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Posts posted by Threejacks

  1. 2 hours ago, paxmiles said:

    So is the idea that this book REPLACES the current General's Handbook, or that it ADDS to the existing General's Handbook? Description isn't really clear and GW requiring players to buy 2 books seems just as likely as them requiring players to just replace their 1 book with another 1 book....

    Its a replacement,,expect a replacement every year.

      Im probably going to do the digital this time to save a few bucks,,,a very few bucks,heh


  2. It was stated during the early announcements for the new 40k that they will be doing "inexpensive books" at release as the app wont be ready at that time.So yeah,im hoping for an app before years end.

      Keep in mind that it will likely have a small monthly fee(like the AoS version does) if you want to use it as your army builder,but seeing as its all I use now for AoS im pretty sure most everyone that has a device will pay the small fee for it.In the couple of games of nu40k ive played so far,the biggest thing slowing me down was looking up dataslates....I have all my current AoS builds on the app and its no more than 1-2 clicks away for any scroll:)


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  3. 16 hours ago, Ish said:

    Wasn't a "once a month" casual league being considered at Guardian?

      I think Pax mentioned something was going to start up out of the Warmachine group there..otherwise I am contemplating starting a once a month Friday evening thing as ive ran in the past.Probably starting in August:)


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  4. Finally got a game in yesterday, SW vs the new Death Guard,gonna try Blood Angels vs Deathguard today(hopefully).These were 1k armies.

      I was very curious to see just how different nu40k is from AoS and my first impression is that it has captured all of the ease of play elements of AoS and yet has maintained what was needed to keep the futuristic combat of 40k seperate from the "ancient" type warfare of Fantasy.Its not a huge difference but enough to make them feel seperate in how they play.I think alot of this comes from how the combat phase is different in that the nu40k version is very basic,using pretty much the same targeting principle as previous editions were as in AoS there is differing base sizes and weapon ranges to deal with that make for a much more tactical approach to how you charge an enemy and add in new units and or retreat units from combat.40k though being mainly a shooting game with all armies having at least some access to some solid killing power at range,has taken what I like about AoS and pretty much spread it out over dozens of inches of board space.I like this differing type of game play using this ruleset.

      Not having to worry about my characters getting sniped is very nice..Im actually hoping something is done to tone down this "tactic" in the next AoS GH.Still though as the battleline flows throughout a game,one still needs to keep in mind potential trickery by fast movers hoping over and getting behind for character snipes.Jump troops in combat can also jump over during pile in and possibly get to a character.

      Flyers are going to be part of alot of armies especially those that can hover,its great that they are now only -1 to hit but this extra vulnrability doesnt really put much of a dent into their new utiility.

      Smite is pure awesome,,,all elite troops need to be aware of casters in the midst of melee`s,,smite will ruin your day,,I can even see some potential mortal wound lists with this,,need to see what other spells are out there for mortal spaming,heh.

      Unit synergies is still very strong as it is in AoS.I ran a couple of blobs of Poxwalkers(20 each) and neither was large enough to hold a unit of 10 Bloodclaws with a buff from a nearby Wulfen unit(+1 attacks each) .Actually the Wulfen are very nasty now and probably a must take in any SW list.I was banking on the 5+ resiliance save for the poxwalkers along with the occasional kill to bring back a model,,but it wasnt even close to effective.Poxwalkers really need to have Typhus in their midsts.

      Psykers are very nice,I can see at least two sources of casting in my lists.Spells that debuff a units hit rolls from range are awesome,,as with ones that debuff shots going into friendly units.Its these abilities that put the stop to those who build lists of massed punitive shooting like the conscript spam so many are fearing.


      I was planning to start the new edition with my SW and from a competative standpoint,that would probably be a wise thing to do.BUT!..im not wise and often quite the goofball when it comes to the games I play so I have changed over to the new Death Guard.I have yet to do any of the Nurgle armies in AoS and this seems like the perfect opportunity to do a putrid army,,,im right at home with it too being a plumber as others peoples detritus is my "passion" so to speak and I make a fairly good living at it:biggrin:
    Im also hoping Death Guard get more release attention being since they seem to be in the same postion the Khorne Goretide was at the AoS release.




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  5. 4 hours ago, peter.cosgrove said:

    GG has 2 leagues on wednesday. Tournament and casual. The prizes are across the board, warlord, painting, sportsmanship, and play. There is a prize draw at the end of the month and you can only win 1 item. When you win you get 2 tickets, the other player gets 1, 5 tickets for overall wins, painting, sportsmanship. Generally there are 5-8 prizes per league each month depending on how many people in the league.

      I may be joining the league,,finally,,been meaning to get into it for years but 6th and 7th sapped my desire to play.Probably going to hold off till after OFCC though.



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  6. 23 minutes ago, Dusldorf said:

    Actually the recent developers commentary was very clear that you can use power levels or points in whatever mission you want. 

      Thats good to hear:)

      Im actually thinking that PL will be the mainstay in a few years if not sooner as this is what GW would like to see.Its much easier for new players to grasp and in the long run,with this new more streamlined and dare I say "simplified" version of the rules,,,its not likely to make alot of difference balance wise playing points vs PL.Sure,there are a few rare instances were an army can really take advantage of the PL system,Deathwatch for example.But  my son and I were puting together 1k lists last night to match up over the weekend..between Space Wolves,Death Guard and Blood Angels,,they are all within one PL point of each other.Ive also seen on fb were players have done spreadsheets for the various armies and came up with,what basically amounts to armies ranging from an average of 21.25 points to PL to 23 points per PL...certainly not scientific but still shows theres not a huge difference.

