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Everything posted by MauzDeadalive

  1. I think the real problem is that 40K is a game. Which means you will have winners and losers. Everyone likes winning and nobody likes losing. GW is a business and knows coming up with more ways you can win will equal more sales. I do agree with Aventine that all of this has been going on for some time....the difference now is how many people are playing. I also want to say social media and the internet have a part in this but that part equates to people having a bigger audience to complain about losing to and having others back us up. It used to be my opponent and I had to work out our rules differences...maybe with the help of a TO at a tournament or league....and that was typically that or you discussed it with your friends....where as now I feel too many people run to the internet or some board or another and pick and choose which arguments help them to win their case. I have yet to play any malicious intent opponents even if things were played wrong in a game...and I know I am just as guilty so I am not pointing fingers. I feel the solutions really boil down to what is already happening around here in the tournament scene. I think the tiered tournament approach at the last Guardian Cup was spot on to help broaden people's enjoyment and fun. I think raffling off the prizes to the participants as opposed to the winners helps lighten the spirit of things (I may have lost all my games but I won the big prize anyway) and I love the idea of trophies or awards going to winners instead. Or ultimately figure out a way to make a game with no winners and no losers.....just geeks, nerds, and dorks having fun. (sorry if this is all over the place....it is hard to write something long winded and work at the same time)
  2. That is fantastical like...can't wait to see it painted up!
  3. needs more Cultists badly

  4. Guardian Cup is on....but which army do I bring....Slaaneshi Chaos or Rusty Necrons

  5. to Guardian Cup or not to Guardian Cup

  6. Going to teach some Sisters they placed their faith in the wrong Emperor through song and gore!!!

  7. Oubastet-Dynasty-A-Go-Go

  8. Still undecided as to which army to bring.

  9. What is this and where does it show up at....

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