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Posts posted by MexicanNinja

  1. I actually want to play against that list with my dwarf list. The only shooting threat is from the chariot. Heck' I'd play against that list with my dark elf cab list. The blackguard and corsairs aren't elite combat units and the black guard will attract missile fire and redirectors from anyone with experience.


    I really want to play against this list so I can witness the power!

  2. I hesitate to post because I think the reactions and point/counterpoint going on in this thread is making things worse not better and its entrenching people in their opinions!

    I'll PM you an example but you have to promise not to build it and then stomp me with it ;)

    Just like I responded in the PM, that list is mute because it didn't make the minimum comp requirement. If the list doesn't meet the minimum comp requirement for OFCC, the OTT list doesn't meet the challenge.
  3. I challenge anyone to make and post an OTT Eternity King list. Y're not going to see The Eternity King at this event. I made a sample Eternity King list usinmg the Eternity King for BSB and I had a comp score of 0.2. That was without witches, multiple units of dark riders, executioneers, and anything else that mattered.


    As for some of the examples. NtK, when was the last time you played against a unit of 15 warlocks? They will get hit too hard with comp for that unit to be at OFCC.


    The comp pack is restricting End Times armies and good luck getting the "suped" up characters in the lsits. Remember, there is still a minimum comp score each person needs to hit, and then there's the minimum team comp score which needs to be achieved.


    I seriouslly doubt anyone needs to worry about OTT End Times for OFCC.

  4. It is true, the blocks are hard to kill, but a good general will feed them junk, avoid them, and hex them to a halt.


    I have a single Rune of Spell Breaking.




    At the same time, your opponent isn't getting points for the unit unless they kill it. The copters should help you with clearing their chaff. Have you tried a double breaker list? Are you using ranger darts to stop enemy vanuard moves? I've been using 2 units of 6 and that seems to help with stopping opponent vanguards and with clearing certain chaff.


    however, you're a smart general. I'm sure you'll formulate a solid game plan with your army before the wrath.

    • Like 2
  5. I don't think you're giving your slayers enough credit. Think of them as experienced squigs. They're unbreakable, and when you kill them there's a chance they do more wounds. You think elves want to fight them?


    I think your biggest challenge is going to be avoidance armies, and armies who can hex them to nothing.


    How many dispel runes are you packing?

    • Like 1
  6. thanks so much guys! got through 2 of them yesterday and learned quite a bit.  ill research the rest tonight!

    The painting clinic has a lot of stuff, it may take you a while to find what you're looking for; however, a lot of the stuff he does isn't expert level stuff. It just takes practice. It helped me out big time. I would recommend watching his dark elves stuff. Really amazing stuff there.


    Also, he uses the Vallejo line which I have found to be much better quality paints compared to gw. The mixing is much easier, the paints don't dry out as fast, more colors to chose from, but I still really like the washes and technicals from gw.

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