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Posts posted by Kelharis

  1. Take the Ion Cannon instead, You have more than enough anti tank with the gunrigs.  Ion cannon gives you great anti multi-wound, and it gets around one of Tau's greatest weaknesses, random shots & random damage.

    I would personally only take one gunrig at the 750 point mark, unless you're planning for a specific opponent.

  2. Will anyone be available to play on Sunday the 13th? I would like to try and escalate with all of the other cool kids, but I cant come out to play on Tuesdays.  My reluctance to commit to these type of things falls back to a limited availability and I dont want anyone to feel obligated to play me on a day that they cant, simply because I cant play on the day that they can.

    Anyway, I can make it to all the usual spots east of downtown, WoW, GG etc. Also, earlier is better for me due to someone having to wake up at 3:45 AM Monday for work.

  3. 10 minutes ago, paxmiles said:

    Anyway, I'm off.

    Going to pick up another box of Firewarriors later today. Then I can do proper 10-man squads in the battalion.

    Keep in mind that if you grab the kill team box set, you get the firewarriors plus the trench terrain for only $10 more (minus 15%).  Or the start collecting for only $35 more.

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    • Thanks 1
  4. 42 minutes ago, paxmiles said:

    Warlord Trait question, does "Exemplar of Kauyon" apply in melee?

    Either way, these TAU warlord traits are really strong.

    It reads to me as all hit rolls, not just melee.

    Edit: I read that backwards, but yes, all hits

  5. 2 minutes ago, paxmiles said:

    So I went back, and I think you are right and I've been misreading one of Dark Trainer's posts. Thanks, makes list creation easier for me.

    Regarding the skyray, it's not that you won't have enough markers, it's that there might not be a target worth hitting with 6x seeker missiles at the 500pt level. So if they bring a land raider, the skyray will be over powered for it's cost, but if they bring just light infantry, it's kinda wasteful. That was my point.

    Stealth suits, hmm, good answer. I'm glad I asked, still working on my own TAU and I tend to forget to look at units I don't own. Forgot they could infiltrate.

    Well, here's a version that swaps the skyray for a ghostkeel. I was trying to keep the list from being too OP, but I prefer the keel to the skyray.

    ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (T'au Empire) [32 PL, 500pts] ++

    + No Force Org Slot +

    T'au Empire Sept Choice: Vior'la Sept

    + HQ +

    Cadre Fireblade [2 PL, 42pts]: Markerlight

    Cadre Fireblade [2 PL, 42pts]: Academy Luminary (Vior'la Sept), Markerlight, Seismic destabiliser, Warlord

    + Troops +

    Strike Team [2 PL, 38pts]
    . Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Markerlight, Pulse rifle
    . 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle

    Strike Team [2 PL, 38pts]
    . Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Markerlight, Pulse rifle
    . 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle

    Strike Team [2 PL, 38pts]
    . Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Markerlight, Pulse rifle
    . 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle

    + Elites +

    XV25 Stealth Battlesuits [6 PL, 84pts]
    . Stealth Shas'ui w/ Burst Cannon: Burst cannon
    . Stealth Shas'ui w/ Burst Cannon: Burst cannon
    . Stealth Shas'vre: Burst cannon

    XV25 Stealth Battlesuits [6 PL, 84pts]
    . Stealth Shas'ui w/ Burst Cannon: Burst cannon
    . Stealth Shas'ui w/ Burst Cannon: Burst cannon
    . Stealth Shas'vre: Burst cannon

    XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit [10 PL, 134pts]: 2x Flamer, Cyclic ion raker, 2x MV5 Stealth Drone

    ++ Total: [32 PL, 500pts] ++

  6. 23 minutes ago, paxmiles said:

    I don't know if Dark Trainer was serious, but at one point escalation league was going to apply the rule of 1 for the 500pt game, so no duplicate unit entries for non-troops/dedicated transports and only a single detachment. It's really been messing with my list creation because my TAU use fortifications. You've got duplicate elites (stealth suits) and HQs (Cadre Fireblades) which would not be allowed in the 500pt game.

    Skyray is a weird one at 500pts. On the one hand, it might be over powered...but it might also be worthless. Really depends if the opponents bring things worth shooting at. Would probably get more reliable use out of a broadside or crisis suits, but certainly your call.

    I don't understand the value of the stealth suits as built. Just doesn't seem like they bring much to the table. Durable-ish unit?

    Anyway, those are my list thoughts. Looks fun, though it's making me question my lack of anti-tank for my TAU at 500pts.

    I went through all of the relevant threads and don't see any mentions of rule of 1, only your questions about the rule of 3 (2, 1). I chose Skyray as it was the cheapest of the tank options and I have a good amount of ML to support the seeker missiles.  I like the infiltration ability of stealth suits and ghostkeels, being able to deploy in the middle of the table, or even on the edge of the enemy deployment zone mean I can take objectives quickly.

