put right back in the case.

    I love Kill Team, for that reason. If I see a dope model, I can just buy it, and run a kill team. I'm going to do some Night Lords, but just a few. 

    They said in the announcement that you can play 9th ed with very small points values. Supposedly there are things that change, like the size of the play area, the missions, etc. I like that. My home table with friends has always been 1500. Granted 1500 is a lot more models on the table than it used to be... but I like it.

    • Like 1
  8. Just putting it out there, in case someone has a need for money or a bunch of Khador...

    I want to pick up Eldar (CW, DE, Harley) vehicles.

    Fireprism/Nightspinner, Falcon, Wave Serpent, Vyper, Crimson hunter/Hemlock, Forgeworld tanks (hornet specifically)

    Voidweaver, Starweaver, Skyweaver

    Razorwing, Voidraven, Venom


    As for DE bits, I am trying to create my own Dark Reapers, and I think the infantry held Dark Lances of Splinter Cannons are probably the best looking stand in gun. I am also looking for some Kabalite Warriors for various kit bashes. 

    Here's the catch, I'm not looking for painted models. I am hoping to do some hobbyism on the majority of this stuff, so hopefully it's bare plastic. I understand this is a long shot, but I might as well toss it out there. Someone might have a vehicle box collecting dust on a shelf, and choose to liquidate it for some of the new model releases. 
    I can do paypal for shipped stuff, or meet in the PDX Metro with cash, for a socially distant swap. 

    • Like 1
  9. The first Seer is just about done. I need to do some green stuff work, which includes the wrists, so it has no hands.


    The second one is going to be walking forward, with the glaive in the left hand, and a green crystal in the right. 


    That decision to put the glaive in the left hand had ramifications. The model has it in the right hand, so I had to cut it off. I took a closed fist and drilled it through. This is a bit more pinning than I planned on, but I think it's going to turn out well.


    It's been a little slow, modeling these guys. I have some external pressures on my time. One of those pressures is an impending move. So I was sorting through some boxes, and I found a bunch of models for old projects. At one point, I was going to do something with these guys. 


    I have 2 brand new boxes. Turns out, these will make awesome conversion fodder. I could do Wyches really easily, but I think I like the idea of using the cloaks for my kitbashed rangers. My original plans were to use the Guardians, but I'm not sure it's better. I'll clip some bits off and use greenstuff to assemble a few in different ways. That way I can take apart the losers. I'll post up the different options. I'm still waiting on my Shapeways order for the rifles and head swaps, so it'll be a minute.

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  10. I started doing some priming. I'm going to base coat the black parts purple before gluing the white parts on.



    While those were drying I busted out the wraith lord kit, and started converting a Wraith Seer. I am going to make 2, so this is prototype 1. I may do the other one with a more extreme pose. This is one is going to be standing tall, weight on left foot, left hand extended with palm out in a wizard-ish pose. I am going to be putting a shimmershield on the left arm, similar to a wraith blade. I'll be using excess wraith blade bits, combing 2 shields. I saw a really cool conversion on reddit that did this, so that's my goal. 


    For the staff, I am going with a glaive look. I also plan to field it with a wraith cannon, rather than a D weapon. I'll magnetize that later. I decided I wanted a cap on the butt of the staff, so I opted to use the tip of a wraith cannon. Seems like a fun decorative way to include the weapon. 

    I had to drill and pin the pieces, or it would be too fragile. Here is a tool pic, then  pic of the glaive up close. 



    I had to shave the bright lance bit that I used as a haft. I might need to do a little more filing. 

    Moving forward, I need to do some more modification of the head. I filed the back part to swoop up a little. I also got rid of part of the interior part. I'm considering using green stuff to add a far seer style rim. I also considered adding a gem on the forehead or something. I'm not totally sure, but I have time to consider it. 
    I'm planning on having the various cloth bits be white, and I might add some extras in from the extra wraith guard bits. Not sure yet. I want them to seem "special" but not over done.

    • Like 2
  11. Totally, that would be great. Some of the models are such old sculpts, they look like trash next to the new lines. All of the new lines are awesome models. I love admech and cult stylistically. GW can make cool new models. We just need them to turn some effort away from the Primaris money machines. lol. Never gonna happen.

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  12. I'm stoked for 9th ed, even though I bought the 8th ed book not too long ago. I guess that sort of thing is bound to happen. 
    The 9 rules changes the put in the video are all really good. Overall, I like the ITC stuff, because you can always play more relaxed than the book but it's hard to make a game more competitive. I hate tournament home-brew, generally. This ought to reduce the need for that. (I'm a non-competitive player, I just like it best when everything is in the core rules)

    I'm going to be following the hype train, and drooling at the new models... like that grim new Primaris character. He looks sick. Sadly, I don't play chad-marines. My 10k of custom marine chapter models have soured me on the idea of replacing all of the stuff I have with newer versions of essentially the same thing. Hence why I've started Eldar after wanting to all these years. I just wish GW would give more attention to non-MEQ armies. Necrons and Marines for this wave? Yawn. I'll enjoy seeing cool models, but I'm not buying any of them. 

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