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Posts posted by spagunk

  1. So I now have a box of the Emperor's Fist Tank Company circa 2007. That's 10 Leman Russ battle tanks (New on sprues), with 5 command sprues in a big box. Looking for maybe 375 bucks for the whole box (37.50 bucks per tank).

    Comes with 10 waterslide transfers and 5 of those command sprues. The 2007 box did not include the demolisher cannons (as they were metal back in the day and this was 2007 GW).

    As much as I want desperately to use these to start a Mordian guard army, I have way too much blood angel stuff to finish. Also the wife wouldn't let me keep it :tongue:. 375 bucks takes it all. If you want to mix cash and kits for this, please let me know ahead of time.

    Edit: I also have this thing I want to sell/trade: http://www.corsair.com/en-us/lapdog-gaming-control-center
    Amazon has it for 60 bucks but I'll go $40 or comparable trade.

  2. Entirely is definitely a confusing thing. But in the context of some rules, they should be distinguishing between models and units.

    For example, with the infantry unit thing I read it to mean that all models in the unit must abide by the "within" parameter of the rule. So, you can't have one model outside the "within" distance. "Entirely" in this case assumes the word "Every" in the context of the Unit.

    So to me the key is that when they use "within", they mean part of the model E.g. "toe in". If your opponent has to break out sub millimeter rulers to properly measure, they can kiss grits though.

    If they mean "wholly within", that to me means that the entire base of the model must be within the specified parameters of the rule. Not a toe, the whole base. Vehicles are definitely a bit wonky in this regards since many don't have bases and some have bits and bobs that stick way further than the hull does. I think unless they write something specifically, this will require some agreement ahead of time. Again, if someone models a giant gun on an tiny vehicle to capitalize on this, then they deserve the "dick" hat.

    It's real confusing since it is based on language which is pretty mutable in most circumstances.

  3. 35 minutes ago, Frowbakk said:

    I forsee someone misreading the Grim Demeanor rule to claim their Valhallan vehicles have 2x the wounds of non-Valhallan vehicles, rather than if a vehicle has 3 wounds remaining it counts as if it had six wounds left ONLY for determining how far it can move/how well it can shoot, etc.

    Yeah, too me a minute to figure out how that rule worked. It's wonky and very open to mis interpretation.

  4. 12 minutes ago, peter.cosgrove said:

    the Ordo Fanaticus 40k league at the WoW clubhouse on tue usually ends at 10pm. I can't make the wed league at GG because my wife has a recurring appt. GG opens at 10am. I know it's a bit short but do you want to meet at GG at 10am? depending on which day, the school has late wednesdays.

    Okay, so this Wednesday is a bit tricky since I have a scheduled meet up on 82nd and Powell. It would take me about 17 mins (by google estimate) to get there and so I may be able to do a 10am meetup if you can stick around until 10:30am just to be safe. Does that work for you?

  5. 5 hours ago, peter.cosgrove said:

    Ok so, the deathguard also includes the pox walkers? and all the character models? Is that 10 plague marines or only 5?

    Basically, it includes everything Death guard wise as indicated in the Dark Imperium box set:

    (Per GW website)
    "In the box, you’ll find 31 Death Guard miniatures, who can be painted in the colours of any vectorium:

    - 1 Death Guard Lord of Contagion , a huge, terrifying Chaos Space Marine covered in spiked, corrupted Terminator armour armed with a plaguereaper.
    - 1 Death Guard Noxious Blightbringer armed with a cursed plague bell, plasma pistol and a tocsin of misery;
    - 1 Death Guard Malignant Plaguecaster armed with a corrupted staff and bolt pistol;
    - 7 Death Guard Plague Marines – 5 armed with boltguns and plague knives, 1 armed with plasma gun and plague knife, 1 plague champion armed with bolt pistol, plaguesword and power fist;
    - 1 Death Guard Foetid Bloat-drone – a huge, buzzing machine held aloft by rusted turbines – armed with plaguespitters and a plague probe;
    - 20 Death Guard Poxwalkers – the rotten, shambling core of the army – armed with improvised weapons (hammers, claws, bayonets and metal pipes are featured.) "

  6. I prefer battle foam too because they have a huge amount of custom trays. However, there is a bit of an issue with the owner so if that's something that sways your opinion then it may be important for you to know.


    Otherwise, I love my battle foam trays. Even got some for my space hulk box which works perfectly.

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