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Posts posted by MexicanNinja

  1. The change to the normal rules for breaking fortitude is more for event and/or tournaments.  That is the worst mission, without the modification, for events and/or tournaments.  You could lose on turn 1 (if you had your Slaan, who is also a BSB, and your other banner) if you miscast, got sucked in the warp, and killed the unit.  You could also end up failing 2 leadership tests with a cavalry unit (brets) and lose 2 banners, a general, and possibly a bsb, if they run off the table.  It's because of those random things in which this particular mission needs to be modified.  With the modification, you still want to break your opponents fortitude first, but at the same time it allows you both to continue playing and capture more victory points. 


    Question, how were you able to get 2 dispel scrolls?

  2. The key here is to stop being so absolutist about everything.  Saying that witches or corsairs are garbage is about as wrong headed as saying red or blue suck.  Witches are a far more offensive unit and care very little about what they're fighting because they're not paying for armor either way while corsairs allow DE to play a more defensive game (saying DE can't produce an excellent defensive game is a bit...daft).


    There is no winning argument when things are this subjective.  Pick the unit that best fits your play style and stop pretending like other just as successful stratagems are somehow lesser to your own especially with something as grey area as witches VS corsairs.


    That's an awesome statement.  I did very specifically state in my second post that I BELIEVE, not that it was a fact.  I only posted my opinion and nothing since that post has made me change it.  I am strictly stating my opinion.  Again, in MY OPINION, I don't think witches are that good.


    However, to take it further, I haven't seen a single dark elf player use witches with the new book.

  3. I have q theory on zombies ... One IoN a round will see them swell quote tast why pay for more.

    Fair enough.  The rare situation, I only see two, would be the double trebs from Bretonnia and the double stone throwers from Dwarfs on first turn blasting the unit beyond look out sir rolls.  However, I totally see your point and fully understand, as an ex vamp player, the IoN being more than sufficient to keep the unit going all game.


    I like the list, it's deceiving.  If you know vampires, you know this list could actually work with successful results.  If you don't know vampire counts, you may underestimate the list until the first 2 IoN's go off.


    I don't know how I missed this.  I would suggest taking the flaming banner off the blood knights.  With all the loan characters out there with access to a dragon helm, a single character could hold that unit in place all game.  I know it's mainly for all the regen stuff out there, and yes there is a lot of it, but I see this as a problem more than a benefit.


    The hexwraiths should be your go to units for locking a regening monster/unit in place.  Being ethereal, you really only need to be worried about getting a wound or 2 through to win combat.

  4. Yeah, 4 units of dogs is unwieldy. I think I may add 8 more to the ghouls with those points...


    The zombies with luck will never see combat. I'm tempted to drop the.necromancer and coach for a strigoi ghoul king, but that is counter to my plan.


    Wish there was a hero level strigoi.

    Although one heavy hitting infantry unit wouldn't kill me.


    I was suggesting a little more zombies because if they are the bunker for your casters then they may see more template shooting.

  5. I think you have enough flank support (varghulf, knights, coach, and bats).  Here's what I would do:


    Drop a unit or two of dogs to get that ghoul unit up to a little more power.  Even with IoN, that unit is going to crumble to fast.  If you're not wanting smash mouth numbers, maybe just a unit size of 30.  Or, go 25 and add some more bodies to the zombie unit (nothing wrong with more zombies for the list you have).  I'd also suggest to try to get another bat in that unit (if you are able to).


    I love the theme, maybe drop the level 2 necromancer to get some points to beef up some units.  Also, since you are going for smaller unit sizes, have you thought about the vampire ability to heal up bats and wolves?  That would fit what you are trying to do very well.


    I think, IMO, you only need minor tweaks to a few units (just for a little more size). 

  6. Yes, they can get a heavy volume of attacks.  If you put a cauldron in that unit, you don't get nearly that many attacks.  They will also attract all the template shooting and low strength shooting your opponent has.  You will have to spend 2 turns crossing the table (if your opponent sets up correctly) because that unit has to engage the enemy as fast as possible.  Now, if you send in one redirecter, that's another turn spent reforming into position.


    Again, I think they are horrible unless you have hellbrone in the unit.


