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Posts posted by ZEKE

  1. I like watching painting tutorials, but a common problem with the majority of them is contrast.  I know your using a piece that will eventually go to completion, but with base color, mid highlight, & final highlight it is hard to see the difference especially between your base color & your first highlight. I just couldn't see it.  For a tutorial, try to use more drastic color changes or brightness changes to make it easier for the camera (then our eyes through a monitor) to see.  It may not be pretty, but are you trying to show the technique or the paint scheme?  :smile:

  2. For painting guides & tips, check with Taran, Fingolfin, or me.  We each have a slightly different style and we have airbrush experience. There is also a couple of others out there that are also good and they can pitch in.


    As for switching painting skills from 28mm Warhammer  to 15mm Flames of war,  The tanks are kinda similar skills to painting marines, but the infantry is definitely a new set of skills.  15mm tends to be more like N scale or HO scale model railroad with the size & scenery.

  3. I too have played a bunch of 40k in the past and have kinda gotten sick of them. Found FOW to be more pleasing because it is base on actual history and if I want more fluff to read, there is the internet, enclyopedias, books, movies, tv shows. Plenty.


    Yeah, there has been a lot of hit or miss at GG.  Some people are burnt out or taking a break for a while, others on some other FAD or new game, others are woking on projects.  Kind of a lull right now. I usually show up with something, but not knowing what to bring makes it hard to have something for when someone does show up. I think I'll bring stuff to paint instead unless I hear from people.


    I always liked it when people communicate on this forum about trying to play some games. Makes it easier to know what to bring.


    Taran usually runs the BattleFront tournaments from Portland here to up in Olympia.  There is another group that runs tournaments down in Salem.


    If you are looking for some sample games, Lazarus and I can help with that.

  4. I would say that it is a tank battle on a budget since we couldn't afford a whole horseshoe and got a straight line instead. But we did find a piece of scrap dot laying around... ..

  5. Did anybody else order vietnam stuff when BF had their sale? and did you get everything?


    I ordered some stuff.  Got a couple of the items with a little fortune cookie type note saying "this completes your vietnam order".  That was a couple weeks ago and I haven't heard word on the rest of the stuff.   Also, I have to wait till next month bank statement to see if they even charged me for the stuff I haven't received.

  6. Steve McCuen threw the gauntlet at me to get this list painted up.  I've had all the pieces for 2 years but haven't gotten a round toit.  The paint scheme is NOT historic at all but rather an abstract theme. While trying to get this done for Enfilade May 24th, I'm halfway through painting my Hungarians and on Schedule.  I have also figured out how to do my objective markers with the purchase of a package of 3x Soviet Ford Jeeps, the ones that look like boats (hint).  


    I am painting a total of 13 tanks, engineers, and 6 guns.  I divided it into 4 parts, with each part taking 13 days.


    Part 1: 4x tanks and infantry - done

    Part 2: 4x tanks and 3x guns - done

    Part 3: 4x tanks and 3x guns - starting this weekend

    Part 4: 1x tank, 1x supply truck, 3x objective markers, unit write-up.

  7. do ze germans get anyting cool in the way of toys from it?


    Yea, they get cool stuff, like Liberty Ships taking them to England, Canada, and United States. They get US wool blankets, they get US meal rations, and some even get to work on the cotton plantations.  What more do the damn Nazi's want.


    Enjoy the war krauts, cause the POW camps are boring as hell.  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

  8. Which rule set do you use with them?  I believe they changed up the rules on them in "Nuts".  I've been looking at them in conjunction with Volksgrenadiers, they would be in-lieu of Brumbars.  Some of their points costs is because of their role, they are more like specialists in their use rather than a unit that can do alot of things. A cheap infantry company would be able to field them with better support options around and have the points for their specialty costs.


    As for their actual capabilities, I have bought them since I love the model, but I haven't gotten around to using them since I still have to get a german infantry company .

  9. Oh, cool.  Not that the $10 savings is a huge difference for me its just the entry fee of paying for a whole weekend was kinda odd.


    I got started on my Hungarians. Got a-lot done over the weekend till I came to a screeching halt,  I hate when I run out of paint. Oh well, gives me a break till I go to store to pick some up some more Middlestone on Monday.


    Hanaur, unless I spend this next couple of months sweet talking my dice into rolling nothing but 6s, I don't expect to win tournaments.  Been playing for 8 years now and have accepted my roll of "Best Painted" trophy hunter and just ... have fun with the rest.  'Power Gamer' I am not.

  10. To me it's give and take.  They are cheaper, about $15 less per box set cheaper. Some details are really good and some are lacking. For example, on the PIV H, the skirt hangers look better designed, the overall details are good, but the zimmeritt is lacking, it seems blocky.  It looks like the individual troops are more detailed.  The bad side to all this is the weight, or lack thereof if your used to the resin & metal figs.  Overall, the figs are good, the tanks...take a look, if you like it, go for it.  If you need weight, I guess you can add some lead to the inside of the tanks.  Me personally, I keep eyeing the T34 box set and the SU85 box set.

  11. I looked at my schedule and it looks like I can make this tournament.  I have 2 months to get my Humgarians painted in time.  Gotta put commission work on hold for a little while.


    Don't worry Hanaur, I won't be able to get the best General, but if I can paint up these Hungarians the way I want, it's going to be really hard to beat me on best painted.

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