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Everything posted by pretre

  1. Of the kickstarters that I've been in for games: - Kings of War: Sold it off without playing a game - Deadzone: Playing the crud out of it in my garage
  2. Oh definitely. Keep in mind you can buy gear too. Enforcers are very elite and low model count and it gets worse once you get XP on them. :)
  3. They are wave 2 and they are troopers, so unlimited. Which is awesome.
  4. What's your current list? Maybe I can help you figure something out. Enforcers are tough because they are so expensive though.
  5. Aha. Gotcha. I do just play 70 so far. I'll wait for the campaign book before branching out.
  6. For Rebs? How about the actual models? They are far less cartoony.
  7. Tentatively, yes. Although keep in mind with that big an army, that's a lot to put down.
  8. Or find someone else that wants a booster bundle. Keep in mind though that the Boosters don't come with cards.
  9. Okay... Discount percentages. Here's my general rules for individual models/units: NIB / NOS - 60-70% Assembled Bare - 50-60% Assembled Primed - 40-60% Painted - 20-50% Plastic Glue may reduce value as may damage, or other nastiness. All that being said, you're looking at about 800 for each lot if you split them up. IMO, Big lots generally need to be discounted further to make the sale since people are getting some stuff they don't want, etc so on. edit: Also, someone more familiar with Fantasy values may be able to speak more specifically. My specialty is 40k.
  10. The FSR idea is a really good one.
  11. Thanks, I'll let her know. She's painting my 1A and Stage 2's. I'm painting the 3's.
  12. My wife painted my Stage 1A. God I love this model:
  13. Anyway, GW Digital confirmed today on their Facebook page that the Vanguard Infestation dataslate, due out before the end of Jan, is indeed the first of a trilogy. "We announced in this month's issue of White Dwarf that, starting later this month, the first in a trilogy of new Tyranid Dataslates will be released. All three of these are going to have new datasheet formations for Tyranid armies to use, and if you're a fan of Genestealers (I know i am, far to many games of Space Hulk in my teenage years), I think you're going to like the first installment in the trilogy." (Eddie, GW Digital)
  14. I usually agree with you, AP, but here I really can't. I get the idea that the FAQ gives direction but it is obviously for the wrong book and I don't think many TOs would consider it applicable.
  15. I choose models for effectiveness and looks. Sorry. :)
  16. - I am opposed to removing allies. - It wouldn't stop me from attending if they were removed, however. - I haven't attended OFCC proper (just open gaming and the Open), so mostly I'm just flapping my gums. (I did not vote, in case anyone's curious.)
  17. Also, I think I'll try to get some pics of terrain and minis next time I play to show everyone how it looks.
  18. Tiered events are definitely a great idea. I can't wait to get to the next GC.
  19. Yes, yes they could. If you want to do so, let me know. Here's the kickstarter page for reference: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1744629938/deadzone-the-sci-fi-miniatures-board-game?ref=live Keep in mind that the second survey is coming out this month and delivering sometime in Q2.
  20. Just this! This is really good for Mantic and us in this case because: - Survey 1: This is the first wave stuff (i.e. the stuff that is ready for production). I just pick the stuff I know I want, although I have the option to pick as much as I want (even more than my pledge amount). I get a chance to get them, play with them and enjoy them for a while. - Survey 2: Everything that wasn't ready the first time is now ready (second wave). I can now pick anything I want for any amount and now that I've had a chance to play with them, I'm all excited so liable to buy more. And since both surveys are at the kickstarter prices (which are way good right now), it allows me to pick up stuff cheap! If anyone cares (since we're talking about it), here was/is my Deadzone plan: So to say that this was a success in my eyes is probably an even bet.
  21. Every edition has its ups and downs. It seems like this down swing may have come sooner but I can't prove that. There will be an up swing again and everyone will play again.
  22. Ooh! Good for you! My responses: - Exploding dice are awesome! They make things very up in the air. - Terrain does need to be right. I suggest a very heavy terrain board with no clear lanes down the board. - Blaze Away is crucial when defending against Plague. Remember that you can use models to support you on it. That being said, Steadfast card is a real kick in the teeth. Make sure you're only holding the right number of cards though. - 4+ Survive is very good. Enforcers are tough to take down. - Secret missions are super fun. It gets better with Campaign play when you pick your mission before the game and build your list towards it. Makes list building a lot of fun. - Killing. This becomes less of a problem once you get used to it. You need to work your modifiers. Extra dice are super important. (Aim, Marksman, Sniper, High ground, Clear Shot) If you're just throwing 4 vs 3, you'll never kill anything. Throw 8 vs 4 and things go different. Also, head shot and the other card modifiers are really good. I should change my sig for deadzone as well.
  23. Not bad! Certainly better than my early attempts. lol
  24. 1) Not really, unless you are a brilliant painter. 2) I just use retail unless there's a known difference in price (diaz daemonettes, etc). 3) I go with the basic model price unless there is a significant additional value added. Generally, conversions, like paint, don't add much value. 4) Do you want more money or less hassle? Less hassle = everything in one lot. More money = individual units
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