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Posts posted by Yarbicus

  1. 19 hours left. I just snagged an open $249 early-bird, so there might be a $300 early-delivery (January instead of February) one open for the next, like, 5 seconds or so.

    Wow!  $3.4 on a $50,000 KS.  I wonder if they will really be able to deliver on all of those promises.  Hope it works out for you!!!

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  2. That's a lot of monsters.  You finish up your first post with "does the list suck, sure".  I have to strongly disagree here.  Dual and/or triple charges from all those monsters could win combats without the use of the saurus.


    I really like that you aren't spamming vets and/or priests, but you have a lot of monsters.  I remember when I first posted a possible Dark Elf list and I had 3 terror causing units in it and a bunch of people didn't like it.  I would rate this between 3.5-4.  That's a lot of monsters and ify our opponent doesn't have a lot of shooting (cannons, bolt throwers, stone throwers) your army is going to be brutal against many armies.


    You clearly have never played against me. :lol:


    You forgot Magic.  Oh, and other monsters.  The Steggie and Carnie can hold their own but the Trog and Bast are not terrifically strong.

  3. Saurus Oldblood on Carnasaur

    -Piranha Blade

    -Talisman of Protection


    Saurus Scar Vet BSB

    -Rampager's Standard


    Saurus Scar Vet

    -Great Wpn

    -Trickster's Helm


    Skink Priest L2


    -Dispell Scroll


    10 Skink Skirms w/Blowpipes


    10 Skink Skirms w/Javelins


    29 Saurus Warriors w/HW and Shield

    -Full command


    29 Saurus Warriors w/Spears

    -Full command


    3 Krox


    3 Ripperdactyls


    Bastillidon w/ Solar Engine


    2 Ancient Stegs




    Salamander Pack


    That leaves me about 100 points to mess with.  Does the list suck?  Sure!  But I loves me some big lizzies and this gives me plenty.



  4. The OFCC, as I understand it, is your chance to shine using a moderate to mediocre list.  Challenge yourself.  Toss aside those net lists and 'Ard Boyz attitudes and start fielding all those cool units you always wished you could but the interwebz told you suck.  Bring that all-Free Company list, those Ungor Tomb-Raiders or your Reptiles-and-Samurai horde.  Lighten up, drink a beer and gawk at all the amazing creativity there is here in the Pacific Northwest. 


    OFCC is the Benny Hinn of Warhammer.  Throw down those crutches and walk again my people!

    I love you!

  5. This old timer laughs every year when this exact same thread shows up prior to OFCC!  We should just cut and past last year's thread to save time.


    I like comp.  In the old days, I was a definite "comp onion". For me it is one of the factors that keeps each event unique.  Don't like the comp for a particular event?  Don't go.  Why is that so hard to understand?

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