  7. Doing some list noodling in case I am able to play in the escalation league. First up:

    500 points with a decent number of markerlights, 9 CP and no drones. Viorla Sept for the Strike Fast Tenet, Academy Luminary warlord trait, and Hot-Blooded strategem

    ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (T'au Empire) [30 PL, 500pts] ++

    + No Force Org Slot +

    T'au Empire Sept Choice: Vior'la Sept

    + HQ +

    Cadre Fireblade [2 PL, 42pts]: Markerlight

    Cadre Fireblade [2 PL, 42pts]: Academy Luminary (Vior'la Sept), Markerlight, Seismic destabiliser, Warlord

    + Troops +

    Strike Team [2 PL, 38pts]
    . Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Markerlight, Pulse rifle
    . 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle

    Strike Team [2 PL, 39pts]
    . Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Markerlight, Pulse pistol, Pulse rifle
    . 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle

    Strike Team [2 PL, 39pts]
    . Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Markerlight, Pulse pistol, Pulse rifle
    . 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle

    + Elites +

    XV25 Stealth Battlesuits [6 PL, 84pts]
    . Stealth Shas'ui: Burst cannon
    . Stealth Shas'ui: Burst cannon
    . Stealth Shas'vre: Burst cannon

    XV25 Stealth Battlesuits [6 PL, 84pts]
    . Stealth Shas'ui: Burst cannon
    . Stealth Shas'ui: Burst cannon
    . Stealth Shas'vre: Burst cannon

    + Heavy Support +

    TX78 Sky Ray Gunship [8 PL, 132pts]: 2x Burst cannon, 2x Markerlight, 6x Seeker missile

    ++ Total: [30 PL, 500pts] ++


  8. 2 hours ago, Kelharis said:

    I think I probably have about 25-30 helmetless heads.


    Looks like I have 22 I'd be willing to part with, going to hold onto the ones that go on the tank commanders and the ones that came in the Kill Team box.

  9. 35 minutes ago, Ish said:

    Do the effects of Photon Grenades stack? If Tau Unit A is charged and uses a Photon Grenade as part of their Overwatch shooting and Tau Unit B is within range to use FTGG to also fire Overwatch shots and they use a Photon Grenade... Yowza. That could get nasty really fast. Especially given that Tau Grenades have a 12" range! 

    "This weapon does not inflict any damage.Your opponent must subtract 1 from any hit rolls made for INFANTRY units that have suffered any hits from photon grenades until the end of the turn"

    No stacking grenades, but other effects can stack


  10. 12 minutes ago, paxmiles said:

    Anyone overwatched with Photon Grenades yet? For the Greater good seems like it would be really nasty combining the effects of these grenades with stealth suits.

    Truthfully, I forget I have them every time.  Then I remember after the game and think how good they could be.

  11. An alternative to "low model count" for 500 point week...42 models...

    ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (T'au Empire) [28 PL, 500pts] ++

    + HQ +

    Cadre Fireblade [3 PL, 62pts]: Markerlight, 2x MV1 Gun Drone

    Ethereal [3 PL, 65pts]: Honour blade, 2x MV1 Gun Drone, Puretide engram neurochip, Warlord

    + Troops +

    Breacher Team [3 PL, 56pts]: 2x MV1 Gun Drone
    . 4x Fire Warrior
    . Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Pulse blaster, Pulse pistol

    Strike Team [3 PL, 56pts]: 2x MV1 Gun Drone
    . Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Pulse pistol, Pulse rifle
    . 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle

    Strike Team [3 PL, 71pts]: 2x MV1 Gun Drone
    . DS8 Tactical Support Turret w/ SMS: Smart missile system
    . Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Pulse pistol, Pulse rifle
    . 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle

    + Elites +

    XV25 Stealth Battlesuits [7 PL, 109pts]: 2x MV1 Gun Drone
    . Stealth Shas'ui w/ Burst Cannon: Burst cannon
    . Stealth Shas'ui w/ Burst Cannon: Burst cannon
    . Stealth Shas'vre: Burst cannon, Drone controller

    + Fast Attack +

    Pathfinder Team [6 PL, 81pts]: MB3 Recon Drone, 2x MV1 Gun Drone, MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone
    . 4x Pathfinder: 4x Markerlight
    . Pathfinder Shas'ui: Markerlight, Pulse pistol

    ++ Total: [28 PL, 500pts] ++

    Created with BattleScribe

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  12. 1 hour ago, paxmiles said:

    Stormsurge also includes a pair of airbursting frag launchers, which I want to put on some Crisis suits. And yes, the bits seem to be perfectly designed to fit on the same crisis suit mounds.

    For the Greater Good man! Magnets!!! Magnets EVERYWHERE!

    • Like 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, Kelharis said:

    Highlight the edit button, and a "quote selection" option appears to click on, Although IIRC you use a playstation for surfing, so maybe not for that?

    sorry, I meant edited text, not edit button.

  14. 1 minute ago, paxmiles said:

    Hmm...did you use the quote button, or just you just copy and paste?

    Highlight the edit button, and a "quote selection" option appears to click on, Although IIRC you use a playstation for surfing, so maybe not for that?

  15. Just now, Ish said:

    I’m saying treat them like “markers,” with absolutely no stat profile for them at all. 

    While I would LOVE that for making the army better, it would mean you can't shoot my pulse accelerator drones (or any other attached drones that do cool stuff) unless I say you can.  Right now you have the ability to pick out the special drones any time you like and kill them.

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