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Posts posted by Atules

  1. On 7/27/2021 at 5:35 PM, Akylas said:


    I've only played the previous edition starter set and am interesting in getting more into AOS. Would this be a good way to get into the game and new edition? I'm happy enough to lose but wouldn't want to drag things down as a new player.

    Yeah of course! We're pretty casual players and looking to build the community. We still have time between now and when the league starts so a bunch of us are just painting our armies and getting a few games in to get familiar with the rules. If that's your speed then come join us on Red Castle Games Discord and say hi! https://discord.gg/875RwTZ

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  2. AoS Escalation League


    This league is meant to introduce new and old players to Age of Sigmar 3rd edition. It is meant to be a friendly and inviting environment for people to learn and to cultivate the AoS community. The escalation league will start on September 18th and be held at Red Castle Games. Time TBD.


    This league will be held over 6 weeks. Matches will be based on a round robin. This will allow everyone a chance to play with one another. There will be an official weekly meetup to play the match. However, if either player can not attend they may set up a day within the allotted week to play their game. Each player will coordinate either through Red Castle Discord or by other means and report the results to the event organizer by the last day of the round.

    NOTE: There will be no make-up rounds in this league. All matches must be completed and reported by the Sunday of round end. Players may forfeit matches to have their opponent receive full combat points. If neither player wishes to concede, the match will be considered a tie, with each player receiving one combat point. Any league participant who does not play their match for two rounds in a row will be dropped from the league.

    Round One - 600 pts: September 18th

    Round Two - 750 pts: September 25th

    Round Three - 1000 pts: October 2nd

    Round Four - 1000 pts: October 9th

    Round Five - 1500 pts: October 16th

    Round Six - 1500 pts: October 30th


    Matches in each round will add to your overall score. Match scoring is as follows:

    Win - 3 points

    Tie - 1 point

    Loss - 0 points


    Each round, the scenario to be used for all league games will be published in the Red Castle Discord AoS channel. Rounds One and Two will be played on a 33” x 44” table, while Rounds Three - Six will be played on a 44” x 60” table.

    Scenarios are considered to be Matched Play games. Pitched Battle battleplans will be the basis for each scenario.


    Round 1 and 2 no restrictions to army building other than not going above the max points of your army. After round 2 we will adhere to the General Handbook 2021

    • Like 1
  3. Hello everyone!

         With 3rd edition around the corner we have a few things planned to get new and old players together. We are planning an escalation league and paint nights! If you're interested, join us on the Red Castle Games Discord for upcoming details and updates! https://discord.gg/875RwTZ . From there you can choose which channels you'd like to see. We have an Age of Sigmar channel. Come say hi!

  4. 13 minutes ago, deadwing34 said:

    I am thinking about coming out tomorrow. Will I have room to play, I may bring 1 or 2 people as well? I heard you had an amazing turn out last time.

    Yup, you're all welcome to come!

    Oh yeah, it was pretty good. 9 people! It was really cool. I'm finding that we have a good mix of beginners and veterans. Was thinking of splitting the group into veterans and beginners to keep the vets engaged and beginners can go at a slower pace.

  5. 56 minutes ago, Brother Glacius said:

    Ugh, so this just became a whole lot harder to attend. My wife has decided to go back to our church's choir, which has their practice on Thursday nights. That gives me caregiver duty for our daughter. So not impossible, but lots of pieces have to fall into place in order for me to make it now. Definitely has moved me into the "unlikely" category.

    Not a prob! If you're ever looking for a game just hit us up!

  6. 35 minutes ago, Brother Glacius said:

    So are the first games classified as Skirmishes and thus the rule for those are followed?

    For the two meetings at 500 pts we're going to be using the battleplans from the Pitched Battles minus scenery rules and triumphs. The table size will be modified to 3x4 to get armies to engage quicker. The goal of the first month is to try your new units and get comfortable with the rules.

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