    As far as core go, corsairs and darkshards are much better options, IMO.  Corsairs have a 4+ save, and darkshards can prodcue missile-fire and with shields they grant you a 5+ armour save (from both ranged and close combat attacks) and get a 6+ parry save.

  7. Nope, I will never include witches or sisters of slaughter into my dark elf army.


    1) I think witch elves are horrible, unless you take hellbrone and a cauldron.  With just a cauldron the character dies to any character kitted for combat survivability.  With the rest of the unit, the same thing is mostly true.  Sure, they get a lot of attacks; however, if they are in horde formation then the standard 5 wide units deny them half the attacks.  Sure, you have ASF and murderous prowess, but you're still only S3.  Not going to make much of a difference to knights or other infantry with T4 and at least a 4+ save.  Then, you get monstrous cav in the mix...good luck witches!


    2) Sisters are really great at what they do, but they have no survivability outside of close combat, compete with warlocks in the rare slot, and again, are still only S3.  I really love what they could do once they get to the flank of an enemy (but honestly, it's not as easy to get flank and/or rear charges in 8th).

  8. NtK:


    Terrain is much more significant than the previous editions.  They have a lot of random elements to them.  More terrain is used on the table, and buildings are much more tactical than they once were.


    As for you prophetess/damsel:


    I would suggest, like stated above, to put your lord level caster on a horse in a unit of errants with crown of command.  You now have a cheap knight unit with stubborn.  The prohpetess is safe in the back rank, she would still get a 2+ look out sir roll to pass the wound onto someone else (who would have a 5+ ward at this time).  I would then stick your level 2 with prayer icon in your unit of MAA to get them the blessing.


    As for the lores, this is all about how you want to play your Bret's.  I tried life at first and then quickly switched to beasts on both wizards.  This pretty much garaunteed that my level 2 would get transformation (that thing saves the day for MAA combats).  Also, with the sig spell and access to savage beast of horros on your mobile level 4, you can increase the fighting capabilities of your characters/knights past the initial round of combat.


    I ran the following characters:

    Lord, prophetess, damsel, 5 paladins (1 went with the lord in a unit of KoTR, 2 went with another KoTR, 2 operated as solo paladins with just lance and shields).  I used the 2 solo paladins because they were actaully able to hurt things (unlike the yeomen).  Prophetess went in a unit of KE (to act as an anvil for my other two units), and damsel joined the MAA for the blessing.


    Again, I was extremely character heavy, but in my experience with Bretonnia, you need the S5 characters in those units for combat rounds after the 1st.  Without the characters, there is little to no combat effectiveness (in the way of killing other models w S3 attacks).

  9. It may fit your list more, you have the drop pod assault going for you.  I was running mine forward with a Dreadknight.  With the right support elements in place, they may see less fire priority.  I just lost faith in them since the meta changed to "who shoots better and a longer range".

  10. Meh, white dwarf magazines have been dead to me since around 2008ish.  No loss to me.  I get more info from the interwebs than from that paper-weight.  The battle reports went to poop many many moons ago, the hobby section...wait, there isn't one any longer, and the updates for upcoming models isn't neccessary any longer.

  11. To answer your question about magic:


    There is no easy answer here.  What I could do is point you towards a certain post I made awhile back.




    I did a short write-up called spell-casting 101.  Check it out, the worst thing that happens is that you gained nothing from the short read.


    What I can say about the Slann, they are just not the same casting machine they once were.

  12. Yes, McNathanson, I 100% agree on the roll-off.  I will state though, as I did in my original post, this would be an extremely rare occurance and I don't see this used by many ordo players:


    1) Chaos warrior basket with 3 characters

    2) Doombull/non-gorebull bsb in mino unit

    3) Bretonnian characters forming a single unit.


    Heck, when I was playing Bretonnian's I had 1 lord and 5 paladins; however, I used 2 of them as solo paladins instead of using 2 units of yeomen.  That, and the whole point of the other 4 characters was for combat effictiveness in the units of knights of the realm.


    Next time I meet with Raindog I am going to bring an FAQ used by the Master's.  They have addressed many things GW has not, this issue being one of them.  After reading over their FAQ, it addresses many things GW has neglected and I believe it's a great "in-additon to" FAQ.

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