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Everything posted by pretre

  1. Pretre, from the french, meaning priest. It is a shortening of my old handle from BBS days of Le Pretre De Voyou (The Hoodlum Priest).
  2. Although I play a lot of sisters, I am not familiar with the HoR kill team rules. Celestine is key in any small force though as she is such an awesome model for her points. Battle Sisters with HF/Meltagun are great and cheap. Also, in small games Seraphim and Rets are both great as CLC said.
  3. Yeah, my 4x4 for Deadzone is very filled with terrain. We just pulled it apart to prime it though. The great thing about this stuff is that you have a ridiculous number of possibilities for combinations of the terrain. Anyways, I PM'd Burk for the club.
  4. I think we talked about it previously. Obviously, since the FSR has good anti-air it is better for that, but the bastion is dirt cheap comparatively.
  5. Obviously, you are passionate about this, but... Everyone increases prices. GW is no different. That being said, GW has even decreased prices in the last year with bundling and new kits for some models. Are their prices high? Yep, but they've always been that way and it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. I can't talk about Fantasy favoring FoC vs FoO since I know jack-all about Fantasy, although they did the opposite for 40k. Important Codices as e-books is little different than important Codices in White Dwarf. The difference is that you can get the book easily after the 'print' date, which was often impossible or spendy for WD back issues (SOB WD Dex anyone?). As for FAQs, I agree. They need to update them.
  6. http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/60/574025.page Amusing Battle Report where the Nid player uses a Bastion and Venomthrope to good effect. :)
  7. The thing is that he could do the same job of putting out rumors and relaying them without relaying quite so much gak. Even when people say 'rumors' out front, they are still playing with people's emotions. This thread is testament to that.
  8. Well, largely I'm saying that three fifths of his rumors are garbage. Seriously, take a look at the other rumor mongers out there like Hastings, Harry, 40kradio, etc. They are up in the 80+% range. <50% is basically throwing darts at a board.
  9. 41% is miserable as rumor mongers go. It is barely one step above 'I make [big bad swear word] up to get page hits'. I lol'd. Tell you what, we'll have a good laugh about this when Natfka is wrong again and this is a storm over nothing, just generating him more hits.
  10. 4 Years ago, you mean the last time they were in a mid-edition slump? Cycles are weird. :)
  11. Is Codex: Adepta Sororitas considered official for these purposes? :)
  12. They are all plastic (I have a ton from the first survey if anyone wants to check them out). The modular bit can be challenging until you get used to it but you can also just glue them together if you don't feel like doing the modular thing. Second survey is this month with delivery in Q2 2014. From my standpoint, I'm getting more of it in the second survey just for my home gaming group (Fortification and Landing pad battlezones). I will try to get a pic of what I made too, if that helps.
  13. I don't usually hang out in the Fantasy forum, but... let me stop you here. Getting mad at GW for Faeit Rumors is like getting mad at the president for something said in the grocery store checkstand tabloids. Seriously. Just stop. Natfka posts everything that comes his way and doesn't filter it. His accuracy rating is at about 41%. We have had rumor mongers who obviously just post best guesses that do better than he does. He is a click generating site. If it will generate more clicks, he posts it. Heck, he'll probably post it two or three times. Here's a great example he posted today of something that is provably false. http://natfka.blogspot.com/2014/01/rumors-are-rumors-hasbro-toys.html GW is a publicly traded company. DUH. Hasbro didn't buy them a few months ago. Even the tiniest bit of due diligence or journalistic integrity/skill would dig that up.
  14. Yes, that is it. Also keep in mind that that is one setup and that is not the kickstarter price. If the club wanted the kickstarter price, the second survey is coming up and I would be more than glad to let them jump in on mine. Kickstarter prices look more like this: Also, these are fully modular so that you can set them up anyway you want. The ones in the pictures are just examples. If you are crazy, you can even not glue them and reassemble them whenever you want. Example setups: Just saying... :)
  15. Not to torpedo this, but if you're looking for cheap/mass terrain for necromunda, what about deadzone (mantic) terrain. It is dirt cheap through the kickstarter.
  16. Wow. Did you know there's a cap on forum likes per day?
  17. I love batman and all but that's bull[big bad swear word]. A normal human is incapable of even denting hulk.
  18. I'm pretty sure that didn't happen. Also, this is comic physics. Hulk has limitless strength and power based on his level of stress/anger. So because the Black Hole will continue to crush him for a defined amount, he will simply become tougher/stronger than that amount (as silly as that is). Not to mention that in comics, black holes are (more often than not) just portals to other places. Slow him down? Sure. Stop him? no. Lastly, Hulk isn't just going to take a nap and wait for Superman to drag him to a black hole. That kind of stuff takes time. He will be crushing the life out of superman. Heck, Superman was killed by someone with less strength than Hulk (since Hulk is infinitely strong).
  19. I think you mean 'Puny God'. :)
  20. Hulk doesn't need to breathe and adapts to pretty much any outside force.
  21. Hehe. People are free to come up to my place and I can demo in my garage. :)
  22. I don't think it is quite that simple. Yes, books are more expensive than the 25-35 range but everything is more expensive 10 years later. Also, the supplements / dataslates are not required or necessary for most armies. So $50 for a book is basically what you need for your army. Considering how much play most of us get out of our armies? That's nothing.
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