      Its also likely the main reason why when GW came out with the official AoS points, they didnt do individual wargear point values and I hope they never do.

  7. 14 minutes ago, Ish said:

    I think you're looking at it backwards. It's more that Matched Play only works with the few specific missions designed for it.

    Power Level and Narrative Themed armies are more open to missions that might not be balanced well (or indeed might be deliberately unbalanced), Matched Play armies intended to be used more for the narrowly designed, better balanced missions.

    Yeah I see were ya coming from,,,just was wondering about,if using PL was noted in the rules for matched play.I can see the instance were im all,"hey lets try a matched play scenario using PL" but is countered by ."Noooo!,,cuz ROOLS!

      Im on that only does the competative scenarios because thats all that most others want to play,,I always prefer the more casual sessions with casual type scenarios such as Narrative in 40k or Published Tome Battleplans in AoS.Doing the same few scenarios over and over gets old fast for me,so im always wanting to try a new approach,heh.


  8.   Was just reading through the matched play rules..I dont see any provision to use PL for the points system in Matched play,Certainly it could be done but it seems perhaps that the PL system is supposed to be just for narrative and open play.

      I suppose its safe to assume that the Matched play system was not tested using PL and instead only tested using the included points system.

      On the other side of it though,,some of the Open play and Narrative scenarios seem really fun using the PL system to balance the games:)


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  9. 2 hours ago, WestRider said:

    I like the Power Level system as long as no one's trying to abuse it. So, friendly games where there's no reason for anyone to abuse it. But it heavily favours Units with lots of Wargear upgrades available over Units that don't really have many options other than adding Models, if you put effort into abusing it. The Matched Play Points System is probably the better choice for competitive environments.

    Part of the reason that the AoS system works better than Power Levels do for 40K is that most Units in AoS have fewer options, and fewer still that aren't "standard" option. I don't think there's anything that has the kind of wildly swinging range of power based on upgrades that, say, DeathWatch Marines or Inquisitorial Acolytes or Renegade Knights, have.

     Yeah,the "included equipment" part would actually work well for a sort of sideboarding in between games.This is one thing we allow in AoS though very few people use..example taking a unit of Orruks with SnB ,but having the same size unit in your sidebord with Spears..the army point total doesnt change in between games but players can swap out units for a more specialized approach in this case a more tanky unit vs a more killy one.


      For a 40k Power Level event the same idea can be employed with players having the options of switching out a model.units loadout in between rounds perhaps to help even out what otherwise would be a lopsided matchup.

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  10. Power levels are basically the same as A.O S points system..works very well too...for that game.


       I am totally up for power level points events ,though they will have to use a series of scenarios designed for that system..likey using the war zone rules as well.Other than that,points are the designed system for competitive play,as stated by G.W.


  11. I ended up getting the Chaos enhanced edition even though I had the Imp1 Standard tablet one,,wanted to see the differences.


      Enhanced is nice for list building but yeah,,the link spam can get annoying at times,,in the long run most will have those weapon stats memorized anyway.Since I use Android and IoS,,ill probably just stick with the epub/IoS standard issues.


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    31 minutes ago, Lord Hanaur said:

    I won both games but it is true that my list was a "7th Edition list" as you say.  The Tau Empire were one of the two games I mentioned playing and it was against them that the melee issue was as pronounced as it was.  In fact it would seem that the main positive impact of this brave new world falls to "lesser" combatants because...simply put...they are units that would otherwise be dead...but aren't.  I killed 5, he rolled a 3, he lost one more and fell back.  half the unit still alive and screening.  Repeat.  Repeat.  Repeat.

    You can see how much longer it would take to finish units this way.  Two whole turns for a dedicated melee unit to wipe a single Tau Fire Warrior Squad?  and lord forbid if he rolls the 6 for leadership because he auto-succeeds on a 6!  It's kind of a thing.

    I cannot wait to try playing my IG this way.  Lol.  It's just too hilarious to contemplate after what i saw against tau Empire.

     Got me thinking Poxwalker spam is gonna be a thing.This very thing using Skellies,Zombies or Horrors is a thing in AoS


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  13. 3 base CP to start with??....ahh didnt catch that,,I should probably read to the r00ls! ,lol

     Yeah,TWC are indeed WG now:)

     Though I didnt go for Arjac in the main build,,possibly a good sideboard choice though,,if players latch onto that idea of course.




  14.   Battlescribe is fairly up to date now,,though ive found a few missed items in the SW entries.Overall very usable.

      Anyhow heres what I have so far.Its certainly not optimized but it contains some fun stuf to play:)

       I dont have it divided into the Outrider detatchement yet but the list will have 4 CPs to work with using a Battalion and Outrider.

     Im trying to take advantage of the synergies with Wulfen and Bloodclaws,though im not sure the best way to get the Wulfen across the field,,I am running the unit with 3 SS`s so plenty of resiliance to harder hitting shots but still vunlrable to getting spammed down.Running Logan on the Sled is still not optimal but the game is more forgiving now to that stuff..kinda wish he only had 9 wounds instead of 12 though,,cuz sniping with big guns and all.

      Also trying to take advantage of the new transport rules by loading up the Stormwolf and shooting across the board for second turn face time,,certainly all chickens in one basket kind of thing but ill be providing lots of high priority stuff to choose from on the first turn rush.Trying out the new Primaris troops as well,,actually I think alot of players will be using these base line guys,not customizable but 5 for 100 points with beefed up Bolters,2 attacks each base and  the big difference TWO wounds apiece:,,rather point efficient I think,,though cant be transported so theres that too.

     Hope this file comes through


    Space Wolves 1.0.html

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