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Everything posted by alexcragg

  1. Good news everybody! Tickets and info are up... www.dmbbrawl.com Here's to hoping 7th edition last for more than two Brawls!
  2. Incase anyone is wondering we will be running 7th Edition. How this will affect the game I do not know yet (clearly) so stay tuned. Or start fear-mongering, your choice.
  3. No, it makes more sense than any one else. They just played the list and now have an informed opinion. You can not objectively measure subjective data. But as TOs you have to try. I think the changes this year sound good - I like the idea that people may have to consider if their list is to 'dicky' and may get lots of low votes. It's worth a shot anyways.
  4. Improved ... or improvised? Something will be done to expand the bucket... something...
  5. MAYBE or it means we are really scary......
  6. Brohand will Ride again! And I don't know how many other DMB teams we will field... how many CAN we field?
  7. Nice exposure Dan! Thanks for the primer, it has some really cool looking missions. I will be running them down here next Saturday at our practice event. Did you work these up? I however, must object to mission 3 - even with the added secondary and tertiary objectives I think Big Guns on Hammer and Anvil is a terrible terrible matchup. Just don't do it on hammer and anvil!
  8. Our plan is to separate the wacky stuff into a bracket of it's own, so the people who don't have titans and AV 15 vehicles can play in their sandbox and everyone can play in theirs. Once the brackets have been played out I imagine the two sands will mix but that should be Day 2. Another thing to consider is this pesky 7th edition rumor that just wont go away, what will that hold for the future?
  9. Info to come soon, tickets will go on sale via the blog: www.dmbbrawl.com Well Evan just bought a house with a back yard, it's not a stone throw from the game hall but one way or another there will be an epic after party (again). Maybe the Brawl should be free and we can sell tickets to the after party.....
  10. The girlfriend may be in town so the house may not be available to piles of nerds….
  11. Warhamsters? Ugh, I thought I told you to stay out Bring the posse! Its all or nothing with you nerds.
  12. First there was the Heldrake - and it was terrifying. Sending Marines scuttling about and wondering when they would get Flakk Missiles. It was quickly shot down by those darn fishy Tau and their plethora of strength 7 shots. They were soon joined by the Eldar and their pimpmobile of hovering doom. Khan attempted to ride to the rescue and it was looking good - then he got some Inquisitor friends - followed by an excess of digital documents and pamphlets. Somewhere in there were were allowed to use Super Heavies with strength D weapons and bring entire trench works with AV 15 bunkers and their own strength D weapons to our 40k games. And we were all left wondering what happened? Knight Titans are a thing too, how about that! Oh yeah, and Tyranids got a codex and it was reviled - until you got the add on that prevents you from contesting objectives held by Gargoyles. Warhammer 40k we dub the Shenanigans. Aside from a rambling, grammatical nightmare what is going on here? Well……. The DMB Brawl is on for it's third year! Yeah thats right, we are going for the magic number three and we are getting crazy in this house. First some major news. DATE: August 2-3 Location: Gladish Community Center, Pullman WA caveat - we are in a NEW room!!!!!!!! Thats right we are moving from the spacious gym to the upstairs view room, what does this mean for you? Well slightly less space but mostly CARPETS AND AIR-CONDITIONING! Rejoice ye nerds, rejoice! So have some pics: See how sexy, yeah I know your feet are already feeling better. Format: 1850 points - all supplements (Escalation, Stronghold Assault, Data Slates, and who knows what else they will release between now and then) - all codices (including Imperial Knights, DUH) - Forge World (anything 40k approved) I know, crazy right? well thats what we do best, let the cat out of the bag and see if anyone can catch it. I don't want to play any of that crazy stuff? Why can't I just wipe out marine armies with TauDar…. This is a legitimate question and we want to make sure that everyone has great games and enjoys the event. To that end we will be doing what we can to separate players based on their lists (probably by having a bracket system) to ensure that they play other lists of comparable game level. We will not be banning units or instilling a comp system, but try to break players into groups that are on equal power levels. The Brawl will also be taking a turn away from the standard Grand Tournament format and drive more towards an event, with more goals and objectives for players that exists outside the normal game format. We want this to be a weekend of awesome. Awesome games Awesome armies Awesome beer Awesome friends You get the idea. Please feel free to share your ideas/thoughts/complaints. Happy hunting, Alexander and some parting shots This is Kharn and his Berzerkers This is Kharn after the White Scars fire
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