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Everything posted by Norrad

  1. Well day one of OFCC Infinity event is history. As I sit here relaxing and drinking a cup of coffee I am contemplating the previous days games. 3 great games, all losses but that's from my incompetence/inexperience and not the force im playing. My army looks good IMO from my birds eye view above the table. I especially like the temp bases I have on my models now. The hex pattern looks good and they stand out. Maybe I'll keep them and use my fancy bases for another project. Looks like it's time to start packing for day two of OFCC Infinity. Can't wait to see the terrain, my opponents forces, and of course my friends.
  2. GW Averland Sunset is a base paint and it's the color I started my Yu Jing from. Yellow is so transparent you have to get a good base. This base paint is an orange-brown color and works great for that. Keep your colors thin and use multiple layers.
  3. Thanks, I appreciate that. It's just frustrating but rewarding the amount of time involved with the color. I think painting a 150+ model army from past OFCCs went faster than these few models. What would you think about adding a little bit of orange or white to these robits? Break up some of the larger yellow panels with a stripe or armored piece of color.
  4. Other than the HMG and Spit Fire for obvious reasons I have really been enjoying the Breaker Combi Rifle. Going against halved BTS is great!
  5. By the way did I say how much I hate yellow! These models are at stage 2 of 5 in the highlight process. Working up from an orange brown tone to golden yellow.
  6. And another one. This time my Spec Ops.
  7. Yah I see what you mean... I was thinking more like Destro from GI Joe. Eyes aren't done yet. I want a blue glow effect. Save that for later.
  8. Painting away the hours... No flash on the camera seems to work much better!
  9. Hey, wait a minute. When the hell did Grim Dark invade Bubblegum Neon Bright? Did GW take over Infinity? Noooooo!!!
  10. Why do you have to stress me out? WHY!
  11. So are you brushing it on or air brushing it? Does it need to be thinned at all?
  12. What are you using for a matte coat?
  13. Norrad

    Full Auto. L2

    Nice video. I love the new minis in the Beyond sets.
  14. No, No and finally No! maybe I should start worrying? Nah, it's like this every OFCC!!!
  15. Thanks, I will work on him some more to try and soften up some of the harsher highlights if I can see them with my eye.The one thing that you cannot see from the angle of the photo is the blue sheen on the gun. It looks good. I started blocking out the colors on the rest of my force.
  16. Test colors laid. I swear the highlights don't look that bad in person! I must be going blind in my old age.
  17. I have one. Not really looking for any trades right now. How many greenbacks are offering and are you local?
  18. Are you only coming to OFCC to sell?
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