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Everything posted by alexcragg

  1. Well we haven't tried to branch out from the 40k even yet, the club doesn't have the resources to do two events at the same time. Maybe in the future we'll be able to do a big Sigmar tournament.
  2. 2000 please We don't need OFCC to change anymore than it has!
  3. This is so hot! How the heck are you going to tell the squads apart? Also the palanquin needs more nurglings to fill out the bottom base.
  4. Are the arms and legs from the Maggoth Lord kit?
  5. That is BRILLIANT, I am totally stealing this idea :)
  6. You still taking HOG applications? It may be hard to organize from out here in Pennsylvania .... I am hoping to muster resource to fly out and play this year
  7. Hey all, I just wanted to share my thoughts on Favorite Army here before we get anything else started - because I think that is one of the best parts of OFCC. While I understand why there was no player voting in 2016 I believe that was a mistake, while it prevented 1 army from running away with the votes and carrying a whole team I feel like it left something out of the OFCC experience. The best part of OFCC for me has always been walking the room and seeing all the awesome armies people put together, without that time set aside there was no one clear point in which armies were all on display for people to view - and that was a shame, there were several armies I never got a good look at because they were not set up when I was perambulating about venue. I would like to see a return to Favorite Army voting with a change - the vote's should be for a TEAM, not one army, but a team. That doesn't mean the team needs a big unified display (but it helps) or a theme (also helps) but as this is a team event I don't see why we wouldn't be able to judge our favorite paint/model/display across a whole team as opposed to individual armies. Thanks And I am looking forward to whatever gets cooked up this year, regardless of how it's scored or whatnot!
  8. Any updates on this years HOGs? Just wondering whose balls I need to massage to get my 40k list approved.
  9. Sure, but I feel like if you are dumping points into expensive marines that are 'meh' in close combat you don't need incentive to go into close combat. I prefer the flexibility of the ObSec Warband. And ObSec havocs lumbering around with relentless is awesome! Or driving around in a rhino, firing two autocannons out the hatch or two melta guns (incase that Knight gets close).
  10. Can't argue with most of that, except you get Fearless and Feel No Pain on all your dudes with Veterans of the Long war. 16 point marines: T5, Feel no Pain, Fearless and Relentless (drive around in rhinos and shoot auto-cannons). No blight grenades or Plague Knife. really solid
  11. So why are you sticking with Plague Marines? You get almost the same value out of Nurgle Marines for 16 points instead of 24
  12. Thanks! It's the 4th time I have based this army since 2007, and I think I finally found a scheme worth keeping. Now I just need to do the rest of my CSM, thankfully their new book has me excited to actually play them again.
  13. Took me a while to figure out how to add photos, silly archaic forum interfaces.
  14. Thanks to this thread I got my CSM rebased in a day - 52 marines in under 6 hours. Thanks dude!
  15. Thanks for running a great event this year.
  16. Brohan will gladly except Glow in the Darks challenge on behalf of DMB!
  17. Are you okay with battlescribe files that have been converted to PDFs? That's what a few of my folks did
  18. No, vehicles are pretty well detailed in the rulebook as needing 25% cover. This is poor wording from the FAQ and will hopefully be cleaned up in the final version.
  19. My issue: Every single rule change. By tamping down on a few 'broken' issues then proceeding to exploit all the 'broken' things left in the game I feel that Frontline game ENCOURAGES what I considers Beardy lists : Lists designed to exploit gray areas or just plain abusive nonsense. FAQ is one thing - amateur game design based on the whims of Bob and Steve doesn't interest me.
  20. Damn, I don't know if I have ever been accused of being eloquent before. Maybe I should write more stuff at 5:30 am O.o
  21. I have long since accepted that somehow the ITC format has become the 'tournament standard' in this region. As a TO it is nice to have a FAQ to reference to answer odd questions about codicies you aren't familiar with - and the assumption is the FAQ is neutral and well thought out. The ITC has gone from FAQ to Warhammer 40k.2.1.1 I have enough difficulty keeping up with SOME of the published rules for this game, and have no time to constantly keep up with the 'fixes' being wrought by Frontline game. I think their hearts started in the right place, but it's bloated into a mess. My real issue with the ITC is it ENCOURAGES beardy players and lists. Instead of fostering a community of respect and evenhandedness they go out of their way to make the game even MORE complicated and their changes and restrictions don't make the game have a lower power ceiling, it just changes the shape of that ceiling. I hate Invisibility, it is easily the worst thing in the game in my opinions - but I play it as is because the rulebook is neutral and we all paid $85 for it. The fixes to the game issues start with the players, not the rule set. OFCC should be an event where players self moderate without adhering to Bill&SteveHammer. But what do I know? I still play with one codex at a time and use a CAD. Thats my 2 cents
  22. Okay, good. I got worried there for a second!
  23. So the team event is going to follow the ITC format and be 1850 points?
  24. Damn it! This is the internet, I demand answers now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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